Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Universal Inverse Theorems of Value, Information and Knowledge…

Long have we searched for the most grounded ideas to solve the planet’s many problems. Many an education system, technologies, value systems, philosophies and ideas have been developed, cast aside and new methods evolved and tried__But what makes them all inadequate…? The old world tried to universalize knowledge, yet hadn’t enough particular knowledge to complete their job. The middle ages’ world tried to utilize both universal and particular knowledges, yet ended in the many conflicts of the many schools of thought. Today, we try the specializations of all the former schools of thought, almost ignoring the older universal schools of ideas, and the middle ages many debates, and lack of solutions, then and now__while the world wide web evolves toward a new universalization of the many schools of knowledge, almost unrecognized, by the many specialist schools of thinking. Might this all be no more than people’s thoughts just being out of time with the true realities of the whole spiritual and physical evolution…? Mustn’t the solution be what we here at ToeQuest are attempting to do__Create a theory of everything…? And, wouldn’t that everything be recognizing the entire spectrum of uniting the older universal thinking with the middle ages’ particular and universal debates, with the new specializations__being newly united also with the universal design’s evolution of the world wide web’s almost unrecognized process…?

Just let me show one particular instance__Physicists, scientists and many others think that a new energy source will solve most of the world’s problems over-night. Yet, how many truly realize how quickly the world’s major corporations, would turn any new energy source to their own personal ownership and profit__Thus putting the world right back where it was before this new energy source were found or invented…? Imo, it’s always money and law__But, let’s look deep into the values, information and knowledge systems everyone is drawing from, to see if we may find some clues to why people do think out of time with reality…

I’ve heard many speak of emotional and intellectual maturity, but are such states of mind even possible…? My definition of emotional maturity would be to know the emotional intelligences of every human on Earth__Now, is that even possible…? No, of course it’s not, so imo, everyone is required to settle for far less than emotional maturity. Now take intellectual maturity, and again my definition would be to know the intellectual intelligences of every human on Earth__Now, is that even possible…? No of course it’s not, so imo, everyone is again required to settle for far less than intellectual maturity. What I’m getting at is, we must all settle for incompleteness, in whatever endeavor we try__It’s the best the human race is capable of, due to the shear numbers of humanity’s creative realities. Something new and more mature will always come along, as it should, so mother nature leads the show__when one is truly honest about our most basic human capacities. I think this all just has the capacity of making us a bit more humble__If we but realize what we do not, and can not__know…

Now, let’s look at information and see what can be possible, and what can not be possible. In an earlier post I already mentioned the inverse square law of information in relation to understanding, but there’s an even deeper consideration to be made here. What about the inverse proportionality of knowledge from information processes by the number of essence agents involved, in the processing. I’m willing to bet most have never even considered this dynamic, as is clearly laid out in my graphic here: LINK I’ve mentioned much about it in different places before, but only recently realized a universal law could be applied, and here it is__Moral esthetic value is inversely proportional to the number of essence agents used to process the information involved. This simply means if we either do not use all our essence agents to process information, we end with ideas that are far less than the truths of the situation__or if we use too much emotion, and not enough logic, we fail to understand a proper knowledge, and vice versa, if we use too much logic, and not enough emotion, we get the same bad results. I’ve found it best to use all tools at our disposal to do the best job, whether at work, or in our personal emotional and intellectual lives__and I think you’ll find this law bares out.

As a further example of the inverse proportional law above, let’s next apply it to knowledge__And I’ll state it like this: True Knowledge is inversely proportional to the number of schools of ideas processed. The way I’m meaning this to be interpreted is__The more one specializes, the less one knows about the universality of knowledge__and, The more one studies the general universality of knowledge, the less one knows about the particular specialty fields of knowledge. It comes down to that same old problem between Plato and Aristotle__But which is better…? Do we sacrifice the universal for the particular, as most are doing today, or do we sacrifice the particular for the universal…? And then we have the ‘universal and particular’ world wide web…? My opinion is that neither of these is a choice to help us on our path to a possible evolution toward either emotional or intellectual maturity. I only believe in the considered school of doing both, or all at once__But I realize that’s near impossible for most__so we are left in a world with all minds out of time, due to the possibility of time available to study either or both the particular specializations or the universalities of knowledge. Imo, we should all keep this in mind when dealing with the many different spirits, not only on this forum, but in all our life’s dealings…

Everyone differs due to the time circumstances of possibilities allotted to all the different peoples of this extremely diverse planet. I don’t know if this post helps any, but anyway…

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