Universal values of nature and naturalism…
The rhetorical triad__’Ethos’, ‘Pathos’, ‘Logos…’
The power of invalid validity…
Private language abstract-beliefs have the validity of existence…
Academics’ and science’s prejudice of universal values…
Science, excluding universal values, excludes science, and invalidates science…
Academics’, excluding universal values, excludes academics, and invalidates academics…
Values, excluding science, exclude values of science…
The mentalities of methods…
Proper and improper methods…
Bad method obliterates judgment…
The experiential method is far too fallible…
The scientific method is far less fallible…
Prejudiced values vs. prejudiced science…
1. 1st Philosophy__Universal Values__Metaphysics…
2. 2nd Philosophy__Universal Science__Mixed Metaphysics and Particularity…
3. 3rd Philosophy__Particular Science__’Closed Methodology…’
4. 4th Philosophy__Universal Unification Attempts and Failure…
5. 5th Philosophy__Final Unification__’Open ‘Methodicity…’
A New Understanding of Methodology vs. ‘Methodicity…’
If one just carefully looks at how I’ve premised this post from, ‘The Universal Spiritual Geometry of Nature…’ to ‘A New Understanding of Methodology vs. Methodicity…’, one should be able to detect the problem we are all rolling around in here at ToeQuest, in trying to unify ideas, without a proper method to do so. The first ideas to understand are the thus far non-clarity of mentalities’ order of progression in history, which is mentioned last, under the numbered headings. Looking back over history, one would realize mentalities were first organized under a first philosophy of the people’s universal values, or what they early on termed metaphysics, as that was just the natural progression of mentalities’ history.
But, when they started developing particular ideas in depth, they ran into a conflict in their first philosophy, and found they needed to extend its definition and content, to account for particularities, they could not universalize, such as number, etc. So, there began the development of a second philosophy of universal science, which was the mixed ideas of metaphysics and particular sciences__as best they could delve into them, with their early crude instruments, but there shortly there-after set in the great schools battles__of which was the true ideas of the times__which has continued to this very day.
The developed crises of the schools of differing thought required a third philosophy to be born, which was the Greek’s early thoughts of methodology, attributed to Thales__One of the seven sages. Thales is given credit by many Greeks as being the first scientist/philosopher. Of course these are very crude sciences of methodology, but they did work for these early people, and some aspects were quite accurate, such as in astronomy and business. The point is, a methodology was necessary to quell the angered passions between the first philosophy and the second philosophy, of the times__and it was Thales’ methodology of science that served this purpose, which is still with us, with refinements__right to this day.
The problem is, that all through the ages of mentalities’ evolution, no-one truly noticed the damage being incurred to first philosophy’s value system, by third philosophy’s methodology__through the drastic separation and prejudice of the collective schools of thought, against universal values. This has been a slow and encroaching process, so slow, it’s been barely detectable, yet we all feel it__but it’s finally been detected, and is being written about, by several authors around the world. When thoroughly understood, in all its damaging actions, one will become aware of the power of its ability to even destroy our needed judgments of ordering proper civil societies__as has been recorded by Peter Alexander Meyers, titled ‘Method and Civic Education’.
Now that we’ve invented and used this third philosophical method for millennia, we are trying to invent a fourth philosophy of unification, which is ending in failure__Because the systems we are trying to unify are of opposite groundings. That is the first philosophy is of open grounding, or background independence, and the second and third philosophies of science are of a closed methodology and grounding. These three systems put us in the position of the ancient Greeks trying to unite fire and ice. How’s it to be done, when the one always destroys the other…?
This is why I’m suggesting a fifth philosophical system, I’m titling ‘Methodicity’, which is an entirely new method of unification of closed and open systems__or the unification of closed methodology and open methodology. Of course, when one scans the internet, this isn’t a new word, but I’m giving it the special definition job, of uniting the opposites of closed and open systems__that is, the extremes of opposites, into new lucid conceptualisms and common sense__Which I’m really interpreting as no more than ‘Science With Values__True Universal Values...’
This would be my contribution to ‘The Universal Spiritual Geometry of Nature…’ I’ll just let this post sink in a bit, and get back to its implications later. For now, I’d recommend reading the linked article above by, Peter Alexander Meyers, titled ‘Method and Civic Education’… One can not use the old ‘Closed ‘Methodologies’ to unify the world’s many differing ideas__Imo, one must use this new ‘Open ‘Methodicity’, to unify the many differing ideas, of Earth’s many opinions and facts…
“The American Mind” blog is an active research site anyone can use to find the deepest ideas of global change, now taking place. It includes more personal ideas of major macro-economics, cutting edge philosophical ideas, new mathematical and scientific ideas, published over the last few years. The links and articles are up-to-date, often serious articles culled from the web and my own materials, of the most important and pertinent ideas to global economic change, from all eras of history...
Saturday, November 14, 2009
The Crisis of Personal Consciousness and Civic Consciousness...
Everyone wants to write as though they were exempt from our problems of civic consciousness, yet are thoroughly blind to their own personal consciousness crisis. Take a good hard look at Sandoz’s article; It’s about no-one on Earth being exempt from the globes massive problems of histories mentalities of consciousness evolution__This includes the Buddhist who improperly interprets love, as nothing more than the self-love lies of his/her own experiential egos__as well as all educated and academic intellectuals who improperly interpret knowledge, as nothing more than the self-knowledge lies of his/her own ego experiences__No-one on Earth exempt from the self-demon of fallible experiential methods of false knowledges and interpretations of...
It was long ago proved there was only one method to avoid the fallible pitfalls of experiential love of the self-ego__And that just happens to have been the scientific method, put forward by the middle period Persians. We can all indulge our personal Experiences until the ends of our sad lives, but the true light of day will never be encountered__Until one realizes, only the scientific method of grounded proofs is possible of finding and knowing any truths about either personal consciousness or public consciousness__And that takes a great deal of understanding, about “Breaking on through, to the other side”, as mentioned in Jim Morrison’s words. Most are completely unaware of what this truly means__It’s much more than the simple experiential worship of dead gurus and fallacious academics and pseudo-religious leaders. It’s understanding the honest truths within all the lies of these same people__Seeing the real civic consciousness created by these same lies, that actually creates the firm social fabric, which holds all hope and society together__as a functioning social entity.
Yes, the preacher, teacher, academic, intellectual, businessman, lover or and greedomites all have their evil ways and lies, but the point all miss is just what Ellis Sandoz and Kolakowski speak of__That all and extreme important essence spirit of social consciousness, that pervades all societies__In good times, as well as bad times. And, it’s these bad times where the social/civic spirit of nations must be restored__and it won’t be restored by individual over-worship of the personal ego-experiences, when it’s truly the social fabric of instutions and systems that really in need of the repairs. So, throw away the idiosyncratic self-worships of self-egos and all historical egoistic gurus and other such creatures, and see for the first time in your lives__The true civic consciousness…
It was long ago proved there was only one method to avoid the fallible pitfalls of experiential love of the self-ego__And that just happens to have been the scientific method, put forward by the middle period Persians. We can all indulge our personal Experiences until the ends of our sad lives, but the true light of day will never be encountered__Until one realizes, only the scientific method of grounded proofs is possible of finding and knowing any truths about either personal consciousness or public consciousness__And that takes a great deal of understanding, about “Breaking on through, to the other side”, as mentioned in Jim Morrison’s words. Most are completely unaware of what this truly means__It’s much more than the simple experiential worship of dead gurus and fallacious academics and pseudo-religious leaders. It’s understanding the honest truths within all the lies of these same people__Seeing the real civic consciousness created by these same lies, that actually creates the firm social fabric, which holds all hope and society together__as a functioning social entity.
Yes, the preacher, teacher, academic, intellectual, businessman, lover or and greedomites all have their evil ways and lies, but the point all miss is just what Ellis Sandoz and Kolakowski speak of__That all and extreme important essence spirit of social consciousness, that pervades all societies__In good times, as well as bad times. And, it’s these bad times where the social/civic spirit of nations must be restored__and it won’t be restored by individual over-worship of the personal ego-experiences, when it’s truly the social fabric of instutions and systems that really in need of the repairs. So, throw away the idiosyncratic self-worships of self-egos and all historical egoistic gurus and other such creatures, and see for the first time in your lives__The true civic consciousness…
How Does A Particle/Wave See, Hear and Talk To A Particle/Wave…?
1.The fundamental scientific mechanics of logical a priori necessity__First…
2.Logic__The necessary scientific method of mind before thought…
3.Experience and necessity__Action first…
4.Man/Woman/Child__Nature’s only scientifically able creatures…
5. The triadic universal is the scaling agent of the dyadic opposites__into the new common sense...
6.The soul’s invalidity__Its historical evolution to invalidity…
7.Spirit and intuition without geometry is not spirit and intuition…
8.The physiology of logical necessity__Physical organ required…
9.The necessary a priori__Matter first, to contain images/thought…
10.The axiom of necessary liberty…
11.Individual freedom necessitates moral liberty…
12.Mind on a pedestal__No__Logical brain mechanics first…
13.The logical brain/mind mechanics of geometric imaging…
Are we all in a fog of thinking we are grounded, when we are truly not…? What is your fundamental ground__Before first thought…? I think we can explore all of the physical and mental universe, by just honestly answering these questions__And I do mean, all of quantum and relative mechanics, as well as all of brain, mind and thought mechanics__from all emotions to all scientific methods and answers. It’s simply a very short distance from quantum mind to all of quantum and relative physics__as a matter of fact, I’ll simply state, ‘It’s one and the same…’
When physics can answer the title question, we’ll(the general concensus) grant it true ground__But not until… The skeptic holds all the cards in this question alone__and physics, philosophy and psychology will always be out on an invalid limb, until they venture a truly grounded logical answer to this first, and most important fundamental question__Basically, “What is mind, and how does it work…?”
