“The American Mind” blog is an active research site anyone can use to find the deepest ideas of global change, now taking place. It includes more personal ideas of major macro-economics, cutting edge philosophical ideas, new mathematical and scientific ideas, published over the last few years. The links and articles are up-to-date, often serious articles culled from the web and my own materials, of the most important and pertinent ideas to global economic change, from all eras of history...
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
National Security Alert #3___The Republic Destroying Democracy, Fix…
New Dec 27, A Thinker For Our Times, Keynes...by Robert Skildelsky
New Dec 8, Where did all the money disappear? – Liquid Fantasies, by Satyajit Das
The US Economy Must Go To Defcon 1, by Fabius Maximus and Link
"Reforming The World's International Money", by Paul Davidson
The Entire Global Market Law System Is Broken___Throwing Good Money After Bad Law Makes No Sense…!
Let’s Take A Higher Road...
“I’m making an extremely strong statement, as to why, Only international exchange clearing architecture law change, is absolutely necessary, to solve the global derivatives’ nightmare”…
As America tries to rap her mind around the global derivatives mechanics, of the `Shadow Banking’ system’s collapse, this presently expanding `Virtual State’ corporate market is eating more fresh money than the entire world can throw at it___combined. The very nature of this hungry monster is absolute computerized speculative embezzlement, on into deflationary debt depression cycles, bankruptcies and complete destruction of all viable democracies, socialisms and autocracies alike, and all while the nation and world try to find their lost minds, souls and new analytic reasoning abilities___required. What do you think the outcome will be, when all parties involved are admitting they haven’t the present ability to fully understand this entire global mechanics___as is presently true? Especially, in the face of terrorism and potentials of new war outbreaks___Who knows where and when…?
I personally don’t think the prospects of safety and security look very promising thus far, so it’s nye beyond high time more economists, and other seriously interested parties, tried to lend a helping hand, at rapping their minds around this massive international financial problem? As it’s only, an outright plain and simple old bank robbery, except this time, it’s the corporations’ lost computerized mind mechanics, and their wonderful derivatives’ contracts and related trade and transactions’ markets escalation, that’s robbing every nation on Earth, and I might mention___in absent-minded collusion with the Federal Reserve, U.S. Treasury, and all their counter-parties___World-Wide___It’s all simple credit shrinkage, and debt expansion…
Many times over the last six months, in this very blog: http://theawakeningoftheamericamind.blogspot.com I’ve mentioned several different viable legal/financial and economic model methods, to solve this massive global mess. The above computerized summary is the absolute reason, a new international law architecture change is necessary. Without a new internationalized democratic constitutional contract law change, to re-direct the international capital and transactions’ flows, all money systemically added, will just continue being no more than “throwing good money after bad law”. Here again is the simplest and easiest understood model of the law changes needed, offered over 2400 years ago:
"The citizen of the ideal state will require a currency for the purpose of every day expenses; This is practically indispensable for workers of all kinds and for such purposes as the payment of wages to wage earners. To meet these requirements, the citizen will possess a currency which will pass for value among themselves, but will not be accepted outside their own boundaries. But a stock of some currency common to the Hellenic world generally i.e., of international currency, will at all times be kept by the state for military expenditures or official missions abroad such as embassies and for any other necessary purposes of state. If a private citizen has occasion to go abroad, he will make his application to the government and go; and upon his return if he has any foreign currency left over in his possession, he will hand it over to the state receiving in exchange the equivalent in local currency." Plato (The world’s first, most sagacious, political economist.)
Sorry to mention it, but there is no other viable method to stem the flow of debt defaults, originated by the massive global floating foreign exchange, forward exchange, tax havens, and transactions/derivatives’ bubble pervading the entire globe, as the aggregate power of knowledge and computers, have learned how to rob the entire system blind___and can not be stopped, or fixed, otherwise. Believe it or not, this is no fault of any individual, or group of individuals. It’s simply the excessive speed of technology’s evolution out-stripping the capacity of human knowledge systems, and the individuals pace of learning all, needed to handle the complexities of.
