Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Possible Science of Shamanism and Para-Psychology, Plus Extras…

I'm thinking what I posted below, may be able to be expanded upon__to possibly get to the heart of a simpler way of seeing the deeper, broader and more complex intelligence agendas. I don't really know yet, but I thought I'd just throw out a few ideas of how I happened to stumble a bit deeper into, what I'd consider the center of the brain, years ago__as I seriously believe as Uspensky stated years ago; "The super-objective state of mind, is found in the super-subjective state of mind..."

Now let me just say a few words about this__I studied and practiced Shamanism and para-psychology for about ten years, back in the `70's, as at that time, I'd more or less abandoned the academic and scientific worlds__as having drifted far too far from what I considered the common sense knowledgeable ground of reality and science__That's some 40 years ago... I made a ten year investigation of most all nations' native tribes, anthropologically, and through all the ancient and modern literature I could find about Shamanism, and its related psychologies and para-psychologies. Of course this required studying all the ancient religions as well, clear back to all the potlatch and phallic worship stages... The potlatch I found was the old tribal law systems for punishing greed, among other tribal dis-allowances. Phallic worship seemed to be more for centering power and worship toward the kings and shamans, to create community harmony__really an innocent purpose in those early eras, as greed was punished, and power was needed to defend the small communities... Often, the shamans were also kings__but, what did I learn about modern intelligence by studying and practicing this early form of Shamanism and relating it to the modern forms of para-psychology being most deeply studied by the Russian KGB, at the time...?

I learned how far the powers of the mind, whether straight_or on drugs_could be pushed without excessively harming itself or others__how deep an understanding of the mind's pure intellectual and emotional capacities reach__and exactly how much power either or both the emotional and intellectual sides of the mind are truly capable of... Before I investigated to this level of understanding, I was under the false illusion that the mind was truly capable of accomplishing almost unimaginable feats of both emotional and intellectual power. My greatest realization was to learn these were drastically false assumptions. Yes, the mind can be pushed, especially on the powers of LSD and a few other hallucinogenic drugs_to do some pretty amazing mind control scenarios__but almost never repeatable as to the desired scientific results. Yes, the mind does have the capacity on LSD to manipulate small crowds of people, but not in a totally controlled scientific fashion__but in a hap-hazzard way__being set by more the chemistry of the brain and the surrounding psychological settings. The Russians found these same results also, and finally most abandoned para-psychology research__except of course as pertains to propaganda__which addresses your point L_____ about the guy with the first blog post agenda__being set by pure propaganda, to swage others opinions to his desired goal__Bigotry...

So, though shamanism and para-psychology can not be scientifically effectively used for outright mind-control__these fundamental sourced ideas do have a tremendous power through the power of propaganda and suasion, to influence whole nations' agendas and intelligences__which most people are totally unaware of... In fact, at this very moment in history, the far left is trying to resurrect the old story of 'The Jewish Cemetary of Prague' a known Russian forgery conspiracy of an old 19th century book's satire about the Jews__It's just one of the modern world's new pseudo-conspiracies entering the top of all the web searche engines__the hard left are so gullible of falling for__'Zeitgeist on Steroids...'


Hi L_____, and thanks for the question...

Modal thinking imo, first started with Socrates, in his playful manner of questioning the youth of Athens. As the article above also points out, Aristotle also mentioned quite a bit about modal thinking. The first I'm aware of it really being expanded upon is by the debates between Biruni and Ibn Sina when discussing his extensions of Aristotle's logic system, and adding in a rudimentary quaternion thought system, and his 'Flying Man' analogy of his metaphor of thinking and pure thought. The next to take up what the Persians had extented logic to be understood as, was Albertus Magnus, the teacher of St. Thomas Acquinas__then to the scholastics Scotus and Ocham... This was all as relates to modal thinking and modal logics, then described as the 'logica utens' and the 'logica docens'__which I believe is Magnus' interpretations of the Persians...

