Thursday, October 13, 2011

Love And Madness__Rationality And Generative Wisdom And Justice…

The child is born peering into a world of pure love and madness. S/he’s been gifted with the potential to grow and develop into the greatest being the world has ever produced__but the obstacles to the possibilities of such growth are profound, beyond the recognition of not only the child, but the adult community as well. The child, with its pure state of observational modal thought and vision, clearly sees the love and beauty directed toward its being__but, on the other hand also clearly sees all the dysfunctional evil of the adult and peer communities directed toward it as well. How is s/he going to navigate this ocean of confused and conflated thoughts and actions…???

Some children are lucky enough to be born into homes with two loving and well adjusted parental adults__while others are born into a living hell, all the way from mixed dysfunctionality, to partial dysfunctionalities of certain members of immediate family and close relatives and friends of the immediate family. For the ones born into these more dysfunctional families__the child peers into a split personality, often so great, it may seem near impossible to navigate. Let’s say our child Jack, at age three is just beginning to become aware of his surroundings and finds them not being as happy as he may have liked them to be. He sees his mother mentally and physically abusing his younger sister, yet showing over-disproportional love for him. His father is passive to most all around him, being more rational and just not wanting to involve himself in all life’s emotional intrigues. His grandfather is abusing his grandmother a bit, but not too much. His grandmother, having a split personality, due to class conflicts between her family and her husband’s, is first offering all the love and kindness one can muster__then out of the other side of this lady’s mouth comes the most vile attacks against all adults and children in her path. Her mother, the great grandmother, since everyone is living under her roof, is the monster ruling the home with an iron fist, and a meanness of spirit no better than an ancient Roman Emperor. Jack’s grandfather, the old patriarch of the family, reserved yet protective of his mental turf, is usually quite conservative, but quite often pushed by ol’ great-grand-ma into wild fits of rage, that practically blows the roof off the big ol’ farmhouse__the cows, chickens, pigs and horses run for cover__the cherries shrivel up and die, an fall off the trees…

It’s quite a minefield of dysfunctionality this new king of virgin spirit and soul has been born into__and people wonder why the world isn’t a better place to live...? There isn’t a family on Earth that doesn’t have some of this same dysfunctionality hidden in one of its many closets. So, what’s Jack to do with his young life, when faced with all this love and madness…? He awakes every day, stumbles down the stairs, and is first met by his grumbling great-grand-ma, never having a kind or nice word to speak says; “Did you forget to wash your hands and face?”, since the stairway door opened directly into the kitchen, where she’d be preparing breakfast for the four generation tribe, living under her roof. Jack, sneering as much as he could get away with, since he’d already had his mouth washed out with soap, by this beast, grumbled to himself and washed up__only to next meet the new day’s conflicts and arguments. Jack, to himself is saying; “Let me get my breakfast and get outta’ this madhouse….” First though are his morning chores, whether it be collecting eggs or feeding the farm animals and bringing in more wood for the coming winter, as even at three he’s been given his chores, but after this, he’s free to roam around on his own, as there’s no danger on the farm, except during bear cub season and an occasional bob-cat, in winter...

Jack, now outside and thinking to himself, wonders how long before his sister’s chores will take to be done, so’s he’ll have a playmate__and further wonders how much talking he’ll have to endure to revive his beautiful younger sister from the damage he realizes is being heaped on her each day, while doing her chores, eating, playing or whatever__as he’s experienced this most every day of his yet very young life… Usually his sister exits the house either in tears or so angry it takes Jack as much as an hour of cajoling her to revive her beautiful play spirit back to functionality__but he realizes this is becoming more difficult with each passing week. He knows he’s losing the beautiful spirit of his sister as a playmate, and clearly sees it as the abuse coming from the spiritually violent home environment she must endure__while he being older, has learned more how to con his way with everyone, and navigate the wiles of these internal home evils__which he’ll never forget…

Jack’s visited far and wide, even at this early age, and has learned other families are even far worse than his, and has yet to find a family in even better shape than his own__and wonders how can this be…? “I’m miserable with my home situation, and yet these others are even worse, with far more abuse clearly visible, to the naked eye…?” “Just what makes my world so evil…?” “I can clearly see through the whole family dynamic, then out into the community dynamic, and my family employs many of the town’s people, and my uncle is about the most miserable man I’ve ever met, which now runs the major family farm’s business enterprizes__so is it the fact that this business abuse runs clear from the top down…?” And yes, as Jack would later learn from deep conversations from his grand-dad__the problem is endemic from the largest corporations, to the smaller corporations and businesses, all the way to the bottom of family employment in these abusive entities__and it’s nothing but a trickle-down effect of global abuse, from a money system__no-one is wise enough to repair…