Plato’s system of securing national economies’ subsidiarity and sustainability, at the international law change level, has been updated through the years, by many brilliant minds. First since Plato by Benjamin Franklin, then by Paul Einzig, J.M. Keynes, Paul Davidson, Jane D’Arista and myself. The best summations of Keynes’s ideas are presented in Robert Skidelsky’s and Paul Davidson’s books on Keynes. The three volume set by Robert, and the last two of Paul’s. I prefer Paul Einzig’s, Robert Skildelsky’s, and Paul Davidson’s together, as all three are really required to understand all aspects of Plato/Keynes’s local and international complexity, necessary to rap one’s mind around the entire present global transactions’ bubble___sufficiently. I mention Paul Einzig as he’s needed to thoroughly understand the forward exchange market, which is actually the preceding derivatives’ market. He wrote two, one in `36 and one in `66. The titles are “The Dynamic Theory of Forward Exchange” and “A Dynamic Theory of Forward Exchange”, and also his book “Exchange Clearing”. I don’t believe any complete understanding of the entire complex derivatives’ transactions markets is possible without reading and understanding these books thoroughly. Another possible, yet with less depth, is Egon Sohmen’s book on “Forward Exchange”. “Barons” also wrote another, but it’s more technical than factually theoretical, though still worth the read…
I can’t stress enough the necessity of the above, to help rap one’s mind around these complex transactions’ markets. All theory is severely limited without this information and knowledge. We must make use of it, to build the new and proper international constitutional contractual law structures, necessary to return debt default structures, to fair, sustainable and equitable expanding credit and infrastructure systems, for all nations…
A Global Insurance Policy___The Restoration of Truth, Trust and Responsibility In Markets___A Total Global Insurance Policy Path To Prosperity…
As per above, derivatives contracts are at present controlling the destiny of the entire global markets and trading systems, of every nations’ future welfare, or ill health, if not re-regulated properly, and extremely carefully, slowly and safely. I’ve noticed many economists, on TV and postings at Nouriel Roubini’s site, advocating the elimination of the toxic side of this market, immediately, but this is, and would be a great mistake. Links to these articles are posted on my macromouse blog at: http://macromouse.blogspot.com over the last few month’s posts. Many are also listed above and on other posts in this blog. I suggest following the many arguments about how to handle the derivatives fiasco, but caution that too fast an action does more damage than good. Presently, the lack of the `up-tick’ rule and presently existing `mark-to-market’ rules are unnecessarily forcing the extreme pace of derivatives cashing costs, as they are brought back onto banking and corporate balance sheets, to unnecessarily bankrupt many banks, insurance companies, hedge funds, and other corporate entities, and will finally also bankrupt the bond funds, if not properly handled. This major problem must be solved with a thorough understanding of new dynamic “sliding time scale law changes” that must be enacted, thus financing this toxic debt out over a ten year period, of say 10% `marked-to-market’ per year, not to unnecessarily bankrupt many entities, the world can not do without, if she is to survive as a viable capitalist system. Otherwise, we’re sadly going to end up with too many too socialist, communist or totalitarian governments spread around the globe. We must trade the static `mark-to-market’ accounting rule, for a dynamic rule of slower and safer change. The present missing `up-tick’ rule, and `mark-to-market’ rules are collapsing capitalism, unnecessarily. This warning is not to scare. It’s just the fact of markets’ re-regulation moving far too dangerously fast, if not heeded.
Since most of the developed world’s nations’ market interests are fast moving monies to safe havens, mainly the U.S., all should realize the cashing costs of such contracts fall on the nation where the cashing takes place, and not where the contracts were written. If so much of the world’s `hot money’ is moving to the U.S., it only stands to reason most of the derivatives and other contract cashing costs are falling on us. This is the reason this problem must be slowly refinanced over a longer period of time, to prevent the total collapse of the entire global system, as America is still the key trade currency___Remember, “We’ve never been here before”___The world has never had this much leverage, in these international contract markets, at no time in the planet’s history. This is why we absolutely need a global governments’ totally insured and guaranteed emergency international exchange clearing and banking architecture, as without one, the newly evolved computerized cashing costs will eat capitalism alive___Printing new money into a world of `shadow banking’ derivatives’ theft___Won’t Work! The international derivatives market can and will steal more than all can print___Until we change the laws!
We can only safely unwind the derivatives’ market with a 10% per year global exchange clearing insurance policy___A fully insured international exchange clearing bank___A global emergency, fully insured international clearing bank. This must be newly constituted, chartered and instituted. The present situation is simply finance insuring a continuing `Ponzi Scheme’, unless the proper national and international contract, currency and trade laws are enacted___First! All nations are going to have to step up to the responsibility plate as newly realized and created “market-makers” and perform the above tasks, if we are to prosper, once again. The above is a skinny sketch of how to government bond insure the derivatives’ markets, (since part of it is absolutely necessary for world trade), through an international clearing house insurance system of new global growth, for all nations. I can’t state it enough times, derivatives must be slowly reduced by new `sliding time scale laws’, as markets are expanded with massive infrastructure projects and all totally government insured through major new international clearing banks and Keynes’s complete `Bancor International Exchange Clearing System’. We must insure derivatives down, and markets up, by all nations’ governments taking their temporarily necessary new roles as `Market-Makers of Last Resort’. We must move the world from assurance, to insurance___And absolutely government guarantee the world’s recovery…
The above post should be read in conjunction with all the links provided, the quotes below, and this entire blog’s economic posts, plus the last several month’s links at: http://macromouse.blogspot.com BTW, all the Obama posts on this blog: http://theawakeningoftheamericamind.blogspot.com/ are also political-economy posts, related to the above… mailto:lloyd.gillespie@gmail.com
"We need a fixed value monetary system. At the present time, we have none. Under floating exchanges, America is simply a powerful ship on an ocean, with no rudder. Old gold, silver, and other known standards will no longer work. They will not work due to the massive increases in communication's speed, the varied endowments of nations' natural resources, and encrypted international speculative opportunities. Therefore, we need a new system. INTERNAL EXCHANGE CLEARING is such a system. It is an entirely new fixed value enhancing - [production standard] - monetary system, to benefit all humankind." Me
“Under floating exchanges the demand for forward exchange facilities would increase considerably while the volume of obtainable facilities would dwindle.” Paul Einzig___ (Just replace “forward exchange facilities” with “derivative contract facilities” above and you have the aggregate derivatives’ system’s cashing costs exceeding facilities ability to pay, due to contract profits being over-hoarded in `tax haven mattresses’, which in turn greatly creates the present global credit crunch. Since computerized derivatives’ systems cashing costs increasing, and exceeding nations’ ability to pay, will continue unabated, in a thoroughly open financial foreign exchange architecture, this is why an updated, and PPP(purchasing price parity) balanced, Plato/Keynes international financial architecture transactions/currency clearing law system___Is Absolutely Needed!)
“Without a full understanding of the functioning of forward markets, all discussion of exchange rate policy must remain seriously deficient.” Egon Sohmen___ (Just replace “exchange rate” with “derivatives” above and Egon’s statement tells a truth of this complex market).
“Forward contract costs fall on the nation where the transaction takes place, and not the nation where executed.” William Spalding___(Just replace “Forward” with “Derivative” above and you have the truth of derivatives’ system cashing costs, as forward contracts are the predecessors of derivatives contracts, and mechanically function most identically, in the foreign exchange markets).
