And that’s just what the above graphic implies, and that is it’s all like reason being rationalized to logic, to me, or knowing that; "The rational esthetic necessity of all emotions, is identical to justice and liberty for all of humanity", achieveing the same. I'd say this is also a pretty good analogy of the conceptual processes of perception. And this is the very key to the quantum mechanics of super-positioning I was getting at with my first post and graphic, on this thread, and all that’s been mentioned on ‘East Meets West Logic’, as well. The only scientific way to explain perception's ability to unite right and left hemisphere knowledges and concepts, especially of memory mapping to perception and concepts, is to realize the mind does work as a quantum super-positioning computer, at the photon's, boson's, etc., levels of concept mechanics. So, you Leskey have actually stumbled into the very heart of what I've all along, when I've had the chance to mention it, been talking about__The heart and center of QCD(quantum chromo-dynamics), and the uncertainty principle's true mechanics, by the very rational necessity of memory maintaining the quantum continuum's continuity(wave super-positioning) link(inter-communication abilities) for an entire lifespan__otherwise memory couldn't stay linked to perception at will, all our lives. To me this is the most important realization physics can make. I discovered it about six months ago. Thanks for reminding me what my true mission is__The physics' quantum proofs of rationally necessary unification of all quantum particle/wave/field motions and the physical facts of their actual violation of quantum mechanics and the uncertainty principle...
Iff all can just see the absolutely rational necessity of the memory to conception mapping, to the perception continuum's true continuities, then we've a clear vision inside the entire uncertainty principle and QCD, which at the most innate level, is thoroughly positively continuously linked, throughout our lives. Thus, the uncertainty principle has a certain real mechanical feature positively seeable by us, just as my signature states; "The uncertainty principle is an absolute, finite, universal constant." L.G. And, this is at the same time, a solid violation of the quantum state’s required continuous motions, as thus far scientifically realized and accepted, yet may be the stored state matrix of centered and fixed point(micro-black holes at center of protons…?) motions, for the entire bio-life of us simple beings. And, it’s also a clear violation of not being able to see the momentum and position of the particle wave, when in fact, it absolutely is a rational necessity for it to be permanently stored in a fixed state of no more than a cycloidic angular motion spin state__completely recallable at any desired moment, by the bio-will of innate being__and must be a fixed point state, else how could will know where to find it?(qcd black holes…? Surface of protons, quarks, etc…?) In other words, bio-beings actually have full control over this memory recall aspect of quantum mechanics and what’s been thought to be the uncertainty principle__yet, we certainly do have the power to violate this principle, any moment__at will__by our very own freest of free-wills__to recall almost any past memory state intuition, or almost any memory state concept…
We, as bio-quantum physical beings are pretty amazing. Scientists say we can’t know position and momentum with certainty__yet we daily violate this uncertainty, with the absolute certainty of will, to any action, at any moment we choose, to move the continuum of mind’s storage matter around, from place to place, or memory to perception or concepts__whatever__at will. We are the daily violators of the quantum laws of nature and physics, thus giving us the ability to see the macro results, from the micro actions, of our very own quantum choices. So, lil’ ol’ bio-human choice, all by its lonesome, violates both the laws of quantum mechanics and the uncertainty principle__At the mind’s quantum state level. If this ain’t a rationally necessary proof of violation__I don’t know what is. We have the power, as simple bio-beings, to move space/matter/wave energy motions__At least, at our micro field/matter bio-being levels__and I’m not even counting all our macro bio-being level violations…
I’m looking for serious feedback, in all this quantum mind matrix theorizing__especially since it’s ‘the hard problem’ of most all recent AI scientific philosophical research, as well as most all cognitive psychological AI research. Thanks in advance…
1 comment:
As an alternative to Quantum Theory there is a new theory that describes and explains the mysteries of physical reality. While not disrespecting the value of Quantum Mechanics as a tool to explain the role of quanta in our universe. This theory states that there is also a classical explanation for the paradoxes such as EPR and the Wave-Particle Duality. The Theory is called the Theory of Super Relativity and is located at: Super Relativity This theory is a philosophical attempt to reconnect the physical universe to realism and deterministic concepts. It explains the mysterious.
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