Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Pre-Suppositional Automatic Framing of Our Modal/Mood Logics…

“An infinite number of subjective realities; only one observable objective reality?” LW

How many of you have clearly noticed the huge gaps existing between the scientific and spiritual linguistics, being used here at ToeQuest…? I don’t just mean the differences of subjects chosen and related about, but the much deeper gulf between the groundings, or no grounding states, of these ideas, especially as relates to many of the imaginationists, spiritists and spiritualists__or between the pre-suppositional believers, and the pre-cognizing scientific thinkers. Modern psychologist’s have given demonstrations of how pre-suppositional framing of discussions can set the entire tone of discussions or debates so that a knowledgable psychologist can actually predict__pre-handed, what is in the audience’s minds. This has been done many times, to show how important and powerful the automatic framing of pre-suppositional thinking truly is to understanding the scientific, and non-scientific, framing of linguistics__and why so many people become trapped by the intellects and feelings’ uses, that may be a bit sharper than their own…

How often have you said to yourself; “Why do I feel this person is saying something, when I clearly know they are not…?” Why do you suppose this happens…?

Let’s just take as a first example, Pat’s thread, ‘An Idea’, and see how framing the thread with an innocuous term ‘Idea’ seems harmless enough, but look at the power of the word itself__It actually covers every idea possible of being thought, therefore sets up a powerful linguistic frame, that automatically draws you in. Few at first notice the innocence of the title is to disguise the author’s true pre-suppositional intent__which is an attempt to overthrow science, by offering his personal non-grounding in a pre-suppositional non-science of spiritual beliefs and pure personal faith, mixed with his special brand of conflated science and spirit__which allows no validity to science what-so-ever, due to the fact science must be pre-grounded in the real world of objects__and that means, even Einstein’s subjective relative mechanics analyses. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God = Non-Conceptualism = ‘Zero Meaning’ = Pure Spiritual Egoic Non-Sense, and will not cut it as having any relationship to real grounded world, science__What-So-Ever…

Before the word, was the ‘Image’ and the image was scientific = ‘Object Conceptualism’ = ‘Real Meaning’ in a visual Universe__and this is the only absolutely true grounding possible for ‘Science’ to have… It’s the only true modal logic of necessity, which all true science must start with, to have scientific validity. It doesn’t start in any pre-suppositional world of a ‘Loose Idea’, ‘Exaggerated Spirit’ or ‘Exaggerated Imagination’ etc., it starts in the real and absolutely directly perceived/seen real object/objective world__Absolutely no pre-suppositions required__It’s present__It’s real__It exists__It is__Period… No amount of ‘Exaggerated Imagination’, ‘Spirit’ or ‘Loose Ideas’ can remove these soundly grounded facts. If one simply realizes; All ‘Evil Thinking’ springs eternally from the ‘Non-Conceptualisms’ of ‘Non-Meaning Words…’, and ‘Non-Meaning Un-Grounded Ideas and Spirits’, the world could possibly start to think from a more grounded reality, of what is, instead of all the foolish ideas, of what is clearly not… These ‘Non-Meaning Words and Ideas’ simply ignore ‘First Images’ to force the false perpetrators’ ‘Evil Egos’ into the world… All ‘Real Objective Value and Meaning’ exists Only in ‘Material Scientific Conceptualism’, which also duely recognizes the validity of our ‘Subjective Natural Innate Feelings’, to convey the many wonderful ways we may ‘Feel’ about what we believe we see and know, but never to “Truly Know’ what we believe we see and know of the subjective world__Objectively, except where these ‘Fundamental Innate Feelings’ are concerned, when viewing and feeling others__Subjectively__Then still, the intellectual scientific meanings should, or must be, well sorted from the ‘Innate Feelings”, to have any real ‘Objective’ truth validity…

Next is probably the most creative yet damaging aspect of the pre-suppostional thinking to enter the world in the modern era__loosely referred to as ‘New-Age Thinking’, or I really should say, the capacity of ‘Non-Thinking Wit and Exaggerated Rhetoric’ to destroy all constructed systems of thinking, yet not powerful enough to destroy the truly grounded sciences, that are truly founded in the objective visible world. Tis true this ‘New-Age Non-Sense’ has the ability to destroy constructed thought systems, as they are not grounded enough in true science, and many should be destroyed. The trouble is, this mind of ‘Imaginationist Exaggerations’ hasn’t the sense to sort the trivial from the necessary__thus pushing this ‘Exaggerated Emotional Spiritualism’ into a pure ‘Exaggerated Intellectual Racism Against the Scientifically Necessary’, and this is very dangerous__As it just may have the power to destroy the world’s necessary logic and knowledge survival systems… This can easily be witnessed by simply reading the threads and posts of MK, Nobody, Drifter, and Melanie__to mention but a few…

In all these battles, the web is leaving academics in the dust, as the battle of negative and positive spiritualism, pits its weaknesses against a bold scientific logic__yet, there is much trouble on the horizon. Whether most of science’s troubles are coming from the ‘Exaggerated Belief, Faith and Religious Communities’, ‘The Exaggerated New Age Thinkers and Players’, or the newest breed of ‘Exaggerated Dis-Informationists’, as represented by those who write in the vein of Mikal’s ‘Emotional Dis-Informationalism’, is still open to further debate, but I certainly side against it…

The Einstein epistemic gap, closed the objective concept/object and the subjective field/energy faultlines of thought considerably, from the turn of the last century on, but at the same time opened a flood-gate for these many new ‘Exaggerated Pre-Suppositional Intellectual Belief Systems’ to flourish, with the many mis-understandings of what relative mechanics truly is. These groups, usually referred to as ‘Post-Modernists’ have corrupted their own layman’s and academic abilities of truth discovery, for a foolish pin-head belief in ‘Relative Truth Systems’, which clearly do not scientifically exist, but don’t ask any of these modern exaggerators of the facts, as this is exactly what they do believe__’All Truth Is Relative’, when in fact, ‘Relativity only Means and Pertains to Measurement’, and speaks nothing to truth systems__At all__Just scientific measurement of the physical object world… The ‘Emotional Dis-Informationists’ need to realize that subjective non-sense can not, and never will, answer objective sense. These pre-suppositional illusions are great entertainment between the intelligence of intelligences__within all the methodological sciences of the many intelligences of the truest schools of academic thought, and these new ‘Emotional Dis-Informationists’. But, here again, all it is is the initial pre-suppositional framing of idea sources, where this school of recent thought thinks/believes it can ground its self-thought truth validity in its personal ‘Emotions’, when the ‘Facts’ have been historically, epistemically known for centuries, this is nothing but the infinite regress, to un-definability and un-decidability, not to mention its utter non-sense, of any attempts at__scientific validity…!

Imo, ‘The Architectonics of Our Wisdom’ should be looked at within an entirely new methodological intelligence project__based in a most common sense ground possible, of a new modal triadic ratiocinator visionary wisdom logic… This would simply be recognizing the third leg of modal logic__as ‘Necessity First’__and by this I simply mean looking at how the Universe and our real world of Bio-Nature automatically grounds us ‘First, of All Ideas’, in her given ‘Objects and Images of’__’The Truly Necessary Ground’ of our first thinking, then maybe we could take up the other two legs of modal logic__’Possibility and Probability’, from a true common-sensically given ground base of ‘A New Universal Communication’, about our real Universe and World__For A Change…!

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