Above quotes copied from my book; “INTERNAL EXCHANGE CLEARING”. The above three authors greatly helped me understand these complex markets, back in the `70’s, `80’s and`90’s. I read William Spalding first way back in 1960, on the sound advise of a classmate___He’s still brilliant, as are the others…
New Dec 8, Where did all the money disappear? – Liquid Fantasies, by Satyajit Das
The US Economy Must Go To Defcon 1, by Fabius Maximus and Link
"Reforming The World's International Money", by Paul Davidson
The Entire Global Market Law System Is Broken___Throwing Good Money After Bad Law Makes No Sense…!
Let’s Take A Higher Road...
“I’m making an extremely strong statement, as to why, Only international exchange clearing architecture law change, is absolutely necessary, to solve the global derivatives’ nightmare”…
As America tries to rap her mind around the global derivatives mechanics, of the `Shadow Banking’ system’s collapse, this presently expanding `Virtual State’ corporate market is eating more fresh money than the entire world can throw at it___combined. The very nature of this hungry monster is absolute computerized speculative embezzlement, on into deflationary debt depression cycles, bankruptcies and complete destruction of all viable democracies, socialisms and autocracies alike, and all while the nation and world try to find their lost minds, souls and new analytic reasoning abilities___required. What do you think the outcome will be, when all parties involved are admitting they haven’t the present ability to fully understand this entire global mechanics___as is presently true? Especially, in the face of terrorism and potentials of new war outbreaks___Who knows where and when…?
I personally don’t think the prospects of safety and security look very promising thus far, so it’s nye beyond high time more economists, and other seriously interested parties, tried to lend a helping hand, at rapping their minds around this massive international financial problem? As it’s only, an outright plain and simple old bank robbery, except this time, it’s the corporations’ lost computerized mind mechanics, and their wonderful derivatives’ contracts and related trade and transactions’ markets escalation, that’s robbing every nation on Earth, and I might mention___in absent-minded collusion with the Federal Reserve, U.S. Treasury, and all their counter-parties___World-Wide___It’s all simple credit shrinkage, and debt expansion…
Many times over the last six months, in this very blog: http://theawakeningoftheamericamind.blogspot.com I’ve mentioned several different viable legal/financial and economic model methods, to solve this massive global mess. The above computerized summary is the absolute reason, a new international law architecture change is necessary. Without a new internationalized democratic constitutional contract law change, to re-direct the international capital and transactions’ flows, all money systemically added, will just continue being no more than “throwing good money after bad law”. Here again is the simplest and easiest understood model of the law changes needed, offered over 2400 years ago:
"The citizen of the ideal state will require a currency for the purpose of every day expenses; This is practically indispensable for workers of all kinds and for such purposes as the payment of wages to wage earners. To meet these requirements, the citizen will possess a currency which will pass for value among themselves, but will not be accepted outside their own boundaries. But a stock of some currency common to the Hellenic world generally i.e., of international currency, will at all times be kept by the state for military expenditures or official missions abroad such as embassies and for any other necessary purposes of state. If a private citizen has occasion to go abroad, he will make his application to the government and go; and upon his return if he has any foreign currency left over in his possession, he will hand it over to the state receiving in exchange the equivalent in local currency." Plato (The world’s first, most sagacious, political economist.)
Sorry to mention it, but there is no other viable method to stem the flow of debt defaults, originated by the massive global floating foreign exchange, forward exchange, tax havens, and transactions/derivatives’ bubble pervading the entire globe, as the aggregate power of knowledge and computers, have learned how to rob the entire system blind___and can not be stopped, or fixed, otherwise. Believe it or not, this is no fault of any individual, or group of individuals. It’s simply the excessive speed of technology’s evolution out-stripping the capacity of human knowledge systems, and the individuals pace of learning all, needed to handle the complexities of.
Plato’s system of securing national economies’ subsidiarity and sustainability, at the international law change level, has been updated through the years, by many brilliant minds. First since Plato by Benjamin Franklin, then by Paul Einzig, J.M. Keynes, Paul Davidson, Jane D’Arista and myself. The best summations of Keynes’s ideas are presented in Robert Skidelsky’s and Paul Davidson’s books on Keynes. The three volume set by Robert, and the last two of Paul’s. I prefer Paul Einzig’s, Robert Skildelsky’s, and Paul Davidson’s together, as all three are really required to understand all aspects of Plato/Keynes’s local and international complexity, necessary to rap one’s mind around the entire present global transactions’ bubble___sufficiently. I mention Paul Einzig as he’s needed to thoroughly understand the forward exchange market, which is actually the preceding derivatives’ market. He wrote two, one in `36 and one in `66. The titles are “The Dynamic Theory of Forward Exchange” and “A Dynamic Theory of Forward Exchange”, and also his book “Exchange Clearing”. I don’t believe any complete understanding of the entire complex derivatives’ transactions markets is possible without reading and understanding these books thoroughly. Another possible, yet with less depth, is Egon Sohmen’s book on “Forward Exchange”. “Barons” also wrote another, but it’s more technical than factually theoretical, though still worth the read…
I can’t stress enough the necessity of the above, to help rap one’s mind around these complex transactions’ markets. All theory is severely limited without this information and knowledge. We must make use of it, to build the new and proper international constitutional contractual law structures, necessary to return debt default structures, to fair, sustainable and equitable expanding credit and infrastructure systems, for all nations…
A Global Insurance Policy___The Restoration of Truth, Trust and Responsibility In Markets___A Total Global Insurance Policy Path To Prosperity…
As per above, derivatives contracts are at present controlling the destiny of the entire global markets and trading systems, of every nations’ future welfare, or ill health, if not re-regulated properly, and extremely carefully, slowly and safely. I’ve noticed many economists, on TV and postings at Nouriel Roubini’s site, advocating the elimination of the toxic side of this market, immediately, but this is, and would be a great mistake. Links to these articles are posted on my macromouse blog at: http://macromouse.blogspot.com over the last few month’s posts. Many are also listed above and on other posts in this blog. I suggest following the many arguments about how to handle the derivatives fiasco, but caution that too fast an action does more damage than good. Presently, the lack of the `up-tick’ rule and presently existing `mark-to-market’ rules are unnecessarily forcing the extreme pace of derivatives cashing costs, as they are brought back onto banking and corporate balance sheets, to unnecessarily bankrupt many banks, insurance companies, hedge funds, and other corporate entities, and will finally also bankrupt the bond funds, if not properly handled. This major problem must be solved with a thorough understanding of new dynamic “sliding time scale law changes” that must be enacted, thus financing this toxic debt out over a ten year period, of say 10% `marked-to-market’ per year, not to unnecessarily bankrupt many entities, the world can not do without, if she is to survive as a viable capitalist system. Otherwise, we’re sadly going to end up with too many too socialist, communist or totalitarian governments spread around the globe. We must trade the static `mark-to-market’ accounting rule, for a dynamic rule of slower and safer change. The present missing `up-tick’ rule, and `mark-to-market’ rules are collapsing capitalism, unnecessarily. This warning is not to scare. It’s just the fact of markets’ re-regulation moving far too dangerously fast, if not heeded.
