Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Universal Spiritual Geometry of Nature…

Universal values of nature and naturalism…
The rhetorical triad__’Ethos’, ‘Pathos’, ‘Logos…’
The power of invalid validity…
Private language abstract-beliefs have the validity of existence…
Academics’ and science’s prejudice of universal values…
Science, excluding universal values, excludes science, and invalidates science…
Academics’, excluding universal values, excludes academics, and invalidates academics…
Values, excluding science, exclude values of science…
The mentalities of methods…
Proper and improper methods…
Bad method obliterates judgment…
The experiential method is far too fallible…
The scientific method is far less fallible…
Prejudiced values vs. prejudiced science…
1. 1st Philosophy__Universal Values__Metaphysics…
2. 2nd Philosophy__Universal Science__Mixed Metaphysics and Particularity…
3. 3rd Philosophy__Particular Science__’Closed Methodology…’
4. 4th Philosophy__Universal Unification Attempts and Failure…
5. 5th Philosophy__Final Unification__’Open ‘Methodicity…’

A New Understanding of Methodology vs. ‘Methodicity…’

If one just carefully looks at how I’ve premised this post from, ‘The Universal Spiritual Geometry of Nature…’ to ‘A New Understanding of Methodology vs. Methodicity…’, one should be able to detect the problem we are all rolling around in here at ToeQuest, in trying to unify ideas, without a proper method to do so. The first ideas to understand are the thus far non-clarity of mentalities’ order of progression in history, which is mentioned last, under the numbered headings. Looking back over history, one would realize mentalities were first organized under a first philosophy of the people’s universal values, or what they early on termed metaphysics, as that was just the natural progression of mentalities’ history.

But, when they started developing particular ideas in depth, they ran into a conflict in their first philosophy, and found they needed to extend its definition and content, to account for particularities, they could not universalize, such as number, etc. So, there began the development of a second philosophy of universal science, which was the mixed ideas of metaphysics and particular sciences__as best they could delve into them, with their early crude instruments, but there shortly there-after set in the great schools battles__of which was the true ideas of the times__which has continued to this very day.

The developed crises of the schools of differing thought required a third philosophy to be born, which was the Greek’s early thoughts of methodology, attributed to Thales__One of the seven sages. Thales is given credit by many Greeks as being the first scientist/philosopher. Of course these are very crude sciences of methodology, but they did work for these early people, and some aspects were quite accurate, such as in astronomy and business. The point is, a methodology was necessary to quell the angered passions between the first philosophy and the second philosophy, of the times__and it was Thales’ methodology of science that served this purpose, which is still with us, with refinements__right to this day.

The problem is, that all through the ages of mentalities’ evolution, no-one truly noticed the damage being incurred to first philosophy’s value system, by third philosophy’s methodology__through the drastic separation and prejudice of the collective schools of thought, against universal values. This has been a slow and encroaching process, so slow, it’s been barely detectable, yet we all feel it__but it’s finally been detected, and is being written about, by several authors around the world. When thoroughly understood, in all its damaging actions, one will become aware of the power of its ability to even destroy our needed judgments of ordering proper civil societies__as has been recorded by Peter Alexander Meyers, titled ‘Method and Civic Education’.

Now that we’ve invented and used this third philosophical method for millennia, we are trying to invent a fourth philosophy of unification, which is ending in failure__Because the systems we are trying to unify are of opposite groundings. That is the first philosophy is of open grounding, or background independence, and the second and third philosophies of science are of a closed methodology and grounding. These three systems put us in the position of the ancient Greeks trying to unite fire and ice. How’s it to be done, when the one always destroys the other…?

This is why I’m suggesting a fifth philosophical system, I’m titling ‘Methodicity’, which is an entirely new method of unification of closed and open systems__or the unification of closed methodology and open methodology. Of course, when one scans the internet, this isn’t a new word, but I’m giving it the special definition job, of uniting the opposites of closed and open systems__that is, the extremes of opposites, into new lucid conceptualisms and common sense__Which I’m really interpreting as no more than ‘Science With Values__True Universal Values...’

This would be my contribution to ‘The Universal Spiritual Geometry of Nature…’ I’ll just let this post sink in a bit, and get back to its implications later. For now, I’d recommend reading the linked article above by, Peter Alexander Meyers, titled ‘Method and Civic Education’… One can not use the old ‘Closed ‘Methodologies’ to unify the world’s many differing ideas__Imo, one must use this new ‘Open ‘Methodicity’, to unify the many differing ideas, of Earth’s many opinions and facts…

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