Well, this is a pretty simple system, and was taught to Jack by the age of seven, to be no more than this simple psychology of otherwise logical actions__but with his love being pushed into madness at such an early age by family circumstances__he’s thinking; “How many times does my innocent lil’ ol’ frame have to endure such abuse…?” Little did Jack know at the time, this love and madness circus would rear its ugly head, almost all throughout his future life__and most of these problems would come directly from his very own upbringing. First was his mother, grand-mother and great-grand-mother pushing his and his beautiful and caring sister’s feelings into hells of madness, no child should have to endure__then the early hell of religious and mystical brainwashing, taking place every day, mainly from his bi-polar mother, who was loving and caring one second, and terrorizing of spirit, mind and soul, the next second__which would lead into all the areas of madness a pure innocent soul could barely endure...

Not only was Jack to endure all these early stage madnesses, but at about age 12 to 15, he’d be pushed into one of the worst hell’s he’d ever thought possible__as this one would completely clean out his functioning emotional mind, and leave nothing but a raw functioning rational and logical soul__of pure emotional hell. This was the age of first loves turning to pure unimaginable hell, created by the over-forced religious brain-washing, by church and female members of a deeply fanatically religious family. Few can imagine the hell a mind goes through when love, religion, sexuality and rational reality collide__so head-on, the mind is actually pulverized completely. Now Jack, aged 15, must wander into the social world with an emotionless mind, except for anger__yet still retaining all his raw childhood soul memories, as they be too overwhelming to forget, and how’s he to function__other than as a Wildman…?

Well wildman, Jack thus became__jumping from one idea, hobby, intent, woman to another quicker than a frog playing leap-frog__but his emotions’ only tied more and more into a tighter knot than they’d ever been before__and through possession after possession, girlfriend after girlfriend and wife after wife, Jack finally hit the end-game wall__his entire brain/mind exploded from its raw reason and logic into pure psychological emotionalism__another hell, even deeper than all the hells he’d thus far experienced, as this one had no true feet on the ground, for its necessary guidance__what-so-ever. This newest self was lost in the self of itself__wandering in a soup of every conceivable idea the world has ever known__a virtual being in a canoe on and ocean of all knowing and all unknowing__all at once, being thrown into a very over-taxed brain/mind/soul. How in hell was Jack ever going to find his path back to any form of sanity…?

All Jack knew for sure were a few simple truths he’d always relied on all throughout his life__“For every action, there’s an opposite and equal reaction”, and “Fight fire with fire…” So Jack latched onto these two premises and ventured into what he’d hated most all his life__the study of the psychology of emotions, since it’s the emotions of emotions he’s now trapped in__but where to start. Well, it was religion and the deep psychological problems of, that drove him into this final cavern, so he decided a full exploration of all the world’s many religions would be one place to start, but since Jack had always been one to mix all his ideas in a stew of motives and intents, he also included all the psychologies and anthropologies he could put his hands on__to study as well…

Never did Jack realize where this would lead, through all the ancient mysticisms, such as the Tibetan Book of The Dead, and The Egyptian Book of The Dead, Zoroastrianism, Totemism, Animism, I Ching, Brahmanism, Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism, Gnosticism, Judaism, Christianity, Islamism, etc., on and on, all the way through Satanism and all the occult systems and tribal Shamanisms. But all this study only led to a further hell__being narrowed in cultural beliefs to the point this path of study finally came to a dead-end in a near suicide attempt__because there seemed to be no way out of this last form of madness, where Jack’s soul had been mangled by all the great traditions, that were so touted to be the cure-all for such problems__but were clearly not the path for this tormented mind and soul to take__so what was left…?

Jack, with gun in hand, heading to blow his head off, knocked over a pile of encyclopedia yearbooks, and out fell the science yearbook to lil’ ol’ Einstein’s quote; “The secret of the old one.” And snap__immediately Jack’s mind turned back onto the path of reason and logic, which the emotional hell had blocked from his view for some ten years__so now he knew his future path was to renew the earlier path he’d attempted some 15 years earlier__to find that ever existing rationality and modal logic of the generative wisdom and true justice…

“Two things here are all-important to assure oneself of and to remember. The first is that a person is not absolutely an individual. His thoughts are what he is "saying to himself," that is, is saying to that other self that is just coming into life in the flow of time. When one reasons, it is that critical self that one is trying to persuade; and all thought whatsoever is a sign, and is mostly of the nature of language. The second thing to remember is that the man's circle of society (however widely or narrowly this phrase may be understood), is a sort of loosely compacted person, in some respects of higher rank than the person of an individual organism." C.S. Peirce