Since most of the developed world’s nations’ market interests are fast moving monies to safe havens, mainly the U.S., all should realize the cashing costs of such contracts fall on the nation where the cashing takes place, and not where the contracts were written. If so much of the world’s `hot money’ is moving to the U.S., it only stands to reason most of the derivatives and other contract cashing costs are falling on us. This is the reason this problem must be slowly refinanced over a longer period of time, to prevent the total collapse of the entire global system, as America is still the key trade currency___Remember, “We’ve never been here before”___The world has never had this much leverage, in these international contract markets, at no time in the planet’s history. This is why we absolutely need a global governments’ totally insured and guaranteed emergency international exchange clearing and banking architecture, as without one, the newly evolved computerized cashing costs will eat capitalism alive___Printing new money into a world of `shadow banking’ derivatives’ theft___Won’t Work! The international derivatives market can and will steal more than all can print___Until we change the laws!
We can only safely unwind the derivatives’ market with a 10% per year global exchange clearing insurance policy___A fully insured international exchange clearing bank___A global emergency, fully insured international clearing bank. This must be newly constituted, chartered and instituted. The present situation is simply finance insuring a continuing `Ponzi Scheme’, unless the proper national and international contract, currency and trade laws are enacted___First! All nations are going to have to step up to the responsibility plate as newly realized and created “market-makers” and perform the above tasks, if we are to prosper, once again. The above is a skinny sketch of how to government bond insure the derivatives’ markets, (since part of it is absolutely necessary for world trade), through an international clearing house insurance system of new global growth, for all nations. I can’t state it enough times, derivatives must be slowly reduced by new `sliding time scale laws’, as markets are expanded with massive infrastructure projects and all totally government insured through major new international clearing banks and Keynes’s complete `Bancor International Exchange Clearing System’. We must insure derivatives down, and markets up, by all nations’ governments taking their temporarily necessary new roles as `Market-Makers of Last Resort’. We must move the world from assurance, to insurance___And absolutely government guarantee the world’s recovery…
The above post should be read in conjunction with all the links provided, the quotes below, and this entire blog’s economic posts, plus the last several month’s links at: http://macromouse.blogspot.com BTW, all the Obama posts on this blog: http://theawakeningoftheamericamind.blogspot.com/ are also political-economy posts, related to the above… mailto:lloyd.gillespie@gmail.com
"We need a fixed value monetary system. At the present time, we have none. Under floating exchanges, America is simply a powerful ship on an ocean, with no rudder. Old gold, silver, and other known standards will no longer work. They will not work due to the massive increases in communication's speed, the varied endowments of nations' natural resources, and encrypted international speculative opportunities. Therefore, we need a new system. INTERNAL EXCHANGE CLEARING is such a system. It is an entirely new fixed value enhancing - [production standard] - monetary system, to benefit all humankind." Me
“Under floating exchanges the demand for forward exchange facilities would increase considerably while the volume of obtainable facilities would dwindle.” Paul Einzig___ (Just replace “forward exchange facilities” with “derivative contract facilities” above and you have the aggregate derivatives’ system’s cashing costs exceeding facilities ability to pay, due to contract profits being over-hoarded in `tax haven mattresses’, which in turn greatly creates the present global credit crunch. Since computerized derivatives’ systems cashing costs increasing, and exceeding nations’ ability to pay, will continue unabated, in a thoroughly open financial foreign exchange architecture, this is why an updated, and PPP(purchasing price parity) balanced, Plato/Keynes international financial architecture transactions/currency clearing law system___Is Absolutely Needed!)
“Without a full understanding of the functioning of forward markets, all discussion of exchange rate policy must remain seriously deficient.” Egon Sohmen___ (Just replace “exchange rate” with “derivatives” above and Egon’s statement tells a truth of this complex market).
“Forward contract costs fall on the nation where the transaction takes place, and not the nation where executed.” William Spalding___(Just replace “Forward” with “Derivative” above and you have the truth of derivatives’ system cashing costs, as forward contracts are the predecessors of derivatives contracts, and mechanically function most identically, in the foreign exchange markets).