I’ll leave everyone to ponder the question, and the few clues I’ve posted, and return later…
2.Logic__The necessary scientific method of mind before thought…
3.Experience and necessity__Action first…
4.Man/Woman/Child__Nature’s only scientifically able creatures…
5. The triadic universal is the scaling agent of the dyadic opposites__into the new common sense...
6.The soul’s invalidity__Its historical evolution to invalidity…
7.Spirit and intuition without geometry is not spirit and intuition…
8.The physiology of logical necessity__Physical organ required…
9.The necessary a priori__Matter first, to contain images/thought…
10.The axiom of necessary liberty…
11.Individual freedom necessitates moral liberty…
12.Mind on a pedestal__No__Logical brain mechanics first…
13.The logical brain/mind mechanics of geometric imaging…
Are we all in a fog of thinking we are grounded, when we are truly not…? What is your fundamental ground__Before first thought…? I think we can explore all of the physical and mental universe, by just honestly answering these questions__And I do mean, all of quantum and relative mechanics, as well as all of brain, mind and thought mechanics__from all emotions to all scientific methods and answers. It’s simply a very short distance from quantum mind to all of quantum and relative physics__as a matter of fact, I’ll simply state, ‘It’s one and the same…’
When physics can answer the title question, we’ll(the general concensus) grant it true ground__But not until… The skeptic holds all the cards in this question alone__and physics, philosophy and psychology will always be out on an invalid limb, until they venture a truly grounded logical answer to this first, and most important fundamental question__Basically, “What is mind, and how does it work…?”
I’ll leave everyone to ponder the question, and the few clues I’ve posted, and return later…
A Ten Year Model Of Change...
The Inverse Theorem of Value__Iff Capitalist System Incentive Mechanics’ Value Is Transferred From Commodities, Goods, Services, Prices, Wages and Profits, to Fiat Money System Law, Real Wealth Can Be Created for All World Citizens…
Substrate / | \ Superstrate
Moral Science / | \ Contract Science
Mind / | \ Anti-Mind
Metaphysics / | \ Epistemics__Extra-Rational Thought / | \ Rational Thought
The God of How Much Information Man Can Process, Against Collected Information__Geo-Bio-Resistance to Bio-Processing
China's Dead Debt Stabilizes Her Live Debt
Pseudo-education has geared us to look at and into the substrate to procure our wants and needs, while in fact, all this does is produce a super-structure__We now know is destroying the entire living system. For millennia the substrate of the human soul has sustained us well, but now we have reached the pinnacle/apex of its proper functioning__where what's stored in the innate human soul is now castrating our intellectual intelligence. This is why I'm concentrating so much on the superstrate's influence over the substrate.
What we've inadvertently never looked at, is how the innate human soul scientifically functions__yet this is possible, if one just takes the time to look. I'm simply talking about when mind becomes anti-mind, with the evolution of complexity, due to nature's natural resources being depleted__to the point innate human mind and soul must change__or die. The substrate of human soul no longer serves the purpose it did__when resources were plentiful__yet the same superstrate information entered into soul, memory and intellect is not changing on a large enough mind domain, due to battles between minds and anti-minds, metaphysics' extra-rational thought, and epistemics' rational thought__and the even greater battles between moral science and contract science.
This is all being controlled by the God of how much information man can process, against all the collected information controlled by and controlling him__through the greater geo-bio-resistance 'god' to his bio-processing abilities, and all being reflected back into these bio-minds__through the superstrate's superstructure process of China's dead debt stabilizing her live debt processes__against our pseudo-school's outdated substrate interpretations of. China's leading the way with over thirty+ years of government/market integrations__while the West's lost substrate soul and mind tries to figure the entire mess out__without realizing it must process soul and mind as China does__Superstrate to substrate and back to superstrate, on and on, again and again. It's the old 'I Ching' middle way, just as ProfPat has posted about their Trigrams__The triadic understanding rules the world, as it's always looking at the world holistically, when power is not blinded, by over-concentrations on the substrates of pseudo-educations' falsehoods...
We'd soon better awake to the proper soul and mind functions of the superstrate into the substrate__then back out to the new super-structures that are truly being built right in front of our own very blind eyes__China is attempting a 5th generation environmental policy. That means skipping the industrial mess of the West. Of course, right now, it doesn't look too promising, as they are truly the dirtiest nation on Earth__But at least, that's the multi-year plan of the central planning committee. At the least, they are beginning to open their triadic eyes...
Substrate / | \ Superstrate
Moral Science / | \ Contract Science
Mind / | \ Anti-Mind
Metaphysics / | \ Epistemics__Extra-Rational Thought / | \ Rational Thought
The God of How Much Information Man Can Process, Against Collected Information__Geo-Bio-Resistance to Bio-Processing
China's Dead Debt Stabilizes Her Live Debt
Pseudo-education has geared us to look at and into the substrate to procure our wants and needs, while in fact, all this does is produce a super-structure__We now know is destroying the entire living system. For millennia the substrate of the human soul has sustained us well, but now we have reached the pinnacle/apex of its proper functioning__where what's stored in the innate human soul is now castrating our intellectual intelligence. This is why I'm concentrating so much on the superstrate's influence over the substrate.
What we've inadvertently never looked at, is how the innate human soul scientifically functions__yet this is possible, if one just takes the time to look. I'm simply talking about when mind becomes anti-mind, with the evolution of complexity, due to nature's natural resources being depleted__to the point innate human mind and soul must change__or die. The substrate of human soul no longer serves the purpose it did__when resources were plentiful__yet the same superstrate information entered into soul, memory and intellect is not changing on a large enough mind domain, due to battles between minds and anti-minds, metaphysics' extra-rational thought, and epistemics' rational thought__and the even greater battles between moral science and contract science.
This is all being controlled by the God of how much information man can process, against all the collected information controlled by and controlling him__through the greater geo-bio-resistance 'god' to his bio-processing abilities, and all being reflected back into these bio-minds__through the superstrate's superstructure process of China's dead debt stabilizing her live debt processes__against our pseudo-school's outdated substrate interpretations of. China's leading the way with over thirty+ years of government/market integrations__while the West's lost substrate soul and mind tries to figure the entire mess out__without realizing it must process soul and mind as China does__Superstrate to substrate and back to superstrate, on and on, again and again. It's the old 'I Ching' middle way, just as ProfPat has posted about their Trigrams__The triadic understanding rules the world, as it's always looking at the world holistically, when power is not blinded, by over-concentrations on the substrates of pseudo-educations' falsehoods...
We'd soon better awake to the proper soul and mind functions of the superstrate into the substrate__then back out to the new super-structures that are truly being built right in front of our own very blind eyes__China is attempting a 5th generation environmental policy. That means skipping the industrial mess of the West. Of course, right now, it doesn't look too promising, as they are truly the dirtiest nation on Earth__But at least, that's the multi-year plan of the central planning committee. At the least, they are beginning to open their triadic eyes...
The Continuum of True Interpretation and Meaning…
Tried this years ago, when building race-cars__25 concepts of maths --> Process complete functions to the universal operations of race-car under actual track conditions__Near impossible. Also tried many other multiple and variable complex concept maths à Process complete functions, from these particulars to the continuum of universal actuals__Near impossible. Yet used the imaginal intuitive universal side of the mind to visually see the entire particulars’ process in its favorable genericity__Quite accurately…
Worked forty years in Pythagorean and Archimedian geometries, intuitions and logics --> Processed every day, first from intuition, to logic__and finally relied on math__yet could then exceed the maths with my acquired knowledge of the universality’s genericities of the particulars, i.e., exceeding safety capacities, approaching the breaking strengths of the metals worked with. Always in competition with others, to exceed their abilities, without breakage__A razor’s edge use of the universal imaginal intuitive continuum, beyond others’ daring to copy. 40 years of exceeding safety capacities of metals and machinery, and not one breakage__So I well know how intuition and imagination can be pushed beyond all recognized safety margins. I mention this as examples of how efficient the guessing universal continuum of mind actually can be__Herein lies the center of creative imagination…
Yet, I never could have accomplished that record of non-breakage without respecting the basic geometries and maths involved, then further calculating to the edge of its breaking strengths, with intuitive guessing maths, to ride that razor’s edge. I did this in all fields of endeavor, which were many, cars, boats, motorcycles, cranes, snowmobiles, airplanes and guns, etc… Even in the most punishing area of racing both roundy-round and drag, I never threw a rod, yet won many state and local championships in all these areas. Looking back over my life, those calculations and successes seem almost impossible to achieve, yet it happened…
So, there’s more to using this universal continuum of intuition, geometry and maths__than first meets the eye and mind… I think we can process all particulars into universals, if we are only willing to push the envelope__It only requires a goal, and a wish to do so__At least that’s my experience. All the above was accomplished with the universality of genericity of the intuitive continuum…
Worked forty years in Pythagorean and Archimedian geometries, intuitions and logics --> Processed every day, first from intuition, to logic__and finally relied on math__yet could then exceed the maths with my acquired knowledge of the universality’s genericities of the particulars, i.e., exceeding safety capacities, approaching the breaking strengths of the metals worked with. Always in competition with others, to exceed their abilities, without breakage__A razor’s edge use of the universal imaginal intuitive continuum, beyond others’ daring to copy. 40 years of exceeding safety capacities of metals and machinery, and not one breakage__So I well know how intuition and imagination can be pushed beyond all recognized safety margins. I mention this as examples of how efficient the guessing universal continuum of mind actually can be__Herein lies the center of creative imagination…
Yet, I never could have accomplished that record of non-breakage without respecting the basic geometries and maths involved, then further calculating to the edge of its breaking strengths, with intuitive guessing maths, to ride that razor’s edge. I did this in all fields of endeavor, which were many, cars, boats, motorcycles, cranes, snowmobiles, airplanes and guns, etc… Even in the most punishing area of racing both roundy-round and drag, I never threw a rod, yet won many state and local championships in all these areas. Looking back over my life, those calculations and successes seem almost impossible to achieve, yet it happened…
So, there’s more to using this universal continuum of intuition, geometry and maths__than first meets the eye and mind… I think we can process all particulars into universals, if we are only willing to push the envelope__It only requires a goal, and a wish to do so__At least that’s my experience. All the above was accomplished with the universality of genericity of the intuitive continuum…
The Universal Inverse Theorems of Value, Information and Knowledge…
Long have we searched for the most grounded ideas to solve the planet’s many problems. Many an education system, technologies, value systems, philosophies and ideas have been developed, cast aside and new methods evolved and tried__But what makes them all inadequate…? The old world tried to universalize knowledge, yet hadn’t enough particular knowledge to complete their job. The middle ages’ world tried to utilize both universal and particular knowledges, yet ended in the many conflicts of the many schools of thought. Today, we try the specializations of all the former schools of thought, almost ignoring the older universal schools of ideas, and the middle ages many debates, and lack of solutions, then and now__while the world wide web evolves toward a new universalization of the many schools of knowledge, almost unrecognized, by the many specialist schools of thinking. Might this all be no more than people’s thoughts just being out of time with the true realities of the whole spiritual and physical evolution…? Mustn’t the solution be what we here at ToeQuest are attempting to do__Create a theory of everything…? And, wouldn’t that everything be recognizing the entire spectrum of uniting the older universal thinking with the middle ages’ particular and universal debates, with the new specializations__being newly united also with the universal design’s evolution of the world wide web’s almost unrecognized process…?
