The Inverse Theorem of Value__Iff Capitalist System Incentive Mechanics’ Value Is Transferred From Commodities, Goods, Services, Prices, Wages and Profits, to Fiat Money System Law, Real Wealth Can Be Created for All World Citizens…
Hi SB, and in answer to your central question; "How does one behave perfectly morally in a world in which money is required - in which any and every dealing which involves money is (in effect) bad?"(self-perception is deceiving...), It entirely depends on which side of the law one stands on, 'The Moral'__'The Immoral'__'The Amoral'. Look at this again; "The Inverse Theorem of Value__Iff Capitalist System Incentive Mechanics’ Value Is Transferred From Commodities, Goods, Services, Prices, Wages and Profits, to Fiat Money System Law, Real Wealth Can Be Created for All World Citizens…", and please study it closely, as it is the central tenet of the earliest of thought, from the 'Torah', where 'Jehovah/God', was clearly known and thoroughly understood as the 'moral law of the land' of the earliest Jews...
As I stated above it matters most which side of the moral law one stands on, in order to see the spirit of the world's progress, with the truest set of eyes. If one stands on the 'Commodities, Goods, Services, Prices, Wages and Profits' side of the equation, one will always be blinded to the spirit's true mechanics of evolution. One must stand on the 'Fiat Money System Law' side of the equation, and realize it's not as you've always thought, i.e., that it is immoral and amoral. The universal spirit of all's thought is using this same path to guide us toward the final moral law goals, thus the 'Fiat Money System Law' has a moral constitution, which most do not, or will not see__and herein lies the central truth of all evolutionary history of man and his many different law systems'__trials and errors...
We must see thoroughly through this complex system, to it's central simplicity of the theorem I have recently developed, with the help of a continuing epiphany phenomena series, I and many others keep having. The entire facts are given in this new theorem: "The Inverse Theorem of Value__Iff Capitalist System Incentive Mechanics’ Value Is Transferred From Commodities, Goods, Services, Prices, Wages and Profits, to Fiat Money System Law, Real Wealth Can Be Created for All World Citizens…"
Iff, you cross over from the 'immoral visions of law', to the 'moral visions of the amoral law', then all visions and perceptions will be clear__"The doors of perception will be opened, and its windows/lenses will be cleansed..."
Law is not the evil... Law is the good, when made/constructed good...
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