Muse of course goes back to early times also, as music and musing about our thoughts, but really takes on its modern form in Scotus' and Ocham's works__who were the midieval periods’ deepest thinkers. Both these men did extreme musings about the depths of thought about thought__or the modal logic, as it's become known since a short time after Scotus and Ocham. The play aspect of musing and modal thought seems to have more entered in the 18th and 19th centuries, in several different philosophers works, as they realized this deep thinking about thinking, many of us do, is actually ourselves playing with the thoughts in our minds, so deep, the easiest way to track it seems to be to make it a mind-game, such thinkers as myself choose to do__to recover the deeper meanings and actions of thought. I think it was Peirce to be the first one to connect all the pieces together, from the ancients to the moderns__that the deepest logics were much like children playing, as it's a flow of information processing that works much as children at play...

Peirce didn't put 'Modal Muse' together, but my interpretation of all these ideas just sorta evolved into uniting the two phrases together, especially after listening to so much Cat Stevens' music about his 'Muse...' It's in this album... LINK...

So, I'm the guilty one for inventing the phrase, 'Modal Muse'__but with all the historical perspective I'm looking at, it's quite apt. I've been toying with this area of thought for years now, and I finally saw through it all the way, because we are taking up Socrates next week, at our Philosophy meeting__and it's about his modal musing thinking in this area__and by all the pieces coming together at once__it just came out as the 'Modal Muse...' It's just a simple and fun way of doing deep philosophical logic thinking... A little playfulness makes it easier...


All modal intelligence has an agenda__The 'Modal Muse' is our 'self-designed/designer intelligence decision engine' at the deepest levels of all our brains. No-one can escape the fact that they are either playing the modal muse of emotions against intellect, or the modal muse of intellect against emotions. Seldom does anyone abandon their core agenda of their deepest felt modal operator/explicand/operand state__It's the C.I.A. of all our puny brains__That lil' ol' 'central intelligence agency' called our 'Modal Muse...'

Some think they can hide their agendas__none can hide these agendas from everyone__'You can fool some of the people all the time, some of the people some of the time, but never all the people, all the time...'

Few have the ability to stand in the middle, and purposely switch between 'Modal Muse' modes of intelligences...

The simple actionable 'Free-Will Modal Muse' stands guard over all__sitting/relaxing with the 'Muse of Laughter...'

"Never take the world seriously. It doesn't take itself seriously..."


“Thank you for your reply in detail, Lloyd and congratulations on coining a new phrase. In doing a quick search, I was unable to come up with 'Modal Muse' in phrase, only other variants, and therefore my question to you regarding origin.

You have long suggested that anyone can understand the mechanism by which they actually utilize their mind, if they but apply themselves to the task. (Excuse me if I have phrased this not exactly as you intend, yet that was the meaning that I gleaned.)

From long observation of persons in similar circumstances who make dramatically different choices, and so arrive at completely different outcomes, I now would ask how you have come to the determination that 'all modal intelligence has an agenda'.”

Hi L______, and thanks again for the excellent question to take the analysis even deeper still...

Since the dawn of time, humanity has been trying to more deeply understand the functioning of the lil' ol' ball sitting atop our shoulders__at differing periods, this investigation has advanced, and at other times of many varried cultures__it has receded, in the effectiveness of the intelligence discoveries. What was earlier known becomes lost, obscured or outright changed__and societies have gone all directions of discovery and obscuration of the quest__This I think is un-debatable__But, the question must be asked as to 'Why...???' When we just ask this simple question, we quickly realize a much deeper investigation is warrented. All throughout the ages, the deepest investigators have been the philosophers, especially the epistemic and modal logicians and mathematicians__even though psychologists have also investigated the same areas of intelligence evolution and devolution__they have never developed the elaborate system of categories and models of understanding this complex ball o' mush, as have the philosophers__with their many avenues of investigative mind sciences. If you were able to do a total historical survey, I think you'd come to the same conclusions__as the psychologists never developed a way of defining the distinctions between belief and certainty__as have the philosophers__though the modern world has greatly confused and conflated these category distinctions and mechanics of understanding, the many philosophers helped to define. Where psychology lacks the best tools is in their inability to have ever produced a scientific method to defease/divide beliefs from experiential exaggerations into sound and reasonable facts__whereas philosophy, even as far back a Plato devised elaborate category systems to do and understand just this...