Just let me show one particular instance__Physicists, scientists and many others think that a new energy source will solve most of the world’s problems over-night. Yet, how many truly realize how quickly the world’s major corporations, would turn any new energy source to their own personal ownership and profit__Thus putting the world right back where it was before this new energy source were found or invented…? Imo, it’s always money and law__But, let’s look deep into the values, information and knowledge systems everyone is drawing from, to see if we may find some clues to why people do think out of time with reality…
I’ve heard many speak of emotional and intellectual maturity, but are such states of mind even possible…? My definition of emotional maturity would be to know the emotional intelligences of every human on Earth__Now, is that even possible…? No, of course it’s not, so imo, everyone is required to settle for far less than emotional maturity. Now take intellectual maturity, and again my definition would be to know the intellectual intelligences of every human on Earth__Now, is that even possible…? No of course it’s not, so imo, everyone is again required to settle for far less than intellectual maturity. What I’m getting at is, we must all settle for incompleteness, in whatever endeavor we try__It’s the best the human race is capable of, due to the shear numbers of humanity’s creative realities. Something new and more mature will always come along, as it should, so mother nature leads the show__when one is truly honest about our most basic human capacities. I think this all just has the capacity of making us a bit more humble__If we but realize what we do not, and can not__know…
Now, let’s look at information and see what can be possible, and what can not be possible. In an earlier post I already mentioned the inverse square law of information in relation to understanding, but there’s an even deeper consideration to be made here. What about the inverse proportionality of knowledge from information processes by the number of essence agents involved, in the processing. I’m willing to bet most have never even considered this dynamic, as is clearly laid out in my graphic here: LINK I’ve mentioned much about it in different places before, but only recently realized a universal law could be applied, and here it is__Moral esthetic value is inversely proportional to the number of essence agents used to process the information involved. This simply means if we either do not use all our essence agents to process information, we end with ideas that are far less than the truths of the situation__or if we use too much emotion, and not enough logic, we fail to understand a proper knowledge, and vice versa, if we use too much logic, and not enough emotion, we get the same bad results. I’ve found it best to use all tools at our disposal to do the best job, whether at work, or in our personal emotional and intellectual lives__and I think you’ll find this law bares out.
As a further example of the inverse proportional law above, let’s next apply it to knowledge__And I’ll state it like this: True Knowledge is inversely proportional to the number of schools of ideas processed. The way I’m meaning this to be interpreted is__The more one specializes, the less one knows about the universality of knowledge__and, The more one studies the general universality of knowledge, the less one knows about the particular specialty fields of knowledge. It comes down to that same old problem between Plato and Aristotle__But which is better…? Do we sacrifice the universal for the particular, as most are doing today, or do we sacrifice the particular for the universal…? And then we have the ‘universal and particular’ world wide web…? My opinion is that neither of these is a choice to help us on our path to a possible evolution toward either emotional or intellectual maturity. I only believe in the considered school of doing both, or all at once__But I realize that’s near impossible for most__so we are left in a world with all minds out of time, due to the possibility of time available to study either or both the particular specializations or the universalities of knowledge. Imo, we should all keep this in mind when dealing with the many different spirits, not only on this forum, but in all our life’s dealings…
Everyone differs due to the time circumstances of possibilities allotted to all the different peoples of this extremely diverse planet. I don’t know if this post helps any, but anyway…
Just let me show one particular instance__Physicists, scientists and many others think that a new energy source will solve most of the world’s problems over-night. Yet, how many truly realize how quickly the world’s major corporations, would turn any new energy source to their own personal ownership and profit__Thus putting the world right back where it was before this new energy source were found or invented…? Imo, it’s always money and law__But, let’s look deep into the values, information and knowledge systems everyone is drawing from, to see if we may find some clues to why people do think out of time with reality…
I’ve heard many speak of emotional and intellectual maturity, but are such states of mind even possible…? My definition of emotional maturity would be to know the emotional intelligences of every human on Earth__Now, is that even possible…? No, of course it’s not, so imo, everyone is required to settle for far less than emotional maturity. Now take intellectual maturity, and again my definition would be to know the intellectual intelligences of every human on Earth__Now, is that even possible…? No of course it’s not, so imo, everyone is again required to settle for far less than intellectual maturity. What I’m getting at is, we must all settle for incompleteness, in whatever endeavor we try__It’s the best the human race is capable of, due to the shear numbers of humanity’s creative realities. Something new and more mature will always come along, as it should, so mother nature leads the show__when one is truly honest about our most basic human capacities. I think this all just has the capacity of making us a bit more humble__If we but realize what we do not, and can not__know…
Now, let’s look at information and see what can be possible, and what can not be possible. In an earlier post I already mentioned the inverse square law of information in relation to understanding, but there’s an even deeper consideration to be made here. What about the inverse proportionality of knowledge from information processes by the number of essence agents involved, in the processing. I’m willing to bet most have never even considered this dynamic, as is clearly laid out in my graphic here: LINK I’ve mentioned much about it in different places before, but only recently realized a universal law could be applied, and here it is__Moral esthetic value is inversely proportional to the number of essence agents used to process the information involved. This simply means if we either do not use all our essence agents to process information, we end with ideas that are far less than the truths of the situation__or if we use too much emotion, and not enough logic, we fail to understand a proper knowledge, and vice versa, if we use too much logic, and not enough emotion, we get the same bad results. I’ve found it best to use all tools at our disposal to do the best job, whether at work, or in our personal emotional and intellectual lives__and I think you’ll find this law bares out.
As a further example of the inverse proportional law above, let’s next apply it to knowledge__And I’ll state it like this: True Knowledge is inversely proportional to the number of schools of ideas processed. The way I’m meaning this to be interpreted is__The more one specializes, the less one knows about the universality of knowledge__and, The more one studies the general universality of knowledge, the less one knows about the particular specialty fields of knowledge. It comes down to that same old problem between Plato and Aristotle__But which is better…? Do we sacrifice the universal for the particular, as most are doing today, or do we sacrifice the particular for the universal…? And then we have the ‘universal and particular’ world wide web…? My opinion is that neither of these is a choice to help us on our path to a possible evolution toward either emotional or intellectual maturity. I only believe in the considered school of doing both, or all at once__But I realize that’s near impossible for most__so we are left in a world with all minds out of time, due to the possibility of time available to study either or both the particular specializations or the universalities of knowledge. Imo, we should all keep this in mind when dealing with the many different spirits, not only on this forum, but in all our life’s dealings…
Everyone differs due to the time circumstances of possibilities allotted to all the different peoples of this extremely diverse planet. I don’t know if this post helps any, but anyway…
Law & True Emotional/Intellectual Maturity of…
The Inverse Theorem of Value__Iff Capitalist System Incentive Mechanics’ Value Is Transferred From Commodities, Goods, Services, Prices, Wages and Profits, to Fiat Money System Law, Real Wealth Can Be Created for All World Citizens…
The Inverse Theorem of Value__Iff Capitalist System Incentive Mechanics’ Value Is Transferred From Commodities, Goods, Services, Prices, Wages and Profits, to Fiat Money System Law, Real Wealth Can Be Created for All World Citizens…
Hi SB, and in answer to your central question; "How does one behave perfectly morally in a world in which money is required - in which any and every dealing which involves money is (in effect) bad?"(self-perception is deceiving...), It entirely depends on which side of the law one stands on, 'The Moral'__'The Immoral'__'The Amoral'. Look at this again; "The Inverse Theorem of Value__Iff Capitalist System Incentive Mechanics’ Value Is Transferred From Commodities, Goods, Services, Prices, Wages and Profits, to Fiat Money System Law, Real Wealth Can Be Created for All World Citizens…", and please study it closely, as it is the central tenet of the earliest of thought, from the 'Torah', where 'Jehovah/God', was clearly known and thoroughly understood as the 'moral law of the land' of the earliest Jews...
As I stated above it matters most which side of the moral law one stands on, in order to see the spirit of the world's progress, with the truest set of eyes. If one stands on the 'Commodities, Goods, Services, Prices, Wages and Profits' side of the equation, one will always be blinded to the spirit's true mechanics of evolution. One must stand on the 'Fiat Money System Law' side of the equation, and realize it's not as you've always thought, i.e., that it is immoral and amoral. The universal spirit of all's thought is using this same path to guide us toward the final moral law goals, thus the 'Fiat Money System Law' has a moral constitution, which most do not, or will not see__and herein lies the central truth of all evolutionary history of man and his many different law systems'__trials and errors...
We must see thoroughly through this complex system, to it's central simplicity of the theorem I have recently developed, with the help of a continuing epiphany phenomena series, I and many others keep having. The entire facts are given in this new theorem: "The Inverse Theorem of Value__Iff Capitalist System Incentive Mechanics’ Value Is Transferred From Commodities, Goods, Services, Prices, Wages and Profits, to Fiat Money System Law, Real Wealth Can Be Created for All World Citizens…"
Iff, you cross over from the 'immoral visions of law', to the 'moral visions of the amoral law', then all visions and perceptions will be clear__"The doors of perception will be opened, and its windows/lenses will be cleansed..."
Law is not the evil... Law is the good, when made/constructed good...