Above quotes copied from my book; “INTERNAL EXCHANGE CLEARING”. The above three authors greatly helped me understand these complex markets, back in the `70’s, `80’s and`90’s. I read William Spalding first way back in 1960, on the sound advise of a classmate___He’s still brilliant, as are the others…
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
National Security Alert #3___The Republic Destroying Democracy, Fix…
The US Economy Must Go To Defcon 1, by Fabius Maximus and Link
"Reforming The World's International Money", by Paul Davidson
The Entire Global Market Law System Is Broken___Throwing Good Money After Bad Law Makes No Sense…!
Let’s Take A Higher Road...
“I’m making an extremely strong statement, as to why, Only international exchange clearing architecture law change, is absolutely necessary, to solve the global derivatives’ nightmare”…
As America tries to rap her mind around the global derivatives mechanics, of the `Shadow Banking’ system’s collapse, this presently expanding `Virtual State’ corporate market is eating more fresh money than the entire world can throw at it___combined. The very nature of this hungry monster is absolute computerized speculative embezzlement, on into deflationary debt depression cycles, bankruptcies and complete destruction of all viable democracies, socialisms and autocracies alike, and all while the nation and world try to find their lost minds, souls and new analytic reasoning abilities___required. What do you think the outcome will be, when all parties involved are admitting they haven’t the present ability to fully understand this entire global mechanics___as is presently true? Especially, in the face of terrorism and potentials of new war outbreaks___Who knows where and when…?
I personally don’t think the prospects of safety and security look very promising thus far, so it’s nye beyond high time more economists, and other seriously interested parties, tried to lend a helping hand, at rapping their minds around this massive international financial problem? As it’s only, an outright plain and simple old bank robbery, except this time, it’s the corporations’ lost computerized mind mechanics, and their wonderful derivatives’ contracts and related trade and transactions’ markets escalation, that’s robbing every nation on Earth, and I might mention___in absent-minded collusion with the Federal Reserve, U.S. Treasury, and all their counter-parties___World-Wide___It’s all simple credit shrinkage, and debt expansion…
Many times over the last six months, in this very blog: http://theawakeningoftheamericamind.blogspot.com I’ve mentioned several different viable legal/financial and economic model methods, to solve this massive global mess. The above computerized summary is the absolute reason, a new international law architecture change is necessary. Without a new internationalized democratic constitutional contract law change, to re-direct the international capital and transactions’ flows, all money systemically added, will just continue being no more than “throwing good money after bad law”. Here again is the simplest and easiest understood model of the law changes needed, offered over 2400 years ago:
"The citizen of the ideal state will require a currency for the purpose of every day expenses; This is practically indispensable for workers of all kinds and for such purposes as the payment of wages to wage earners. To meet these requirements, the citizen will possess a currency which will pass for value among themselves, but will not be accepted outside their own boundaries. But a stock of some currency common to the Hellenic world generally i.e., of international currency, will at all times be kept by the state for military expenditures or official missions abroad such as embassies and for any other necessary purposes of state. If a private citizen has occasion to go abroad, he will make his application to the government and go; and upon his return if he has any foreign currency left over in his possession, he will hand it over to the state receiving in exchange the equivalent in local currency." Plato (The world’s first, most sagacious, political economist.)
Sorry to mention it, but there is no other viable method to stem the flow of debt defaults, originated by the massive global floating foreign exchange, forward exchange, tax havens, and transactions/derivatives’ bubble pervading the entire globe, as the aggregate power of knowledge and computers, have learned how to rob the entire system blind___and can not be stopped, or fixed, otherwise. Believe it or not, this is no fault of any individual, or group of individuals. It’s simply the excessive speed of technology’s evolution out-stripping the capacity of human knowledge systems, and the individuals pace of learning all, needed to handle the complexities of.
Plato’s system of securing national economies’ subsidiarity and sustainability, at the international law change level, has been updated through the years, by many brilliant minds. First since Plato by Benjamin Franklin, then by Paul Einzig, J.M. Keynes, Paul Davidson, Jane D’Arista and myself. The best summations of Keynes’s ideas are presented in Robert Skidelsky’s and Paul Davidson’s books on Keynes. The three volume set by Robert, and the last two of Paul’s. I prefer Paul Einzig’s, Robert Skildelsky’s, and Paul Davidson’s together, as all three are really required to understand all aspects of Plato/Keynes’s local and international complexity, necessary to rap one’s mind around the entire present global transactions’ bubble___sufficiently. I mention Paul Einzig as he’s needed to thoroughly understand the forward exchange market, which is actually the preceding derivatives’ market. He wrote two, one in `36 and one in `66. The titles are “The Dynamic Theory of Forward Exchange” and “A Dynamic Theory of Forward Exchange”, and also his book “Exchange Clearing”. I don’t believe any complete understanding of the entire complex derivatives’ transactions markets is possible without reading and understanding these books thoroughly. Another possible, yet with less depth, is Egon Sohmen’s book on “Forward Exchange”. “Barons” also wrote another, but it’s more technical than factually theoretical, though still worth the read…
I can’t stress enough the necessity of the above, to help rap one’s mind around these complex transactions’ markets. All theory is severely limited without this information and knowledge. We must make use of it, to build the new and proper international constitutional contractual law structures, necessary to return debt default structures, to fair, sustainable and equitable expanding credit and infrastructure systems, for all nations…
A Global Insurance Policy___The Restoration of Truth, Trust and Responsibility In Markets___A Total Global Insurance Policy Path To Prosperity…
As per above, derivatives contracts are at present controlling the destiny of the entire global markets and trading systems, of every nations’ future welfare, or ill health, if not re-regulated properly, and extremely carefully, slowly and safely. I’ve noticed many economists, on TV and postings at Nouriel Roubini’s site, advocating the elimination of the toxic side of this market, immediately, but this is, and would be a great mistake. Links to these articles are posted on my macromouse blog at: http://macromouse.blogspot.com over the last few month’s posts. Many are also listed above and on other posts in this blog. I suggest following the many arguments about how to handle the derivatives fiasco, but caution that too fast an action does more damage than good. Presently, the lack of the `up-tick’ rule and presently existing `mark-to-market’ rules are unnecessarily forcing the extreme pace of derivatives cashing costs, as they are brought back onto banking and corporate balance sheets, to unnecessarily bankrupt many banks, insurance companies, hedge funds, and other corporate entities, and will finally also bankrupt the bond funds, if not properly handled. This major problem must be solved with a thorough understanding of new dynamic “sliding time scale law changes” that must be enacted, thus financing this toxic debt out over a ten year period, of say 10% `marked-to-market’ per year, not to unnecessarily bankrupt many entities, the world can not do without, if she is to survive as a viable capitalist system. Otherwise, we’re sadly going to end up with too many too socialist, communist or totalitarian governments spread around the globe. We must trade the static `mark-to-market’ accounting rule, for a dynamic rule of slower and safer change. The present missing `up-tick’ rule, and `mark-to-market’ rules are collapsing capitalism, unnecessarily. This warning is not to scare. It’s just the fact of markets’ re-regulation moving far too dangerously fast, if not heeded.