Upon my extensive reading of all history's psychologists and philosophers, I deemed necessary, as it was becoming a repeat of informations, I had amassed enough insight to see how these two sides of the mind functioned__all throughout history__at least satisfactory to my mind's insatiable thirst... And, what I realized was the fact that the philosophers, and especially the epistemologists and logicians were the clearest and best at keeping experiential ideas in the categories where they belonged, and also keeping the sciences of the world in the categories where they belonged__In fact, they all produced, or at least used others' category lists, all throughout history__In fact__Plato's categories lists can still be generally effectively used even today. Now, where the experiential psychologists were concerned, even if they produced categories lists as have many, such as Maslow and Batesman have__neither they nor any other psychologists honor the more profound and thoroughly more intricate categories of the philosophers, mathematicians and logicians__which sets psychology apart from history's flow of information, which in turn creates a very incomplete and narrower minded psychology system__as a whole__than is philosophy... This is all cultures' major difference evolution at the core agenda level of all psyches involved__It starts in the evolution of systems, and moves down through the cultures...

This is the main fact contributing to the modal intelligences' agendas you asked about__It's according to which school of thought one is more apt to adhere to__and this is in no way to be a concrete fact__as there are many people like you, I and others who do not fall into either of these categories__but do have the ability of knowing our free-will choices to jump from one side of the psychological experiential systems' thinking, to the philosophical intellectual logical systems' thinking__But, and this is a big But__Most of society is quite trapped emotionally and intellectually in one side or the other__as I noticed in reasearchings so many great and not so great minds of history__and all of us can overly easily notice right here on TQ, if we but look deeply enough at the wording... It may take a deeper understanding of possible wording associations for average and general minds to see this__but, I assure you it's there from my experience of seeing it in history and here at TQ__and is the source of the opposing intelligence agendas__And when anyone is pushed to the breaking point of their modal agendas__they will most always fall to one side or the other of the experiential emotional agenda__or to the experiential intellectual agenda... As I stated in earlier posts__'Only a few have the mental fortitude to hold the middle ground of absolute observation__without experiential modal agenda action taking center stage...' We are all guilty of this, including myself... I can point it out from my vast experience__but that doesn't mean I can be absolutely true to my own knowledge of it__at the same time... That's life...

“Certainly, I like to believe that it is the result of my own choices in the face of circumstances that the opportunity of life affords that has gotten me thus far on the journey, yet oftentimes I suspect that I have no agenda save to enjoy the most experiencing while avoiding both the giving or receiving of resistance or stress.

The path of least resistance, yet not really, as it seems that while I avoid challenge (save for good old physical sweat, lol....) challenge often seeks me out.

If each has their own agenda, and many seemingly unaware, that is a path for ponder. While I have ever reserved the option of choice, I tend to be user friendly in that I trust nature to supply the options. Thus far, nature has not disappointed me. That privilege has been reserved unto my fellow beings, myself included.”

Well L_______, from my observation of the motivated operations of individuals, most__all their lives__would never even consider they may have an agenda, and live happily to their death without realizing one way or the other__But, if any were asked to seriously contemplate such as their own agendas may be__What do you think the answers may be...???

Then, especially if pushed to confront these deep experiential motives__What do you think the outcomes would be__and the %'s of...???

I think it would be very surprising for all to actually see and realize their true operational agendas broadcast to all the people they meet__I think you'll find__most people are more afraid of these true experiential agendas being seen through__than all the poverty, greed and crime on Earth__because this would expose the truth of how the Rich are actually usurping the private ownership of all nations' peoples' rights and well-being__and slowly but surely, installing all property in their own private pockets__The truth of modern computerized market mechanics of 'The Global Corporate State...'__as long as the people's modal agenda__stays asleep...!!!

Remember__Inaction is as much of a modal agenda, as is action...

Hope I'm not being too pushy__but the world's on fire...

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