The Inverse Theorem of Value__Iff Capitalist System Incentive Mechanics’ Value Is Transferred From Commodities, Goods, Services, Prices, Wages and Profits, to Fiat Money System Law, Real Wealth Can Be Created for All World Citizens…
Hi SB, and in answer to your central question; "How does one behave perfectly morally in a world in which money is required - in which any and every dealing which involves money is (in effect) bad?"(self-perception is deceiving...), It entirely depends on which side of the law one stands on, 'The Moral'__'The Immoral'__'The Amoral'. Look at this again; "The Inverse Theorem of Value__Iff Capitalist System Incentive Mechanics’ Value Is Transferred From Commodities, Goods, Services, Prices, Wages and Profits, to Fiat Money System Law, Real Wealth Can Be Created for All World Citizens…", and please study it closely, as it is the central tenet of the earliest of thought, from the 'Torah', where 'Jehovah/God', was clearly known and thoroughly understood as the 'moral law of the land' of the earliest Jews...
As I stated above it matters most which side of the moral law one stands on, in order to see the spirit of the world's progress, with the truest set of eyes. If one stands on the 'Commodities, Goods, Services, Prices, Wages and Profits' side of the equation, one will always be blinded to the spirit's true mechanics of evolution. One must stand on the 'Fiat Money System Law' side of the equation, and realize it's not as you've always thought, i.e., that it is immoral and amoral. The universal spirit of all's thought is using this same path to guide us toward the final moral law goals, thus the 'Fiat Money System Law' has a moral constitution, which most do not, or will not see__and herein lies the central truth of all evolutionary history of man and his many different law systems'__trials and errors...
We must see thoroughly through this complex system, to it's central simplicity of the theorem I have recently developed, with the help of a continuing epiphany phenomena series, I and many others keep having. The entire facts are given in this new theorem: "The Inverse Theorem of Value__Iff Capitalist System Incentive Mechanics’ Value Is Transferred From Commodities, Goods, Services, Prices, Wages and Profits, to Fiat Money System Law, Real Wealth Can Be Created for All World Citizens…"
Iff, you cross over from the 'immoral visions of law', to the 'moral visions of the amoral law', then all visions and perceptions will be clear__"The doors of perception will be opened, and its windows/lenses will be cleansed..."
Law is not the evil... Law is the good, when made/constructed good...
'Everybody's Some Kinda' Expert...'
And herein lies the problem. Everyone thinks they are educated to knowledgable levels by being an expert, in some certain field. Nothing could be further from the truth. They are nothing more than informationists of that spectific field. True knowledge requires the cross-disciplinary expertise of an Avicenna or a Peirce, and no-one has knowledge, without this universal view__they're just viewing a very small part of the world. Just look at Plato and Aristotle__a great deal of universal knowledge, but their mistake was narrowing it to specific fields, and not viewing the integration of the whole__Always the problem. True knowledge only exists in the whole__Not the Parts... Parts knowledge is simply information__Yet enough information builds the whole...
This is the trouble with Chomsky__Too much about the parts__Not enough about the whole. He talks constantly of what's wrong with the parts of the world he sees(imo, very little)__But nothing about what the whole can be_can be__Can BE...!!! Please find a new hero__Chomsky ain't it. He's simply the Ross Perot perrot of pseudo-linguistics and pseudo-politics...
Ya know what's amazed me all through the years, is why the world can theorize a gazillion models of physics ideas, yet demand we stick to nothing but the old failed policies of economics, politics and power__instead of having a gazillion models of economics, politics and power. Why is this, do you suppose...?
We all need to realize the dead ideas we are hugging like our new-born children__These are nothing but dead, rotting ideas__Poisoning all minds who cling to these false ideologies. Why can't people see the ideologies poisoning their minds...? The poison about the world, that Chomsky and his ilk spew about the world is obvious hate__and nothing but__Hate of one group against the other__Ain't the way. Study Ibn Sina and Peirce, and you'll find none of this type of hate, as they were educated enough to see the whole__The whole says, "Look at me__I'm free of hate...!!!"
Only when one frees their mind of all__and I mean completely ALL Hate__can one see the truth to guide lil' ol' spaceship Earth into its proper future course. Just think how simple this is__We process all the world's www information with simple web addresses that always preserve information paths. You mean we can't do that simple computerized process with money, politics and power systems? They contain far less information paths to be preserved. I think it's time the world awakens completely from the Hate-Mongers its blindly following__Don't you...???
This is the trouble with Chomsky__Too much about the parts__Not enough about the whole. He talks constantly of what's wrong with the parts of the world he sees(imo, very little)__But nothing about what the whole can be_can be__Can BE...!!! Please find a new hero__Chomsky ain't it. He's simply the Ross Perot perrot of pseudo-linguistics and pseudo-politics...
Ya know what's amazed me all through the years, is why the world can theorize a gazillion models of physics ideas, yet demand we stick to nothing but the old failed policies of economics, politics and power__instead of having a gazillion models of economics, politics and power. Why is this, do you suppose...?
We all need to realize the dead ideas we are hugging like our new-born children__These are nothing but dead, rotting ideas__Poisoning all minds who cling to these false ideologies. Why can't people see the ideologies poisoning their minds...? The poison about the world, that Chomsky and his ilk spew about the world is obvious hate__and nothing but__Hate of one group against the other__Ain't the way. Study Ibn Sina and Peirce, and you'll find none of this type of hate, as they were educated enough to see the whole__The whole says, "Look at me__I'm free of hate...!!!"
Only when one frees their mind of all__and I mean completely ALL Hate__can one see the truth to guide lil' ol' spaceship Earth into its proper future course. Just think how simple this is__We process all the world's www information with simple web addresses that always preserve information paths. You mean we can't do that simple computerized process with money, politics and power systems? They contain far less information paths to be preserved. I think it's time the world awakens completely from the Hate-Mongers its blindly following__Don't you...???
The Triadic Analytic Esthetic Geometry of Our Universal Emotions of Genericity's Simplicity__Dimensionality and Proportionality__
The Triadic Analytic Esthetic Geometry of Our Universal Emotions of Genericity's Simplicity__Dimensionality and Proportionality__From the Gentile, to the Projective, to the Factual...
Avicenna made it part way there... Kant made it a bit further... Peirce made it the furthest... We must finish the journey of the triadic whole__subjective/objective/ajective, or the, monojective/bijective/trijective minds' final journey...
Emotions, our most important essence, are much simpler than most have thought them to be__iff looked at, thoroughly, from and with the esthetic, analytic-synthetic a priori__The true triadic self...
Emotions are the primary source of all the energies of our complete mind’s functioning, whether our animal fight or flight instincts, our most aesthetic emotions of compassion and empathy, or our higher emotional foundations under our intellectual and logical states of mind. We’re talking about our primary energy states in all these categories of choices of personalities, attitudes or medium to higher states of mind potentialities. Many have stated for centuries that this metaphysical state of primary energies could not be analyzed__But I see this, so far non-conceptual state of mind, as being analyzable iff we simply see its primary brain state function, before we apply content to it, as being fully possible of analyzability.
When the primary brain state is looked at, which would be our perceptions’ essence agents’ tools, whether passion, pain, reason, compassion, empathy, love, judgment or whatever other state may be involved, at the time of our action’s choices__is subject to nothing more than the use of the powers of this very primary energy. And when we are talking about any energy source, we are simply talking about it capacity for good or bad, happiness or sadness, helping or hurting, loving or hating, on and on, yet it has and implies parameters of these mentioned choices and actions__which would be the proportionalities of energies applied to the many different situations we encounter. Just as a simple example; We may use our gentlest of emotional states of love toward another, with the least proportion of energy applied to the person our love is projected toward, even though this may take a tremendous amount of energy to control our will’s involuntary action, at the time__while at other times this state of low intensity energy may be a naturally flowing symmetry, often granted by the outside our personal control of energy flows. It’s still understandable as a low proportionality of energy applied.
On the other hand, we may want to excite another couple to a certain action for the day’s activities, and we’d apply a large proportion of energy, with our personality and attitude, to entice that particular couple to be enthused to bid our wishes, as we may have planned a very exciting outing, for everyone to enjoy, as I’ve often done, when bored of the atmosphere of the local area I may have been in. All I’m showing is the simple proportional emotional energy use we may have all applied at differing times in our lives. This would mean our basic epistemic agents of perception, as I see all essence agents, as being housed in perception, are actually acting through a geometric process of distributing energy to our willed actions proportionately differing at differing times and circumstances. Of course, this is just a simple explanation, but many are un-aware of the basic mechanics of pure emotional energy, and I think it’s very important to see all the varied dimensions of actions the emotional mind is actually capable of.
When one realized it simple energy choices, of actions’ choices, to control our emotions, we need never be trapped in our boredoms, excess desires or greed, because the free-knowledge-choices of actions is much more fun, than all the fulfillments of possessions could ever accomplish. A pure freedom of our mind’s actions’ choices, knowingly, is the most fulfilling of the spirits possibilities__and is available to anyone who is shown this simple path__”Put the body in action/motion and the mind will follow.” It is no more complex than this simple statement. There’s no amount of possessions or money in the world, that can surpass the mind’s knowledge of its own freedom’s possibilities of free-will actions’ Possibilia. I’ve seen so many relationships go sour for the simple reason of not realizing the power of empowering the body’s actions, to have the minds follow, it almost uncountable__and for no other reason than not knowing__The body controls the mind’s states of happiness__Do something__Anything__You’ll like it...
I’ve only offered a simple mind map of happiness’s possible actions, but imo, this is the fundamental state of The Triadic Analytic Esthetic Geometry of Our Universal Emotions of Genericity's Simplicity__Dimensionality and Proportionality__From the Gentile, to the Projective, to the Factual...
Avicenna made it part way there... Kant made it a bit further... Peirce made it the furthest... We must finish the journey of the triadic whole__subjective/objective/ajective, or the, monojective/bijective/trijective minds' final journey...
Emotions, our most important essence, are much simpler than most have thought them to be__iff looked at, thoroughly, from and with the esthetic, analytic-synthetic a priori__The true triadic self...
Emotions are the primary source of all the energies of our complete mind’s functioning, whether our animal fight or flight instincts, our most aesthetic emotions of compassion and empathy, or our higher emotional foundations under our intellectual and logical states of mind. We’re talking about our primary energy states in all these categories of choices of personalities, attitudes or medium to higher states of mind potentialities. Many have stated for centuries that this metaphysical state of primary energies could not be analyzed__But I see this, so far non-conceptual state of mind, as being analyzable iff we simply see its primary brain state function, before we apply content to it, as being fully possible of analyzability.