Since most of the developed world’s nations’ market interests are fast moving monies to safe havens, mainly the U.S., all should realize the cashing costs of such contracts fall on the nation where the cashing takes place, and not where the contracts were written. If so much of the world’s `hot money’ is moving to the U.S., it only stands to reason most of the derivatives and other contract cashing costs are falling on us. This is the reason this problem must be slowly refinanced over a longer period of time, to prevent the total collapse of the entire global system, as America is still the key trade currency___Remember, “We’ve never been here before”___The world has never had this much leverage, in these international contract markets, at no time in the planet’s history. This is why we absolutely need a global governments’ totally insured and guaranteed emergency international exchange clearing and banking architecture, as without one, the newly evolved computerized cashing costs will eat capitalism alive___Printing new money into a world of `shadow banking’ derivatives’ theft___Won’t Work! The international derivatives market can and will steal more than all can print___Until we change the laws!
We can only safely unwind the derivatives’ market with a 10% per year global exchange clearing insurance policy___A fully insured international exchange clearing bank___A global emergency, fully insured international clearing bank. This must be newly constituted, chartered and instituted. The present situation is simply finance insuring a continuing `Ponzi Scheme’, unless the proper national and international contract, currency and trade laws are enacted___First! All nations are going to have to step up to the responsibility plate as newly realized and created “market-makers” and perform the above tasks, if we are to prosper, once again. The above is a skinny sketch of how to government bond insure the derivatives’ markets, (since part of it is absolutely necessary for world trade), through an international clearing house insurance system of new global growth, for all nations. I can’t state it enough times, derivatives must be slowly reduced by new `sliding time scale laws’, as markets are expanded with massive infrastructure projects and all totally government insured through major new international clearing banks and Keynes’s complete `Bancor International Exchange Clearing System’. We must insure derivatives down, and markets up, by all nations’ governments taking their temporarily necessary new roles as `Market-Makers of Last Resort’. We must move the world from assurance, to insurance___And absolutely government guarantee the world’s recovery…
The above post should be read in conjunction with all the links provided, the quotes below, and this entire blog’s economic posts, plus the last several month’s links at: http://macromouse.blogspot.com BTW, all the Obama posts on this blog: http://theawakeningoftheamericamind.blogspot.com/ are also political-economy posts, related to the above… mailto:lloyd.gillespie@gmail.com
"We need a fixed value monetary system. At the present time, we have none. Under floating exchanges, America is simply a powerful ship on an ocean, with no rudder. Old gold, silver, and other known standards will no longer work. They will not work due to the massive increases in communication's speed, the varied endowments of nations' natural resources, and encrypted international speculative opportunities. Therefore, we need a new system. INTERNAL EXCHANGE CLEARING is such a system. It is an entirely new fixed value enhancing - [production standard] - monetary system, to benefit all humankind." Me
“Under floating exchanges the demand for forward exchange facilities would increase considerably while the volume of obtainable facilities would dwindle.” Paul Einzig___ (Just replace “forward exchange facilities” with “derivative contract facilities” above and you have the aggregate derivatives’ system’s cashing costs exceeding facilities ability to pay, due to contract profits being over-hoarded in `tax haven mattresses’, which in turn greatly creates the present global credit crunch. Since computerized derivatives’ systems cashing costs increasing, and exceeding nations’ ability to pay, will continue unabated, in a thoroughly open financial foreign exchange architecture, this is why an updated, and PPP(purchasing price parity) balanced, Plato/Keynes international financial architecture transactions/currency clearing law system___Is Absolutely Needed!)
“Without a full understanding of the functioning of forward markets, all discussion of exchange rate policy must remain seriously deficient.” Egon Sohmen___ (Just replace “exchange rate” with “derivatives” above and Egon’s statement tells a truth of this complex market).
“Forward contract costs fall on the nation where the transaction takes place, and not the nation where executed.” William Spalding___(Just replace “Forward” with “Derivative” above and you have the truth of derivatives’ system cashing costs, as forward contracts are the predecessors of derivatives contracts, and mechanically function most identically, in the foreign exchange markets).
Above quotes copied from my book; “INTERNAL EXCHANGE CLEARING”. The above three authors greatly helped me understand these complex markets, back in the `70’s, `80’s and`90’s. I read William Spalding first way back in 1960, on the sound advise of a classmate___He’s still brilliant, as are the others…
"Reforming The World's International Money", by Paul Davidson
The Entire Global Market Law System Is Broken___Throwing Good Money After Bad Law Makes No Sense…!
