Such data if collected, which has not been yet, can be computer processed into a sound 'Universal Knowledge' of human actions, even projected by sound modeling, out into the future, of course with less accuracy, the further projected into the future, and that's why I'd always suggested 'Sliding Time-Scaled Laws', that are dynamic and capable of changing as new numbers are crunched. Of course some would be repelled by math guiding their futures, but 'Mathematical Futures' are better than 'War Futures'__which we all know we are going to get, if we keep pursuing the non-past and non-future-knowledge route...
These solutions are possible with computers, responsibility and effort...
Here's the military model of processing such massive informations: The same can be used for peaceful purposes...

Explanation of The Triadic Shadow Logic, Used In Above Graphic…
Here’s a recent survey of my deepest thoughts about creative hypothesis logic, known as ‘Abduction’:
Most accept psychology as a valid study of humanity's conditions__I do not. To me psychology is a regress of scientific philosophical logic's long march to find the full scientific truth, of itself and the scientific psychology of the feelings. The trouble all through-out almost all the psychological literature is the simple word uses of; may, suppose, maybe, if and not iff, probably and not probability, possibly and not possibility, non-necessity and not necessity, etc., which forms most of psychology's and sociology's main linguistic texts__and involves far too much conjecture and hear-say. This is far too loose a language for any science to exist in, therefore, even though I also entertain this area of speech, when it's not too blatantly negative against science__I only accept a logic that does not accept psychology proper into its realm__except to talk about the science of psychology, as per my attempts to use Esthetics__The sceince of motives, aims and goals__long established since the Greeks. The reason everything may seem so confusing at times, is the fact, I often am more or less crossing my own borders of linguistic and system uses, to even begin to talk to those who are, imo, far too psychological__which causes problems because I'm always trying to bring those conversations, in the science threads or ideas, back to science's accepted logical norms. That's the war you may sometimes see... Until I can build better bridges between what I knowingly reject, and what I knowingly accept__psychology vs. logic__I am bound to be trapped in the in-betweens of bad communications at times, and there's nothing I can do about that, except self-evolve the bridges__Nature's got control of that__They don't fully exist yet__referred to as the Einstein-Gap, or the J. Herbrand-Gap__The very wise mathematician Gode'l followed__but he died mountain climbing, a year or so before Godel published his famous papers, mainly from Herbrand's papers and letters to Gode'l. Here was one of the real true geniuses of history, hardly anyone even knows existed...
As to my own ideas, just this morning I awoke to the deep pre-suppositional reasoning we all use, knowingly or unknowingly. It's the realization of how 'inductive logic' actually functions, deep in all our pre-thinking processes, we may or may not be fully aware of. That's why I've nick-named it 'Shadow Logic', which is really the triadic logic process C.S. Peirce tried to awake the world to, over 100 years ago. He named it 'Abduction’(published earlier at my thread, with the military uses shown by graph above), and the most famous living philosopher, mathematician, logician__a lifelong scholar of Peirce__J. Hintikka(professor at Boston U., from Finland)__stated; "The greatest goal the modern world has to achieve, is to fully understand abduction." This is the 'shadow logic' I speak of. Put simply__'Abductions are modal inductions, creating deductions, for models, hypotheses, and facts'. In a common language, this would be; 'The thinking taking place in the very backgrounds of all our brains(shadow logic_semi-conscious and non-conscious states, i.e., barely visible if we fully reflect) is a basic triadic+ thought process, of all the infinite constant inflow of information, from all external and internal memory, sensory, imagination, intuition and feelings sources, that is naturally being processed by the triadic modal processes of possibility, probability and necessity__from this infinite creative source, into its finite deductions, we all use in fully-conscious thoughts, ideas, aims and actions, to work up all our models of reality, hypotheses about reality, and all our final beliefs into facts, as knowledge and or even creative wisdom, which is the state of necessity, we all seek__knowingly or unknowingly...
Finally in summing this short piece__Imo, this is the difference between psychologists, sociologists and I, myself… They use a psychology and sociology I reject as far too inaccurate, and I use a logic I'm further trying to define, so it can do the science of both psychology and logic. That's a battleground, even within me__one which must be played out for discovery purposes__the public be damned, at times... Though, I am being able to see between the two opposed schools of thought better__they still are governed by opposite mental state laws, just as Freud, Jung and Husserl long ago stated__as did Peirce__One being too subjective to the other's objectivity of subjectivity...
This may not be too informative, but it's too new to me to be any better__yet...
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