When the primary brain state is looked at, which would be our perceptions’ essence agents’ tools, whether passion, pain, reason, compassion, empathy, love, judgment or whatever other state may be involved, at the time of our action’s choices__is subject to nothing more than the use of the powers of this very primary energy. And when we are talking about any energy source, we are simply talking about it capacity for good or bad, happiness or sadness, helping or hurting, loving or hating, on and on, yet it has and implies parameters of these mentioned choices and actions__which would be the proportionalities of energies applied to the many different situations we encounter. Just as a simple example; We may use our gentlest of emotional states of love toward another, with the least proportion of energy applied to the person our love is projected toward, even though this may take a tremendous amount of energy to control our will’s involuntary action, at the time__while at other times this state of low intensity energy may be a naturally flowing symmetry, often granted by the outside our personal control of energy flows. It’s still understandable as a low proportionality of energy applied.
On the other hand, we may want to excite another couple to a certain action for the day’s activities, and we’d apply a large proportion of energy, with our personality and attitude, to entice that particular couple to be enthused to bid our wishes, as we may have planned a very exciting outing, for everyone to enjoy, as I’ve often done, when bored of the atmosphere of the local area I may have been in. All I’m showing is the simple proportional emotional energy use we may have all applied at differing times in our lives. This would mean our basic epistemic agents of perception, as I see all essence agents, as being housed in perception, are actually acting through a geometric process of distributing energy to our willed actions proportionately differing at differing times and circumstances. Of course, this is just a simple explanation, but many are un-aware of the basic mechanics of pure emotional energy, and I think it’s very important to see all the varied dimensions of actions the emotional mind is actually capable of.
When one realized it simple energy choices, of actions’ choices, to control our emotions, we need never be trapped in our boredoms, excess desires or greed, because the free-knowledge-choices of actions is much more fun, than all the fulfillments of possessions could ever accomplish. A pure freedom of our mind’s actions’ choices, knowingly, is the most fulfilling of the spirits possibilities__and is available to anyone who is shown this simple path__”Put the body in action/motion and the mind will follow.” It is no more complex than this simple statement. There’s no amount of possessions or money in the world, that can surpass the mind’s knowledge of its own freedom’s possibilities of free-will actions’ Possibilia. I’ve seen so many relationships go sour for the simple reason of not realizing the power of empowering the body’s actions, to have the minds follow, it almost uncountable__and for no other reason than not knowing__The body controls the mind’s states of happiness__Do something__Anything__You’ll like it...
I’ve only offered a simple mind map of happiness’s possible actions, but imo, this is the fundamental state of The Triadic Analytic Esthetic Geometry of Our Universal Emotions of Genericity's Simplicity__Dimensionality and Proportionality__From the Gentile, to the Projective, to the Factual...
The Magic Demon of Self-Interpretations à Isomorphic Geometric Mapping vs. The Ego…?
Is it possible to know anything without geometry…? No…!!! Why…???
The innate geometry of mind must map All information to perception, conception, cognition, understanding and or memory, from the outside world__First…
Is it possible to know anything about self, I and or ego__Without outside information__First…???
It first matters what one defines as outside. If one defines outside as outside of body__Then it is not possible to know about self, I and or ego__But with outside information__First… If one defines outside as outside of direct and indirect perception__then is is possible to know about self, I and or ego__Without outside information__First__But the only information knowable will be of perception’s tools of agency__Only…!!! This means one’s ability to only know the agent tools functions, yet with no content__As all content is required to come from outside perception, conception, cognition, understanding and or memory__Always…!!!
Why can’t the mind, intuition, creativity, imagination, memory, spirit or any other possible innate agent produce information and or knowing knowledge…?
The mind/brain is a mere simple tool/agent of greater bio-nature and geo-spheres__And functions only in conjunction with greater bio-nature, and the geo-spheres. It contains no material to process__Until bio-nature and the geo-spheres/fields have isomorphically mapped its information into mind, soul, brain, spirit, perception, conception, cognition, intuition, creativity understanding and or memory, etc.__Always…!!!
Why can’t spirit do all the above…?
What is spirit but the geo-sphere’s fields, and the bio-sphere’s fields…??? Answer__Nothing else but…!!! Nothing else is known to exist…!!! Otherwise, one is just plain and simply stumbling around in the ‘Magic Demon of Self-Interpretations of Pure Egoism’. Only the necessary understanding of Nature’s Isomorphic Geometric Mapping of Innate Information__From the outside geo- and bio-spheres__Into Oneself__Prevents the false mistakes of Egoism…!!!
The innate geometry of mind must map All information to perception, conception, cognition, understanding and or memory, from the outside world__First…
Is it possible to know anything about self, I and or ego__Without outside information__First…???
It first matters what one defines as outside. If one defines outside as outside of body__Then it is not possible to know about self, I and or ego__But with outside information__First… If one defines outside as outside of direct and indirect perception__then is is possible to know about self, I and or ego__Without outside information__First__But the only information knowable will be of perception’s tools of agency__Only…!!! This means one’s ability to only know the agent tools functions, yet with no content__As all content is required to come from outside perception, conception, cognition, understanding and or memory__Always…!!!
Why can’t the mind, intuition, creativity, imagination, memory, spirit or any other possible innate agent produce information and or knowing knowledge…?
The mind/brain is a mere simple tool/agent of greater bio-nature and geo-spheres__And functions only in conjunction with greater bio-nature, and the geo-spheres. It contains no material to process__Until bio-nature and the geo-spheres/fields have isomorphically mapped its information into mind, soul, brain, spirit, perception, conception, cognition, intuition, creativity understanding and or memory, etc.__Always…!!!
Why can’t spirit do all the above…?
What is spirit but the geo-sphere’s fields, and the bio-sphere’s fields…??? Answer__Nothing else but…!!! Nothing else is known to exist…!!! Otherwise, one is just plain and simply stumbling around in the ‘Magic Demon of Self-Interpretations of Pure Egoism’. Only the necessary understanding of Nature’s Isomorphic Geometric Mapping of Innate Information__From the outside geo- and bio-spheres__Into Oneself__Prevents the false mistakes of Egoism…!!!
A Few Computerization Ideas...
A Computerized Capitalism - Agreement By A Supra-International Constitution
"The computer, by necessity of markets, will evolve the world to internal exchange clearing." LG
An economic, universal justice system of supply and demand computerized databases, based on Boolean logic and sliding time scale law structures, with dynamic pricing balances, can be built and implemented world wide, to solve our over-pressing problems! Derivatives database supply and demand, the world's largest economic reality, is controlling the entire planet, now! This, my friends, must change!
We have the ability to computerize capitalism into balance, solve our problems, and honor the entirety of human yearnings.
A random computer code based on a sliding time scale of adjustments toward a balance of exchange rates and a balance of payments, fully encrypted and state secretly implemented - fully secretly is needed!
The world is computerizing itself to save itself from man!
Computers will force balanced or cleared exchanges on us.
Computer programs and international constitutions can be written to properly balance the electronic empires and the rights of man - the people.
The international financial architecture is computerized on the profit motive only. It needs to be computerized on the public good motive. [use Nash's equilibrium theories and laws to prove]
We have the technology and ability to write a computer program to honestly re-balance global finances. [use Nash and Franklin ideas]
We have the technology and ability to computerize suzeraintic capitalism into honest government and finance.
The Heinz-57 capitalisms and the Heinz-57 totalitarianisms can be computerized into incorruptible and honest capitalism.
We must computerize capitalism to save the world from financial destruction, because the big boys in the tall buildings have learned how to computer rob the entire system. [Boolean logic]
The massive problem of computerized speculation of financial markets requires a new computerization of international capitalism, to rectify.
Computerized systems can control prices to allow semi-free printing of taxes.
There are five alternative systems - Reverse Incentive Capitalism - Tally Computer Capitalism - Public and Private Enterprise Capitalism - International Currency Clearing Capitalism and The Fixed/Equilibriated Exchange Variant - That's three forms of internal exchange clearing and two forms of external exchange clearing.
Computer controlled supply and demand perfect competition...
An international constitution of computerized exchange clearing, based on a 1 to 20% per year sliding time scale law structure, written toward balancing global prices and values, can achieve the golden moral mean - A pragmatic and logical center of thought.
We have the technology and ability to computerize capitalism's unbalanced pricing system into a super-moral perfect competition balance! The answer is, balance the prices!
We need state computerization of certain financial transactions.
We have the ability to computerize global problems into extinction!
An economic, universal justice system of supply and demand computerized databases, based on Boolean logic and sliding time scale law structures, with dynamic pricing balances, can be built and implemented world wide, to solve our over-pressing problems! Derivatives database supply and demand shadow banking, the world's largest economic reality, is controlling the entire planet, now! This, my friends, must change!
Our future is international constitutional computerized finance.
We need the proper computerization of the law structures to make capitalism work right - again!
The corrupted systems can be computerized into honesty and incorruptibility!
In my opinion, man is incapable of respecting the natural laws, so society will, one day, have to be turned over to computers!
Those past systems that failed, Law, Franklin, Kitson, and Keynes, and or were never instituted, can be perfected with derivatives insurance and modern computerizations.
"The computer age - One moment's truth - Next moment's lie!" LG
We have the ability to computerize all global interdisciplinary thought into a universal coherent balance, by uniting the natural laws of nature with the natural laws of mind and the statecrafted laws of man.
We have the ability to computerize global values and morality into balance - Now!
The soul thinks mathematically pure - The trickster thinks good/evil - The perfect computer of mind and essence balances!
We have the ability to computerize all global thought into understandable universal truths with a new intuitive wisdom logic.
"100 years from now, capitalism will have passed into computer controlled societies, honoring our entire intuitive essences." [intuition outside the cone of knowledge]
Moral logic verses Boolean logic - Man against and for computers...
A world of computerized money systems beyond law systems control...
The computer controlled arbitrage of law, money, and power systems...
A world run by a virtuous computer…
Radio, TV, and computers granting of the 4th dimension of time - past and future awareness +...
The soul of "god" and man is a mathematical computer of natural law logic.
The nihilistic unconscious wills of computers controlling the world...
