Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Innate Modal Ratio-Logic of Hope…

Most are so influenced by the old adage; “If we do not learn from the past, we are doomed to repeat it”, that they take this worn-out phrase as gospel__Nothing could be further from the truth. What’s the past got to do with the future…? Do we want or need to know this dated ancestral worship phrase at all...? Does it serve any community of people, to worship the mistakes of the past...? Is worshipping the dead knowledge of the past, one of our major problems, or possibly the entire problem, with learning and academics...? I say plainly and simply__Yes it is…!!!

Instead of people being guided into the creative directional knowledge and wisdom of better future courses of action__far too many schools of thought are far too overly-concentrated on studying the dead past’s mistakes__instead of any real and true hope for our necessary futures. Do we want to repeat the past…? No…!!! Then why keep studying the bad non-directionality of our ancestors__They’ve eliminated not, the poverty, that’s truly creating the crime and wars…? This seems to me to be the most foolish action possible, to follow, as what’s truly needed is a new directional intelligence into our solid futures of new, possible, probable and necessary hopes. This would be the modal logics of a new future directional path for our overly concentrated “in the past” mentalities. We must begin to redirect our minds to these new possible futures, if we are ever to truly move forward, and leave these dead past fallacies to the dustbins of history__where they’ve belonged for far too long, for my memory to even conceive…

If one just truly looks to the world’s greatest orators__What was their true power…? Was it talking ceaselessly about the dead past, or new, possible and better futures, and their purity of hope…? The answer is easy__It was always talking about new, possible, probable and necessary better futures, whether we speak of Gandhi, Martin Luther King or John F. Kennedy, etc, on and on__Then go back through all history’s great orators and oratory writers, and you’ll easily see the world was attracted to the new roads of “The Directional Hope for New Futures”, they all offered__Not, re-hashing the dead and useless past…

If there’s one lesson we must learn; “It’s the lesson of paying attention to the positive hope, for the new actionable and directional intelligence futures, that may be offered by all beings, living or dead, all throughout history, since hope springs eternal, in the human soul, if one but looks__Is the all pervasively important path to follow and or lead…” I can tell you sincerely, that from all my years of study, I never learned anything from any of those teachers of the negative voices, harping on the ancestral worships, of eras long passed away. I only learned from the greats with the positive messages of hope, for better futures__and I don’t, for a second, think anyone can learn anything from these pessimistic pin-heads, of the negative schools of thought. We learn new and positive paths, and directions of true actionable intelligence__Only from those ‘Great Dreamers of Hope’__For better tomorrows…!!!

It’s now been a thousand years since this plausible ground was first fully ploughed and harrowed, by the great Ibn Sina__and it’s technical name is ‘modal logic’, the logic of future hope, divided into its three major classifications of__Possibility__Probability__and, Necessity, or those thinking states most aligned with Hope__Which is ‘Always future tense’__’Never, past tense…’ And, anyone who doesn’t recognize the necessity of honestly thinking about the future state of humanity’s needs, in a world running short of resources and intellectual talent, is blind, to the realities we face__as a caring species…

So, my major suggestion is to thoroughly investigate what ‘innate modal logic’ truly is, and who of history were its greatest proponents. As a clue, these famous orators and oratory writers have existed in all ages, and were finally brought to its highest levels in the three main orators, Gandhi, Kennedy and King, yet they’d never have achieved the level of actionable and directional intelligence they achieved, if they hadn’t learned the extreme importance of ‘The Modal Logic of Hope’. And, where did this mostly come from…? It came from the study of every positive logic student who ever studied the positive logic greats, from the beginning of time, but it’s truly not even a scholarly learning process__It’s the truly innate functioning mechanics of all human minds’ deep inner core, if they but recognize__the “dead-negatives” must all be canceled__to see the possible, probable and necessary “positive hopes”, for the better, future, possible state actions, and directions, of all humankind…

My studies never taught me a thing, until I discovered my own path of hope, and all the greats of history, who taught this same directional path of actionable intelligence and wisdom… The ‘possible’ futures’ social directions, teach the present__Everything__The past’s ‘negative-impossible’ directions for any social futures, teaches the present__Nothing…!!!

I think we better study the modal logicians, or at least, start using our own innate modal logics__Perceptronic logic__The Simple Innate Ratio-Logic of, Better Hoped-For, and Self-Sovereignly Created Futures…!!! Don’t you…???

Tribute To Our "New Deal..."

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