Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Currency Wars On The Horizon__2011 to 2012…

You ain’t seen nothing yet__You wait till this specialty form of economic war gets under way… You think markets collapsed in Sept. `08, no, no, no__that was just the starting flag being dropped, for when a true currency war comes into full swing__all nations will bear the brunt of a storm so huge, you’ll wish for the devil to be in power, to solve such tremendous personal carnage. The last time the world experienced a major currency war__It brought us Hitler, and WWII, and all global foreign exchange markets had to be closed for twenty years, not opening again until 1957__under completely new law and trade structures…

What will such a currency trade panic truly bring…? So far, we’ve only witnessed about a 10% downturn in the real world economy. A full blown currency war will add another 15% to 20% downturn onto the already highly stressed global economies. Just what is a currency war…? It’s when all nations fear losing more jobs to other nations’ cheaper labor currency markets, and are actually losing more jobs than the public will put up with, so the local social unrest drives the politicians to make drastic policy action changes__which interprets into cheap currencies require physically and legally adjusting one’s own currencies to cheaper currency levels__which turns into a free-for-all of every nation copying the same policies__thus further destroying the internal credit values, just as China and India are presently doing, and many others also. But, when the larger and more important global economies get into this huge gambler’s game__the real markets start to topple__the major bond markets, which further implodes the rest of what’s left of these larger economies internal credit survival capacities__and turns to thoroughly negative credit productivities__and possibly the worst forms of social unrest imaginable…

So, if you think you’ve seen many people losing their houses already__you ain’t seen nothing yet. The scramble between government policy necessities, beyond these government’s monetary control and abilities, and the desire of the public to stay in their homes and feed their families, will become so acute__Marshal law will have to be declared in many countries__until the bimbos in power re-educate themselves to what was required back in the 1930’s, as this information is now most forgotten, and the ones that do understand it, are not in power positions, as they’ve been ostracized by the major academic and political pinheads, to the status of heterodox madmen, and are not listened to by hardly anyone in present power positions. Yet, the heterodox thinkers are actually the only ones who do know this old 1930’s history and truth, and the world’s very survival will hinge on how quickly the societies can push the proper people into the power positions__that will be absolutely needed. This scenario of power transition is completely unknown, as to how long this will take__but most likely the civil unrest, from a major global currency war will speed its occurrence… Let’s hope not too many starve, or are killed, before the nations awake…

Just an early warning, as many nations are already headed down this highly dangerous road… If you think you wanted collapse, to improve the system, you may just get your wish__but, it certainly won’t be as pretty as you may think…

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