"The computer, by necessity of markets, will evolve the world to internal exchange clearing." LG
An economic, universal justice system of supply and demand computerized databases, based on Boolean logic and sliding time scale law structures, with dynamic pricing balances, can be built and implemented world wide, to solve our over-pressing problems! Derivatives database supply and demand, the world's largest economic reality, is controlling the entire planet, now! This, my friends, must change!
We have the ability to computerize capitalism into balance, solve our problems, and honor the entirety of human yearnings.
A random computer code based on a sliding time scale of adjustments toward a balance of exchange rates and a balance of payments, fully encrypted and state secretly implemented - fully secretly is needed!
The world is computerizing itself to save itself from man!
Computers will force balanced or cleared exchanges on us.
Computer programs and international constitutions can be written to properly balance the electronic empires and the rights of man - the people.
The international financial architecture is computerized on the profit motive only. It needs to be computerized on the public good motive. [use Nash's equilibrium theories and laws to prove]
We have the technology and ability to write a computer program to honestly re-balance global finances. [use Nash and Franklin ideas]
We have the technology and ability to computerize suzeraintic capitalism into honest government and finance.
The Heinz-57 capitalisms and the Heinz-57 totalitarianisms can be computerized into incorruptible and honest capitalism.
We must computerize capitalism to save the world from financial destruction, because the big boys in the tall buildings have learned how to computer rob the entire system. [Boolean logic]
The massive problem of computerized speculation of financial markets requires a new computerization of international capitalism, to rectify.
Computerized systems can control prices to allow semi-free printing of taxes.
There are five alternative systems - Reverse Incentive Capitalism - Tally Computer Capitalism - Public and Private Enterprise Capitalism - International Currency Clearing Capitalism and The Fixed/Equilibriated Exchange Variant - That's three forms of internal exchange clearing and two forms of external exchange clearing.
Computer controlled supply and demand perfect competition...
An international constitution of computerized exchange clearing, based on a 1 to 20% per year sliding time scale law structure, written toward balancing global prices and values, can achieve the golden moral mean - A pragmatic and logical center of thought.
We have the technology and ability to computerize capitalism's unbalanced pricing system into a super-moral perfect competition balance! The answer is, balance the prices!
We need state computerization of certain financial transactions.
We have the ability to computerize global problems into extinction!
An economic, universal justice system of supply and demand computerized databases, based on Boolean logic and sliding time scale law structures, with dynamic pricing balances, can be built and implemented world wide, to solve our over-pressing problems! Derivatives database supply and demand shadow banking, the world's largest economic reality, is controlling the entire planet, now! This, my friends, must change!
Our future is international constitutional computerized finance.
We need the proper computerization of the law structures to make capitalism work right - again!
The corrupted systems can be computerized into honesty and incorruptibility!
In my opinion, man is incapable of respecting the natural laws, so society will, one day, have to be turned over to computers!
Those past systems that failed, Law, Franklin, Kitson, and Keynes, and or were never instituted, can be perfected with derivatives insurance and modern computerizations.
"The computer age - One moment's truth - Next moment's lie!" LG
We have the ability to computerize all global interdisciplinary thought into a universal coherent balance, by uniting the natural laws of nature with the natural laws of mind and the statecrafted laws of man.
We have the ability to computerize global values and morality into balance - Now!
The soul thinks mathematically pure - The trickster thinks good/evil - The perfect computer of mind and essence balances!
We have the ability to computerize all global thought into understandable universal truths with a new intuitive wisdom logic.
"100 years from now, capitalism will have passed into computer controlled societies, honoring our entire intuitive essences." [intuition outside the cone of knowledge]
Moral logic verses Boolean logic - Man against and for computers...
A world of computerized money systems beyond law systems control...
The computer controlled arbitrage of law, money, and power systems...
A world run by a virtuous computer…
Radio, TV, and computers granting of the 4th dimension of time - past and future awareness +...
The soul of "god" and man is a mathematical computer of natural law logic.
The nihilistic unconscious wills of computers controlling the world...
Truth Systems and The Value Validity of…
Ohhh… The many ways different people think… How many have actually considered all the different possible world views that actually make up our overly-confused planet…? What would be the best possible method to sort all these different and divergent views…? All through the years I’ve given this a tremendous amount of thought, but only recently realized a very important aspect, I wasn’t even aware of, as it’s that very different method, I myself use most. It’s the major general difference of how one uses his/her mind, from its ground source of vision…
I recently talked to my wife, son and daughter about this very topic, and found that within my own immediate family, we had the two major differences of minds. To make this short, it’s the difference of whether one uses their mind from the particular perspective position, to the universal perspective position; or whether one uses their mind from the universal perspective position, to the particular perspective position. I found that my son was the odd one out, and that my wife, daughter and I use our minds from the universal perspective position first, then work our way down to particulars, and my son uses his individual particular perspective position first, and works his way out to the universal perspective positions. This came as quite a shock to me, as I’d studied such mentalities’ histories all my life, but hadn’t really realized its importance of being able to communicate successfully…
When these two mind states are attempting to communicate, they will always be at count-cross purposes of visions. Every time one uses the universal, the other will use the particular instance, and vice versa, so this makes for an almost eternal conflict, until both realize the trouble and openly discuss it. Of course, my problem was always with my son’s communication most, but when the family was together and trying to discuss global issues, there’d always be the conflict of every member taking different sides, at different times. We resolved this by just simply talking about it, and now we address the global perspective position first, to establish sound ground for our conversations, as all four of us are usually talking quite deep about all aspects of the global problems…
I see this same personal family problem at all levels of society, and it goes clear back to the differences between Socrates/Plato verses Aristotle, and they did not resolve it, so it’s traveled all through history’s mentalities, to the present day of being a very important unsettled issue. It’s that same old problem I’ve mentioned before about the battle of universals and particulars, and how one basically founds and grounds their minds. The universalist grounds his/her mind in the logical/geometric mechanics of the universe and nature, while the particularist grounds his/her mind in the personal experiences of life, and what one has experienced of nature. So, it’s actually the difference between observation and experience. This is nothing new, but the realization of opposing grounds in all conversations is new, I would think, as I’ve not seen it stated directly. Oh, it’s been stated as the difference between idealism and realism, etc., on and on, but no-one has directly made the connection to direct communication grounds, being the giant problem that actually transpires…
Just take SteveA and I as an example. Everyone, including ourselves, recognizes drastic differences in our views, yet many see valid points in both, because we are all of the particular/universal states of minds. It’s just we all use these two major different bases. So, no matter what base one uses, there will be points made by both sides that seem valid to our varied natures, so how does one sort these differences? This goes back to the issues of clarity I’ve often mentioned about keeping the differences of subjects and views in their own categories, which I’ve mentioned about C.S.Peirce’s categories’ lists. Now, this would cover the basic of discussing science as science, and emotions as emotions, etc., on and on, but I hadn’t realized that even by categorizing topics and subjects, that we haven’t dealt with the basic groundings of personalities__Between the universally grounded, and the particularistically grounded states of mind, and herein lies all the problems of the truth systems discussed, as to their true value validities…
Truth systems can not be successfully discussed by minds who are grounded in the opposite states of grounding, unless these groundings are thoroughly understood first. Just as SteveA and many may use the particularistic state of ground, when talking to me, which would be idealism, while I use the universalistic state of ground. Now, what this means is that SteveA generally interprets the world from the individualistic idealistic out to the whole or universalistic states, and I generally interpret the world from the whole or universalistic states of systems’ realities, down to the individualistic particular states of idealisms and that state of reality. The problem arises between the cross-disciplinary inter-communication states of how we place priorities of importances. SteveA places his importances of priorities in the individual, and I place my importances of priorities in the universal systems’ control over the individual states of thoughts.
These two systems of thinking and acting have been at cross-purposes since the dawn of organized societies and thoughts. It’s not that either is wrong, it’s just that each thinks itself more important to world events than the other, and I do not see a way of resolving this dilemma of differing viewpoints, unless explanations of this type may be able to lead in that direction. SteveA is much more an idealist than I, and I am much more an ideal realist than he, which will continually put us at odds. This is simply the same as stating he is more a particularist and I am more a universalist than he. So, anyone that may have a solution to this dilemma is welcome to add their comments to the situation… I more than welcome it…
I recently talked to my wife, son and daughter about this very topic, and found that within my own immediate family, we had the two major differences of minds. To make this short, it’s the difference of whether one uses their mind from the particular perspective position, to the universal perspective position; or whether one uses their mind from the universal perspective position, to the particular perspective position. I found that my son was the odd one out, and that my wife, daughter and I use our minds from the universal perspective position first, then work our way down to particulars, and my son uses his individual particular perspective position first, and works his way out to the universal perspective positions. This came as quite a shock to me, as I’d studied such mentalities’ histories all my life, but hadn’t really realized its importance of being able to communicate successfully…
When these two mind states are attempting to communicate, they will always be at count-cross purposes of visions. Every time one uses the universal, the other will use the particular instance, and vice versa, so this makes for an almost eternal conflict, until both realize the trouble and openly discuss it. Of course, my problem was always with my son’s communication most, but when the family was together and trying to discuss global issues, there’d always be the conflict of every member taking different sides, at different times. We resolved this by just simply talking about it, and now we address the global perspective position first, to establish sound ground for our conversations, as all four of us are usually talking quite deep about all aspects of the global problems…
I see this same personal family problem at all levels of society, and it goes clear back to the differences between Socrates/Plato verses Aristotle, and they did not resolve it, so it’s traveled all through history’s mentalities, to the present day of being a very important unsettled issue. It’s that same old problem I’ve mentioned before about the battle of universals and particulars, and how one basically founds and grounds their minds. The universalist grounds his/her mind in the logical/geometric mechanics of the universe and nature, while the particularist grounds his/her mind in the personal experiences of life, and what one has experienced of nature. So, it’s actually the difference between observation and experience. This is nothing new, but the realization of opposing grounds in all conversations is new, I would think, as I’ve not seen it stated directly. Oh, it’s been stated as the difference between idealism and realism, etc., on and on, but no-one has directly made the connection to direct communication grounds, being the giant problem that actually transpires…
Just take SteveA and I as an example. Everyone, including ourselves, recognizes drastic differences in our views, yet many see valid points in both, because we are all of the particular/universal states of minds. It’s just we all use these two major different bases. So, no matter what base one uses, there will be points made by both sides that seem valid to our varied natures, so how does one sort these differences? This goes back to the issues of clarity I’ve often mentioned about keeping the differences of subjects and views in their own categories, which I’ve mentioned about C.S.Peirce’s categories’ lists. Now, this would cover the basic of discussing science as science, and emotions as emotions, etc., on and on, but I hadn’t realized that even by categorizing topics and subjects, that we haven’t dealt with the basic groundings of personalities__Between the universally grounded, and the particularistically grounded states of mind, and herein lies all the problems of the truth systems discussed, as to their true value validities…
Truth systems can not be successfully discussed by minds who are grounded in the opposite states of grounding, unless these groundings are thoroughly understood first. Just as SteveA and many may use the particularistic state of ground, when talking to me, which would be idealism, while I use the universalistic state of ground. Now, what this means is that SteveA generally interprets the world from the individualistic idealistic out to the whole or universalistic states, and I generally interpret the world from the whole or universalistic states of systems’ realities, down to the individualistic particular states of idealisms and that state of reality. The problem arises between the cross-disciplinary inter-communication states of how we place priorities of importances. SteveA places his importances of priorities in the individual, and I place my importances of priorities in the universal systems’ control over the individual states of thoughts.