Let’s Take A Higher Road...
“I’m making an extremely strong statement, as to why, Only international exchange clearing architecture law change, is absolutely necessary, to solve the global derivatives’ nightmare”…
As America tries to rap her mind around the global derivatives mechanics, of the `Shadow Banking’ system’s collapse, this presently expanding `Virtual State’ corporate market is eating more fresh money than the entire world can throw at it___combined. The very nature of this hungry monster is absolute computerized speculative embezzlement, on into deflationary debt depression cycles, bankruptcies and complete destruction of all viable democracies, socialisms and autocracies alike, and all while the nation and world try to find their lost minds, souls and new analytic reasoning abilities___required. What do you think the outcome will be, when all parties involved are admitting they haven’t the present ability to fully understand this entire global mechanics___as is presently true? Especially, in the face of terrorism and potentials of new war outbreaks___Who knows where and when…?
I personally don’t think the prospects of safety and security look very promising thus far, so it’s nye beyond high time more economists, and other seriously interested parties, tried to lend a helping hand, at rapping their minds around this massive international financial problem? As it’s only, an outright plain and simple old bank robbery, except this time, it’s the corporations’ lost computerized mind mechanics, and their wonderful derivatives’ contracts and related trade and transactions’ markets escalation, that’s robbing every nation on Earth, and I might mention___in absent-minded collusion with the Federal Reserve, U.S. Treasury, and all their counter-parties___World-Wide___It’s all simple credit shrinkage, and debt expansion…
Many times over the last six months, in this very blog: http://theawakeningoftheamericamind.blogspot.com I’ve mentioned several different viable legal/financial and economic model methods, to solve this massive global mess. The above computerized summary is the absolute reason, a new international law architecture change is necessary. Without a new internationalized democratic constitutional contract law change, to re-direct the international capital and transactions’ flows, all money systemically added, will just continue being no more than “throwing good money after bad law”. Here again is the simplest and easiest understood model of the law changes needed, offered over 2400 years ago:
"The citizen of the ideal state will require a currency for the purpose of every day expenses; This is practically indispensable for workers of all kinds and for such purposes as the payment of wages to wage earners. To meet these requirements, the citizen will possess a currency which will pass for value among themselves, but will not be accepted outside their own boundaries. But a stock of some currency common to the Hellenic world generally i.e., of international currency, will at all times be kept by the state for military expenditures or official missions abroad such as embassies and for any other necessary purposes of state. If a private citizen has occasion to go abroad, he will make his application to the government and go; and upon his return if he has any foreign currency left over in his possession, he will hand it over to the state receiving in exchange the equivalent in local currency." Plato (The world’s first, most sagacious, political economist.)
Sorry to mention it, but there is no other viable method to stem the flow of debt defaults, originated by the massive global floating foreign exchange, forward exchange, tax havens, and transactions/derivatives’ bubble pervading the entire globe, as the aggregate power of knowledge and computers, have learned how to rob the entire system blind___and can not be stopped, or fixed, otherwise. Believe it or not, this is no fault of any individual, or group of individuals. It’s simply the excessive speed of technology’s evolution out-stripping the capacity of human knowledge systems, and the individuals pace of learning all, needed to handle the complexities of.
Plato’s system of securing national economies’ subsidiarity and sustainability, at the international law change level, has been updated through the years, by many brilliant minds. First since Plato by Benjamin Franklin, then by Paul Einzig, J.M. Keynes, Paul Davidson, Jane D’Arista and myself. The best summations of Keynes’s ideas are presented in Robert Skidelsky’s and Paul Davidson’s books on Keynes. The three volume set by Robert, and the last two of Paul’s. I prefer Paul Einzig’s, Robert Skildelsky’s, and Paul Davidson’s together, as all three are really required to understand all aspects of Plato/Keynes’s local and international complexity, necessary to rap one’s mind around the entire present global transactions’ bubble___sufficiently. I mention Paul Einzig as he’s needed to thoroughly understand the forward exchange market, which is actually the preceding derivatives’ market. He wrote two, one in `36 and one in `66. The titles are “The Dynamic Theory of Forward Exchange” and “A Dynamic Theory of Forward Exchange”, and also his book “Exchange Clearing”. I don’t believe any complete understanding of the entire complex derivatives’ transactions markets is possible without reading and understanding these books thoroughly. Another possible, yet with less depth, is Egon Sohmen’s book on “Forward Exchange”. “Barons” also wrote another, but it’s more technical than factually theoretical, though still worth the read…
I can’t stress enough the necessity of the above, to help rap one’s mind around these complex transactions’ markets. All theory is severely limited without this information and knowledge. We must make use of it, to build the new and proper international constitutional contractual law structures, necessary to return debt default structures, to fair, sustainable and equitable expanding credit and infrastructure systems, for all nations…
A Global Insurance Policy___The Restoration of Truth, Trust and Responsibility In Markets___A Total Global Insurance Policy Path To Prosperity…
As per above, derivatives contracts are at present controlling the destiny of the entire global markets and trading systems, of every nations’ future welfare, or ill health, if not re-regulated properly, and extremely carefully, slowly and safely. I’ve noticed many economists, on TV and postings at Nouriel Roubini’s site, advocating the elimination of the toxic side of this market, immediately, but this is, and would be a great mistake. Links to these articles are posted on my macromouse blog at: http://macromouse.blogspot.com over the last few month’s posts. Many are also listed above and on other posts in this blog. I suggest following the many arguments about how to handle the derivatives fiasco, but caution that too fast an action does more damage than good. Presently, the lack of the `up-tick’ rule and presently existing `mark-to-market’ rules are unnecessarily forcing the extreme pace of derivatives cashing costs, as they are brought back onto banking and corporate balance sheets, to unnecessarily bankrupt many banks, insurance companies, hedge funds, and other corporate entities, and will finally also bankrupt the bond funds, if not properly handled. This major problem must be solved with a thorough understanding of new dynamic “sliding time scale law changes” that must be enacted, thus financing this toxic debt out over a ten year period, of say 10% `marked-to-market’ per year, not to unnecessarily bankrupt many entities, the world can not do without, if she is to survive as a viable capitalist system. Otherwise, we’re sadly going to end up with too many too socialist, communist or totalitarian governments spread around the globe. We must trade the static `mark-to-market’ accounting rule, for a dynamic rule of slower and safer change. The present missing `up-tick’ rule, and `mark-to-market’ rules are collapsing capitalism, unnecessarily. This warning is not to scare. It’s just the fact of markets’ re-regulation moving far too dangerously fast, if not heeded.