The Triadic Mind’s Eye__A Voyage Inside The Stereo-Graphic Mind’s Eyes…

When you look inside your mind, how far do you see…? Can you see both inside and outside your mind’s eye, or eyes…? Do you see a dyadic or a triadic+ multiplicity of its innate mechanics…? Do, or can you, see the stereo-graphic meeting of both hemisphere’s of your brain, as they both produce the independent images filtering into your mind’s eyes’ memory and perception spaces…? Just how far can you see into the biology of the deep extra-logical stereo-graphic sight, of your own mind…? Can you even see inside of your own mind’s eye, or just what it is seeing…? I know we’re all different, but I’m just wondering how different…???

Have you ever tried to go through that last and deepest closed door in your mind__or do you even dare open that last and deepest door…? I mean that when you are totally alone and contemplating those most scary depths of your mind, whether just an uncomfortable spot, or some area you feel holds possibly great evil, or some sorcery or witchcraft area__does such an area exist in your contemplating…? Well, it does in my mind, and has since I was a child. When I was real young, I was always afraid to enter the depths of my deepest thoughts, but when I got older, I even tried my damndest to pry open the door I knew had existed since childhood__but it wouldn’t open, until one day, it just flew open on its own__and such a flood-gate of information fell into my mind__it’s practically impossible to explain, but anyway__I’m gonna’ attempt it… I see this area as the fundamental mechanics of intuition__a mind’s eyes’ mechanics of perception, creativity, imagination and conception. I see this as the mind’s eyes’ extra-logical stereo-graphic sight, where the mind is filled to overflowing with initial information, feeding into memory, perception and later from these sources, producing our intuitional choices of this vast flood of informations and visions__as there’s really nothing to do with this much initial information capacity, except to try and focus one’s attention as much as possible into either intuitional or imaginational understandings__then on into either viable perceptions or self-constructed conceptions__whichever your choice may be…

Have you ever looked into your mind, and been completely overwhelmed by the shear amount of images to choose from, and how to filter em…? If so, where are they coming from…? I’ve always accepted the theory that all our super-objective ideas actually are accessible through our super-subjective apparatus, just as easily as our direct objective perception apparatus__but that all information comes from these two sources, though the super-subjective sources be the majority of our present moment sources__but where’d the initial super-subjective sources come from…? If I use objective conceptualism, I can see the mind’s eye-ism as a form of memory space mechanics, deriving information from the mind’s eyes’ deep fundamental direct, and indirect memory images__stored there through the entire course of life, by the automatic induction method of nature, herself. By this I mean, the natural perception taking in what it feels, sees, hears, tastes and smells__all its life, then storing this data in memory__and with our extra-logical sorting, to different memory spaces. To me, the initial conditions are this simple__but, do you actually realize how tremendously huge the giga-bites of global information this life storage system would really be…? And herein lies the complexity behind this door many are afraid to open__where the largest multitude of visions reside…

Open it, there’s nothing to be afraid of__the visions of what you’ll see will certainly amaze you__no matter what you think__all it takes is deep, deep concentration… It’s simply the gateway into seeing directly inside the mind’s eye and into intuition’s deepest secrets, even creativity’s secrets hide there__and epiphanies as well as lucid visions. As a matter of fact, it’s also the door to the gates of wisdom, though wisdom must be recognized as a generative process, or an evolving intelligence of the entire global bio-sphere… Once inside this amazing world, one can easily see how perception and abstracting information into the mind’s eyes’ conceptualism truly works__as the objective mind’s eye mechanics is simply the self-constructed conceptual inference mechanics, that can even be represented as the algebra of concepts, and has been by many, ever since Herbart’s first algebra of concepts, back in the late 1800’s, but anyway, I won’t go into these technicalities now… Going through this deepest of inner doors in the mind only requires perception’s deep extra-logical focusing, and concentration on entering a room in your mind, that holds a gold-mine of information, knowledge and wisdom__at least the view of what generative wisdom and pure justice truly are…

I know it’s a scary place to enter, as I’ve talked to many through the years about this very area of thought and vision__and many became freaked out to even discuss such depths of the mind__clearly deeper than what the average person is used to conversation going… This is going beyond all bounds of personal comfort, into the deepest personal and psychological exploration of self-contemplation__where you can actually see the very inner innate mechanics of the entire bio-brain, in action…
Follow, if you dare__It’s only self-knowledge__It won’t hurt you… I can state, those who did follow greatly benefited in understanding the subjective and objective inter-actions of their and others actions…

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