These two systems of thinking and acting have been at cross-purposes since the dawn of organized societies and thoughts. It’s not that either is wrong, it’s just that each thinks itself more important to world events than the other, and I do not see a way of resolving this dilemma of differing viewpoints, unless explanations of this type may be able to lead in that direction. SteveA is much more an idealist than I, and I am much more an ideal realist than he, which will continually put us at odds. This is simply the same as stating he is more a particularist and I am more a universalist than he. So, anyone that may have a solution to this dilemma is welcome to add their comments to the situation… I more than welcome it…
Friday, November 6, 2009
The Conservation of Information Law__The Inverse Square Law of Information and Sound Communication Processing of, and It’s Affectiveness__The More Inf
The Conservation of Information Law__The Inverse Square Law of Information and Sound Communication Processing of, and It’s Affectiveness__The More Information and Communication, The Less Understanding and Affectiveness/Effectiveness of__Is Solvable...???
(continued second link...)
While the convergence in knowledge is happening at a fast pace, are we truly processing the information, to an actual world reality…? It seems quite clear to me, we are not__But why not…? This morning, as I was awakening my groggy mind, while still lying in bed, I realized my mind was doing its normal early morning processing. This is not unusual, but what it was processing was unusual. My mind had sub-consciously drifted back to my `72 era thinking about that recent global epiphany, I’d then had. Awakening in a past state of memory is often very interesting, but this morning was especially interesting, as it was the exact problem area I’d been working on when I went to bed last night. That problem was, ‘How does our mind possibly process the tremendous amount of information and complexity, into any form of sensible explanation, not only to ourselves__but more importantly, to the world of others…?’
I think I was first thinking about the two halves of the brain, being basically connected by that one tiny nerve string between the major halves. I was wondering about this maybe being the safety valve of the brain/mind’s two halves, that may keep the circuits from over-loading, then I realized the entire local and global mind would require a similar circuit, to keep it from over-loading, and realized I’d thought about this very area back in `72.
When minds process for the greater public use, all the many varied opinions must have a mechanism of transferring information from individuals to groups of individuals__How does this function...? This is where my natural analytic triadic a priori thinking enters the picture. I hadn’t realized it til this morning, that probably most of us are wired quite differently, due to possibly genetics or early family influences__but anyway, I realized I’d always been wired triadically, and this simply means having a three state mind__Maybe from birth, I don’t know. Anyway, I’ve always seen the world from a three views perspectival position. This would be most easily stated as, true, false and the actual, or as, good, bad and the actual, which could interpret academically as the monadic, dyadic and triadic abstraction layers of mind. I would also interpret it as the two fundamental particulars, and one universal view.
Yet, from reading many members posts, here at ToeQuest, it seems to me as almost all others process the world from a dual perspectives view, while I process the same naturally, from a three perspectives view. Others will have to let me know if this is true, as I remember this as my truth from early childhood on. I was always spouting some universal view when others talked about particular views__It was just normal to me__I even kid on the universal level’s view__But maybe I’m not normal, or I at least process information differently than many others. Even my brother and sisters always commented how philosophical I was, before I ever read any philosophers__and somehow, I even realized this was true, even in grammar school__but I was around a very philosophical grandfather, for my early years__That may be the whole bit of it.
Anyway to me, the mind processes complex informations in public by making use of the third level of universal abstraction, which would be the public commons’ super-consciousness metaphysical state of just being the existing forum of inter-communication of all voices__Yet we take this huge dynamic process for granted. This is the third I/mind that is always present, to contain, process and pass the information from one spirit to another. It’s no mystical thing, it’s just the mental/physical reality of all public processing. This public process meters/filters all communication through its sieve of acceptability__which greatly varies with all members present, in all the varied conversations that do take place globally, or locally...
I mentioned this fact both last year and this year, at the philosophy meetings I attend every summer, but few really understood what I was saying. Two years ago I compared it to Gandhi’s ‘Non-violent force’, which he stated years ago, which I interpreted to the group as his manipulation of the natural moral/ethical public civic spirit of the times__and that this public spirit is not passive, as most would think. It has a very active influence on us all. It’s simply that civil spirit most people carry in public__that actually actively influences everyone’s actions__when in the public square, or any public communication forum of information, etc. To me, this acts similar to that single nerve strand feed between the two halves of the brain__yet serves the same function in public not to overload the public circuits__Only so much information can be processed, and this civil civic spirit filters all messages…
But, the question that needs be asked is, ‘Is this filtering good or bad’, and does it promote truths or lies__rights or wrongs…? Let’s take a look at it from the Early Greeks, and a few others. Heraclitus and Laotzu’s minds functioned more from the universal perspectives than did the later Greeks. This is quite obvious by just a simple comparison, which I’ll skip, but the fact remains that not many after processed information this openly, except maybe Ibn Sina and C.S.Peirce. What I’m pointing out is the three stages of mind evolutions__1, 2, 3__that SB_UK has often pointed out__But I may see it a bit differently. To me first stage evolution of mind went from fight or flight, to civil community, to universal understandings of civil communities. Second stage evolution of mind went from civil communities’ understandings, and universal understandings of communities, to what I have named, ‘The Oedipus complex of an academic abstraction layer’, which falsely interpreted individual freedoms and liberties as a false ‘Duty to state’__Under Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. I see this as culture’s devolution and not its evolution__as most see. They also took the older sensible universal understandings of the public spirit, and subverted them to a much narrower dyadic interpretation, of the earlier triadic interpretations of the Greek citizens, from Heraclitus to the early and later Pythagoreans, who had developed a clear, and very viable, triadic universalist school of Greek thought__Which included the gray areas of the included middle__The mean terms between extremes...
What I now see as the stage three mind awakening, is its final possible realization of this stormy passage, from the monadic fight or flight fundamental states, through the triadic/dyadic states, devolving into the purely dyadic states, and now recovering that greatest of triadic states of mind__Again. This battle’s been raging on the back burners of sense and mind since the early Greeks, and was temporarily revived by Ibn Sina and others, to create the great European Enlightenment and Reformation, but with massive blinders on, to the true facts of the origins of this enlightenment information’s sources__Which was the Arabic speaking lands…
The monadic, dyadic and triadic categories lists of philosophical history have been most ignored, but in order to understand the voracity of the above information, all it takes is a quick glance at the categories lists’ comparisons, of all these eras, and one is quickly convinced of its truths. It’s very clear and easy to see the evolution of all the thought categories__which would be the real categories of thought of these eras__which have existed at varying times of history, just by scanning a few pages of these era’s philosophical categories’ lists__Then all doubts are removed. ...
I’d next like to take these ideas back to the metaphysical-physical reality of the public mind's actualities, of what I mentioned above about the civil civic spirit’s influence on us all. Few may have ever realized or thought much about the God-factor actual in the public mind, but this is that same public spirit we all must confront when we enter any public place or forum. It consists of all personalities, from the gentlest to the most arrogant, and none of us can escape these facts. If any of you have had the chance to attend even the friendliest of academic groups, you would quickly realize this seemingly friendly group can become very angry and arrogant, when certain boundaries of right thought(in their opinions) is crossed, as I usually cross the borders quite regularly. I’ve seen highly educated people act so rude and crude, it’s unimaginable__Not even a bunch of bikers is as crude, rude and just plain arrogant__They take the cake. I’ve often tried to enter the huge global epiphany I had, even with a scientific foundation and method, but find it near impossible for them to even begin to process such ideas__and it’s not from not having the intelligences, it’s simply against their dominant ideological belief systems__And many of these same academics are PhD scientists, of one field or another__Beliefs of all kinds are near impossible to break through...
Imo, generally here’s how it works__psychology simply asks the ego for the truth, due to the fact there’s nothing else to ask, if one doesn’t have a mathematical background__ and logic simply asks its knowledge of math’s functions for the truth. Now, when one is present in one of these academic groups, do you think it’s possible to use or state either one of these truths? Well it’s not__at least not in my experience, as academics seem more interested in manipulating the public forum to their desired belief, than do they have any interest in the truths of either psychology or science. Oh they’ll start using science and or psychologies to defend their own beliefs, after they’ve evilly taken over the forums, by lying about all other members’ ideas presented__So you can well imagine why such groups never process much of the information they try, or not try, to process. My experience of human psychology and logic is one of one-up-mans-ship, to the point of total destructive evil...
And now we are entering a world where governments are, by necessity of market crashes, partnering with global-corporations__world wide__Is this a China first policy, or evolution’s self-designed destiny...? I think they’ll require a powerful mathematical manager of human affairs, from all I’ve seen of mixing power and people at scales of this size__How will we, as citizens and governments in this new organization of people and markets, truly achieve that all needed interpretation of information and communication, necessary for these new understandings...? Will the conservation of information law save the day…? What is the inverse square law of information and sound communication processing of, and it’s affectiveness all about…? I’ve earlier stated it as, ‘The more information and communication, the less understanding and affectiveness/effectiveness of__We truly possess__But is this problem solvable...? Imo, we need a new universal grammar, and a new realization about the linguistics of random events, forming uniform progressions. Just as in physics’ cosmology of eons ago, or where new stars and galaxies are now being formed, random events have always evolved into new uniform progressions and formations__I do not expect this to change, but our assistance is also required, as we are truly a major part of this new evolution of markets and people.
