Monday, March 8, 2010

Wisdom Does Not Create Victims...

As Originally Posted by leskey, at ToeQuest...
Wisdom does not create victims.

A most excellent point Lesley. Now, if most others could actually realize what's truly in this simple sentence... I think one of the better ways to show the content is by using and clarifying Greg's statement;
"there are no good emotions ..... just an absence of bad ones produces the natural. We are naturally effervescent ... if you remove negative effects ..... biology ??",

or at least, part of his statement; "there are no good emotions..." Laughter and sex are good emotions, as far as I'm concerned, so the statement's not entirely true. Further, it was long ago shown by the middle Arabic empires that the seat of logic was emotions, as base instincts, and they named it 'logica utens', in contrast to 'logica docens', of the earlier Greek academic schools of thought. Since, people who've deeply studied science and logic, at limits, have come to the scientific realization, that all science is grounded in our basic human instincts, and built upon them, which at base be no more than random emotional energy__We as humans just happen to have geo-chemico-biological choice over this random geo-quantum-energy uncertain process, which we can shape into logical certainty, etc, iff we but choose to. It's just most haven't yet realized this is exactly what we as humans do every day of our lives, from birth onward. Just think about it; We are presented with a phenominal world of mass confusion to figure out. We don't create it__we are simply born into it. To our micro-processing abilities of youth, it's over-whelming__yet, we develop working memory storage areas to sort, store and think about all these many phenomena. It's such an automatic process, from birth forward, we don't even much pay attention to the very complex mechanical processes taking place inside our heads__Unless one day, we awake to a drastically confused state of mind, we must figure our ways out of__and usually this is emotional mal-functions that have crept in over our many bad relationships, etc.__Trauma... This is the state we absolutely must start using all our mental power of logic and reason, to sort out the messes we've made of our own lives__And, it's a very deep introspective process, that can last for years__Iff studied long enough, and deep enough, this is where we'll eventually discover the differences between base 'logica utens'__emotional instinctual logic and profound common sense; and 'logica docens'__the tremendous brainwashing of the family, friends and academic genocidal moralities...

Of course, most will never get this deep in the great discoveries of how the mind evolves from her dyadic natural radom instinctual energies and emotions, to her more refined self-governing uniform intellectual reasonings of futurist triadic modal and model logics, or real wisdom. Most will listen to friends, relatives or professionals to guide their minds falsely into workable, yet unsatisfiable and blind futures, of being stuck in the past's processing within the perameters of a very limiting negative oriented dyadic 'logica docens'__while the rarified few will self-investigate their own minds to the very core of the 'logica utens' deepest centers of their futurist positive visions, into the natural triadic modal and model logics, and truest visions of possible, probable and necessary worlds. The only difference in the two ways of thinking is the elimination of past nonsense, and all negatives of thinking, for the future's models' goals and aims, of absolutely positive outcomes. Few adults ever realize this great life transition has the two drastically different courses of travel__One into the dead and lost past__The other, into the living and glaringly obvious realist future... "...if you remove negative effects ..... biology ??" __ NO ... Everything Physically and Mentally Desired Becomes Possible__Within reasonable and rational limits, "...if you remove negative effects .....!!!"

Now, to show why this is, just think back to your childhood, before those so called friends, relatives and professionals steered you wrong__and you'll quickly see where you were put on the wrong road of life, and into your dreadful over-worship of the negative past paths of past life's false views. Just think about childhood__Could you hardly wait for Christmas, holidays and birthdays...? No, you lived for those futures... When you started school, could you hardly wait for the school day's end__No, you constantly stared at the clock, waiting for the future... Did you constantly think about weekends all week...? Of course you did__You could hardly wait for those exciting weekend futures. Were you constantly planning your pleasing futures...? Of course, it's all you thought about__Good times futures. Did you constantly think about Summer coming, and what you'd be doing...? Of course, we all as children thought almost nothing about anything but the future... Even if it was Fall, we thought practically nothing else except a fun winter's future__That was our most common nature as children__So, what happens as adults, to make so many, fall into thinking only about the dead and negative past...? Wouldn't it be wiser, as even Christ the philosopher taught, to become as little children, to enter the kingdom of heaven__or simply seeing better futures__as I'd call them...??? All my life has been spent trying to rid myself of these foolish and usless negative pasts, to see the future clearly, for the present ever fades at the speed of light into the past so fast, it really doesn't even exist, for any practical sense__so the most sense was really made by the poet T.S.Elliot; "Times past, and times present, both are present in times future..." Nothing could be more profoundly true...

So, I think all should come out of times past and times present, and enter the real childhood world of times future__through the necessary realities of triadic modal and model logics of what is truly possible, probable and necessary for our very future survivals__and throw away all this nonsense argument and debate about useless subjects that involve nothing but our ever dead and gone pasts__They are almost useless to our futures' reasoning about real wisdom, which never produces victims__Wisdom only and ever creates better futures__Just as you ever dreampt them, as a child...

Child-Wisdom over adults__They can see the future__Better_better_best...

Some of the worst statements in the world;

"All politics is local."
"Think globally, act locally."
"One must study the past, not to repeat it."

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