Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Triadic Predicate...

(my amazon review: )
Imo, no genius exists on Earth, the extent__scope, depth and breadth__of C.S. Peirce; and these two exquisite volumes certainly do represent the best ordered collection of his complete life's work available__that is as per his early ideas, as well as his mature thoughts. I especially thought his 'normative' and 'nomological' perspectives were the best that's ever been written, even to this day__and that includes of the 100's/1000's of present secondary authors, who have written about Peirce... Peirce is not only the world's foremost logician, he's also the world's foremost epistemologist, esthetician and rhetorician. As the previous rewiewer noted; "His knowledge was immense and he is the only person that I know of who equals Aristotle." I couldn't agree more, and I being 67 years young, have read most all the philosophers, mathematicians, logicians, estheticians and rhetoricians...
My assessment rests on a lifelong study of philosophy, as well as the last 10 years being spent researching all links, books and materials available about Peirce. I've also visited his homestead, and the museum down the street, in Milford, Penn__It's really a shame more hasn't been done, by our Gov., to more thoroughly commemorate this greatest of America's public servants... If you want the philosophical truth between 'The Continental' and 'The Analytic' schools of thought, then this man's 'Pragmatism' is for you, as it's all Peirce's own, in only the way he could tell it, though he credits all the authors throughout history, who's shoulders he stands upon__He also offers the most honest assessments of all the other philosophers, he chooses fit to mention, or dis-mention...
I've been reading all the world's major philosophers, for years__but, it's always a pleasure to return to the master of em all__Peirce... As a matter of fact, I've had this book for over a month, but saved it for 1-1-2012, to start the new year off right__what a pleasure it's been... I don't think there's a word been said in philosophy, since Peirce's death, that can't be 'research-chased' back to this massive intellect__and that's no exaggeration, as it's been the largest part of my personal research project, over the last 10 years, of which I'm presently preparing an academic paper, and a few books. If anyone were to just type Peirce's name into Google, with a space + space, then type any important philosophical author after, since Peirce's late 1860's ideas on, and truly research the links, as to his primacy of ideas__you'll find em, as they exist, especially if the subjects of philosophy are also link searched__as that's simply how I found all the information linking Peirce to all modernity's most important philosophical ideas__pre-dating what academics has presently given false credits to other lessers__Just check out 'Peirce Law' as a primer, or his 1870 books on 'Boolean Logics and Maths...'
I've never been more impressed by one man's total ideas, than by Peirce's, and I'm basically an economist, who uses Peirce's logic to improve my economic writings... I recommend these two volumes, more than anything in print__as imo, it takes Peirce's 'critical common sense' logic, to even begin to understand all the other subjects' ideas, especially in today's overly hyped World__He's by far, the most grounded man on Earth...

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