I have suggested new and esthetically computerized law and money systems, as our way forward, but this will take much re-assessing of all people’s present global views, ideologies and strong held beliefs. I hope some can begin seeing through the madness a bit more, by what I’ve written in this post__and after re-reading this thread and my philosophy thread, I’m still convinced there’s almost enough information for a clear understanding, if really taken seriously from these two threads beginnings. Yes, more needs to be stated and theorized, but there’s quite a start here, from all these threads participants...
In the future we’ll have to discuss the differences between the self-created reals, the not-reals and the self-discovered reals__which would actually be the major differences between idealisms and ideal realisms__Which I prefer... But, if we were all to use a positive theorizing scientific method of possible futures, with our sound imaginations', we could start to realize our real goal of building totally natural communities, once again__to beautify this over-commercialized ugly giant of a planet. I still have more hope and optimism than ever, that we will get there...
(continued second link...)
While the convergence in knowledge is happening at a fast pace, are we truly processing the information, to an actual world reality…? It seems quite clear to me, we are not__But why not…? This morning, as I was awakening my groggy mind, while still lying in bed, I realized my mind was doing its normal early morning processing. This is not unusual, but what it was processing was unusual. My mind had sub-consciously drifted back to my `72 era thinking about that recent global epiphany, I’d then had. Awakening in a past state of memory is often very interesting, but this morning was especially interesting, as it was the exact problem area I’d been working on when I went to bed last night. That problem was, ‘How does our mind possibly process the tremendous amount of information and complexity, into any form of sensible explanation, not only to ourselves__but more importantly, to the world of others…?’
I think I was first thinking about the two halves of the brain, being basically connected by that one tiny nerve string between the major halves. I was wondering about this maybe being the safety valve of the brain/mind’s two halves, that may keep the circuits from over-loading, then I realized the entire local and global mind would require a similar circuit, to keep it from over-loading, and realized I’d thought about this very area back in `72.
When minds process for the greater public use, all the many varied opinions must have a mechanism of transferring information from individuals to groups of individuals__How does this function...? This is where my natural analytic triadic a priori thinking enters the picture. I hadn’t realized it til this morning, that probably most of us are wired quite differently, due to possibly genetics or early family influences__but anyway, I realized I’d always been wired triadically, and this simply means having a three state mind__Maybe from birth, I don’t know. Anyway, I’ve always seen the world from a three views perspectival position. This would be most easily stated as, true, false and the actual, or as, good, bad and the actual, which could interpret academically as the monadic, dyadic and triadic abstraction layers of mind. I would also interpret it as the two fundamental particulars, and one universal view.
Yet, from reading many members posts, here at ToeQuest, it seems to me as almost all others process the world from a dual perspectives view, while I process the same naturally, from a three perspectives view. Others will have to let me know if this is true, as I remember this as my truth from early childhood on. I was always spouting some universal view when others talked about particular views__It was just normal to me__I even kid on the universal level’s view__But maybe I’m not normal, or I at least process information differently than many others. Even my brother and sisters always commented how philosophical I was, before I ever read any philosophers__and somehow, I even realized this was true, even in grammar school__but I was around a very philosophical grandfather, for my early years__That may be the whole bit of it.
Anyway to me, the mind processes complex informations in public by making use of the third level of universal abstraction, which would be the public commons’ super-consciousness metaphysical state of just being the existing forum of inter-communication of all voices__Yet we take this huge dynamic process for granted. This is the third I/mind that is always present, to contain, process and pass the information from one spirit to another. It’s no mystical thing, it’s just the mental/physical reality of all public processing. This public process meters/filters all communication through its sieve of acceptability__which greatly varies with all members present, in all the varied conversations that do take place globally, or locally...
I mentioned this fact both last year and this year, at the philosophy meetings I attend every summer, but few really understood what I was saying. Two years ago I compared it to Gandhi’s ‘Non-violent force’, which he stated years ago, which I interpreted to the group as his manipulation of the natural moral/ethical public civic spirit of the times__and that this public spirit is not passive, as most would think. It has a very active influence on us all. It’s simply that civil spirit most people carry in public__that actually actively influences everyone’s actions__when in the public square, or any public communication forum of information, etc. To me, this acts similar to that single nerve strand feed between the two halves of the brain__yet serves the same function in public not to overload the public circuits__Only so much information can be processed, and this civil civic spirit filters all messages…
But, the question that needs be asked is, ‘Is this filtering good or bad’, and does it promote truths or lies__rights or wrongs…? Let’s take a look at it from the Early Greeks, and a few others. Heraclitus and Laotzu’s minds functioned more from the universal perspectives than did the later Greeks. This is quite obvious by just a simple comparison, which I’ll skip, but the fact remains that not many after processed information this openly, except maybe Ibn Sina and C.S.Peirce. What I’m pointing out is the three stages of mind evolutions__1, 2, 3__that SB_UK has often pointed out__But I may see it a bit differently. To me first stage evolution of mind went from fight or flight, to civil community, to universal understandings of civil communities. Second stage evolution of mind went from civil communities’ understandings, and universal understandings of communities, to what I have named, ‘The Oedipus complex of an academic abstraction layer’, which falsely interpreted individual freedoms and liberties as a false ‘Duty to state’__Under Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. I see this as culture’s devolution and not its evolution__as most see. They also took the older sensible universal understandings of the public spirit, and subverted them to a much narrower dyadic interpretation, of the earlier triadic interpretations of the Greek citizens, from Heraclitus to the early and later Pythagoreans, who had developed a clear, and very viable, triadic universalist school of Greek thought__Which included the gray areas of the included middle__The mean terms between extremes...
What I now see as the stage three mind awakening, is its final possible realization of this stormy passage, from the monadic fight or flight fundamental states, through the triadic/dyadic states, devolving into the purely dyadic states, and now recovering that greatest of triadic states of mind__Again. This battle’s been raging on the back burners of sense and mind since the early Greeks, and was temporarily revived by Ibn Sina and others, to create the great European Enlightenment and Reformation, but with massive blinders on, to the true facts of the origins of this enlightenment information’s sources__Which was the Arabic speaking lands…
The monadic, dyadic and triadic categories lists of philosophical history have been most ignored, but in order to understand the voracity of the above information, all it takes is a quick glance at the categories lists’ comparisons, of all these eras, and one is quickly convinced of its truths. It’s very clear and easy to see the evolution of all the thought categories__which would be the real categories of thought of these eras__which have existed at varying times of history, just by scanning a few pages of these era’s philosophical categories’ lists__Then all doubts are removed. ...
I’d next like to take these ideas back to the metaphysical-physical reality of the public mind's actualities, of what I mentioned above about the civil civic spirit’s influence on us all. Few may have ever realized or thought much about the God-factor actual in the public mind, but this is that same public spirit we all must confront when we enter any public place or forum. It consists of all personalities, from the gentlest to the most arrogant, and none of us can escape these facts. If any of you have had the chance to attend even the friendliest of academic groups, you would quickly realize this seemingly friendly group can become very angry and arrogant, when certain boundaries of right thought(in their opinions) is crossed, as I usually cross the borders quite regularly. I’ve seen highly educated people act so rude and crude, it’s unimaginable__Not even a bunch of bikers is as crude, rude and just plain arrogant__They take the cake. I’ve often tried to enter the huge global epiphany I had, even with a scientific foundation and method, but find it near impossible for them to even begin to process such ideas__and it’s not from not having the intelligences, it’s simply against their dominant ideological belief systems__And many of these same academics are PhD scientists, of one field or another__Beliefs of all kinds are near impossible to break through...
Imo, generally here’s how it works__psychology simply asks the ego for the truth, due to the fact there’s nothing else to ask, if one doesn’t have a mathematical background__ and logic simply asks its knowledge of math’s functions for the truth. Now, when one is present in one of these academic groups, do you think it’s possible to use or state either one of these truths? Well it’s not__at least not in my experience, as academics seem more interested in manipulating the public forum to their desired belief, than do they have any interest in the truths of either psychology or science. Oh they’ll start using science and or psychologies to defend their own beliefs, after they’ve evilly taken over the forums, by lying about all other members’ ideas presented__So you can well imagine why such groups never process much of the information they try, or not try, to process. My experience of human psychology and logic is one of one-up-mans-ship, to the point of total destructive evil...
And now we are entering a world where governments are, by necessity of market crashes, partnering with global-corporations__world wide__Is this a China first policy, or evolution’s self-designed destiny...? I think they’ll require a powerful mathematical manager of human affairs, from all I’ve seen of mixing power and people at scales of this size__How will we, as citizens and governments in this new organization of people and markets, truly achieve that all needed interpretation of information and communication, necessary for these new understandings...? Will the conservation of information law save the day…? What is the inverse square law of information and sound communication processing of, and it’s affectiveness all about…? I’ve earlier stated it as, ‘The more information and communication, the less understanding and affectiveness/effectiveness of__We truly possess__But is this problem solvable...? Imo, we need a new universal grammar, and a new realization about the linguistics of random events, forming uniform progressions. Just as in physics’ cosmology of eons ago, or where new stars and galaxies are now being formed, random events have always evolved into new uniform progressions and formations__I do not expect this to change, but our assistance is also required, as we are truly a major part of this new evolution of markets and people.
I have suggested new and esthetically computerized law and money systems, as our way forward, but this will take much re-assessing of all people’s present global views, ideologies and strong held beliefs. I hope some can begin seeing through the madness a bit more, by what I’ve written in this post__and after re-reading this thread and my philosophy thread, I’m still convinced there’s almost enough information for a clear understanding, if really taken seriously from these two threads beginnings. Yes, more needs to be stated and theorized, but there’s quite a start here, from all these threads participants...
In the future we’ll have to discuss the differences between the self-created reals, the not-reals and the self-discovered reals__which would actually be the major differences between idealisms and ideal realisms__Which I prefer... But, if we were all to use a positive theorizing scientific method of possible futures, with our sound imaginations', we could start to realize our real goal of building totally natural communities, once again__to beautify this over-commercialized ugly giant of a planet. I still have more hope and optimism than ever, that we will get there...