Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Magic Demon of Self-Interpretations à Isomorphic Geometric Mapping vs. The Ego…?

Is it possible to know anything without geometry…? No…!!! Why…???

The innate geometry of mind must map All information to perception, conception, cognition, understanding and or memory, from the outside world__First…

Is it possible to know anything about self, I and or ego__Without outside information__First…???

It first matters what one defines as outside. If one defines outside as outside of body__Then it is not possible to know about self, I and or ego__But with outside information__First… If one defines outside as outside of direct and indirect perception__then is is possible to know about self, I and or ego__Without outside information__First__But the only information knowable will be of perception’s tools of agency__Only…!!! This means one’s ability to only know the agent tools functions, yet with no content__As all content is required to come from outside perception, conception, cognition, understanding and or memory__Always…!!!

Why can’t the mind, intuition, creativity, imagination, memory, spirit or any other possible innate agent produce information and or knowing knowledge…?

The mind/brain is a mere simple tool/agent of greater bio-nature and geo-spheres__And functions only in conjunction with greater bio-nature, and the geo-spheres. It contains no material to process__Until bio-nature and the geo-spheres/fields have isomorphically mapped its information into mind, soul, brain, spirit, perception, conception, cognition, intuition, creativity understanding and or memory, etc.__Always…!!!

Why can’t spirit do all the above…?

What is spirit but the geo-sphere’s fields, and the bio-sphere’s fields…??? Answer__Nothing else but…!!! Nothing else is known to exist…!!! Otherwise, one is just plain and simply stumbling around in the ‘Magic Demon of Self-Interpretations of Pure Egoism’. Only the necessary understanding of Nature’s Isomorphic Geometric Mapping of Innate Information__From the outside geo- and bio-spheres__Into Oneself__Prevents the false mistakes of Egoism…!!!

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