Saturday, November 14, 2009

A Few Computerization Ideas...

A Computerized Capitalism - Agreement By A Supra-International Constitution
"The computer, by necessity of markets, will evolve the world to internal exchange clearing." LG
An economic, universal justice system of supply and demand computerized databases, based on Boolean logic and sliding time scale law structures, with dynamic pricing balances, can be built and implemented world wide, to solve our over-pressing problems! Derivatives database supply and demand, the world's largest economic reality, is controlling the entire planet, now! This, my friends, must change!
We have the ability to computerize capitalism into balance, solve our problems, and honor the entirety of human yearnings.
A random computer code based on a sliding time scale of adjustments toward a balance of exchange rates and a balance of payments, fully encrypted and state secretly implemented - fully secretly is needed!
The world is computerizing itself to save itself from man!
Computers will force balanced or cleared exchanges on us.
Computer programs and international constitutions can be written to properly balance the electronic empires and the rights of man - the people.
The international financial architecture is computerized on the profit motive only. It needs to be computerized on the public good motive. [use Nash's equilibrium theories and laws to prove]
We have the technology and ability to write a computer program to honestly re-balance global finances. [use Nash and Franklin ideas]
We have the technology and ability to computerize suzeraintic capitalism into honest government and finance.
The Heinz-57 capitalisms and the Heinz-57 totalitarianisms can be computerized into incorruptible and honest capitalism.
We must computerize capitalism to save the world from financial destruction, because the big boys in the tall buildings have learned how to computer rob the entire system. [Boolean logic]
The massive problem of computerized speculation of financial markets requires a new computerization of international capitalism, to rectify.
Computerized systems can control prices to allow semi-free printing of taxes.
There are five alternative systems - Reverse Incentive Capitalism - Tally Computer Capitalism - Public and Private Enterprise Capitalism - International Currency Clearing Capitalism and The Fixed/Equilibriated Exchange Variant - That's three forms of internal exchange clearing and two forms of external exchange clearing.
Computer controlled supply and demand perfect competition...
An international constitution of computerized exchange clearing, based on a 1 to 20% per year sliding time scale law structure, written toward balancing global prices and values, can achieve the golden moral mean - A pragmatic and logical center of thought.
We have the technology and ability to computerize capitalism's unbalanced pricing system into a super-moral perfect competition balance! The answer is, balance the prices!
We need state computerization of certain financial transactions.
We have the ability to computerize global problems into extinction!
An economic, universal justice system of supply and demand computerized databases, based on Boolean logic and sliding time scale law structures, with dynamic pricing balances, can be built and implemented world wide, to solve our over-pressing problems! Derivatives database supply and demand shadow banking, the world's largest economic reality, is controlling the entire planet, now! This, my friends, must change!
Our future is international constitutional computerized finance.
We need the proper computerization of the law structures to make capitalism work right - again!
The corrupted systems can be computerized into honesty and incorruptibility!
In my opinion, man is incapable of respecting the natural laws, so society will, one day, have to be turned over to computers!
Those past systems that failed, Law, Franklin, Kitson, and Keynes, and or were never instituted, can be perfected with derivatives insurance and modern computerizations.
"The computer age - One moment's truth - Next moment's lie!" LG
We have the ability to computerize all global interdisciplinary thought into a universal coherent balance, by uniting the natural laws of nature with the natural laws of mind and the statecrafted laws of man.
We have the ability to computerize global values and morality into balance - Now!
The soul thinks mathematically pure - The trickster thinks good/evil - The perfect computer of mind and essence balances!
We have the ability to computerize all global thought into understandable universal truths with a new intuitive wisdom logic.
"100 years from now, capitalism will have passed into computer controlled societies, honoring our entire intuitive essences." [intuition outside the cone of knowledge]
Moral logic verses Boolean logic - Man against and for computers...
A world of computerized money systems beyond law systems control...
The computer controlled arbitrage of law, money, and power systems...
A world run by a virtuous computer…
Radio, TV, and computers granting of the 4th dimension of time - past and future awareness +...
The soul of "god" and man is a mathematical computer of natural law logic.
The nihilistic unconscious wills of computers controlling the world...

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