Since most of the developed world’s nations’ market interests are fast moving monies to safe havens, mainly the U.S., all should realize the cashing costs of such contracts fall on the nation where the cashing takes place, and not where the contracts were written. If so much of the world’s `hot money’ is moving to the U.S., it only stands to reason most of the derivatives and other contract cashing costs are falling on us. This is the reason this problem must be slowly refinanced over a longer period of time, to prevent the total collapse of the entire global system, as America is still the key trade currency___Remember, “We’ve never been here before”___The world has never had this much leverage, in these international contract markets, at no time in the planet’s history. This is why we absolutely need a global governments’ totally insured and guaranteed emergency international exchange clearing and banking architecture, as without one, the newly evolved computerized cashing costs will eat capitalism alive___Printing new money into a world of `shadow banking’ derivatives’ theft___Won’t Work! The international derivatives market can and will steal more than all can print___Until we change the laws!
We can only safely unwind the derivatives’ market with a 10% per year global exchange clearing insurance policy___A fully insured international exchange clearing bank___A global emergency, fully insured international clearing bank. This must be newly constituted, chartered and instituted. The present situation is simply finance insuring a continuing `Ponzi Scheme’, unless the proper national and international contract, currency and trade laws are enacted___First! All nations are going to have to step up to the responsibility plate as newly realized and created “market-makers” and perform the above tasks, if we are to prosper, once again. The above is a skinny sketch of how to government bond insure the derivatives’ markets, (since part of it is absolutely necessary for world trade), through an international clearing house insurance system of new global growth, for all nations. I can’t state it enough times, derivatives must be slowly reduced by new `sliding time scale laws’, as markets are expanded with massive infrastructure projects and all totally government insured through major new international clearing banks and Keynes’s complete `Bancor International Exchange Clearing System’. We must insure derivatives down, and markets up, by all nations’ governments taking their temporarily necessary new roles as `Market-Makers of Last Resort’. We must move the world from assurance, to insurance___And absolutely government guarantee the world’s recovery…
The above post should be read in conjunction with all the links provided, the quotes below, and this entire blog’s economic posts, plus the last several month’s links at: http://macromouse.blogspot.com BTW, all the Obama posts on this blog: http://theawakeningoftheamericamind.blogspot.com/ are also political-economy posts, related to the above… mailto:lloyd.gillespie@gmail.com
"We need a fixed value monetary system. At the present time, we have none. Under floating exchanges, America is simply a powerful ship on an ocean, with no rudder. Old gold, silver, and other known standards will no longer work. They will not work due to the massive increases in communication's speed, the varied endowments of nations' natural resources, and encrypted international speculative opportunities. Therefore, we need a new system. INTERNAL EXCHANGE CLEARING is such a system. It is an entirely new fixed value enhancing - [production standard] - monetary system, to benefit all humankind." Me
“Under floating exchanges the demand for forward exchange facilities would increase considerably while the volume of obtainable facilities would dwindle.” Paul Einzig___ (Just replace “forward exchange facilities” with “derivative contract facilities” above and you have the aggregate derivatives’ system’s cashing costs exceeding facilities ability to pay, due to contract profits being over-hoarded in `tax haven mattresses’, which in turn greatly creates the present global credit crunch. Since computerized derivatives’ systems cashing costs increasing, and exceeding nations’ ability to pay, will continue unabated, in a thoroughly open financial foreign exchange architecture, this is why an updated, and PPP(purchasing price parity) balanced, Plato/Keynes international financial architecture transactions/currency clearing law system___Is Absolutely Needed!)
“Without a full understanding of the functioning of forward markets, all discussion of exchange rate policy must remain seriously deficient.” Egon Sohmen___ (Just replace “exchange rate” with “derivatives” above and Egon’s statement tells a truth of this complex market).
“Forward contract costs fall on the nation where the transaction takes place, and not the nation where executed.” William Spalding___(Just replace “Forward” with “Derivative” above and you have the truth of derivatives’ system cashing costs, as forward contracts are the predecessors of derivatives contracts, and mechanically function most identically, in the foreign exchange markets).
Above quotes copied from my book; “INTERNAL EXCHANGE CLEARING”. The above three authors greatly helped me understand these complex markets, back in the `70’s, `80’s and`90’s. I read William Spalding first way back in 1960, on the sound advise of a classmate___He’s still brilliant, as are the others…
Friday, November 21, 2008
National Security Alert #2___The Epistemology of Ecolo-Techno-Political-Economic Morality…
“We have not adopted another possible feature of banking by which you have capital, subscribed capital, which you can lend out… It is perplexing to some people at first that that should not be necessary. In the first days of banking great stress was laid on the possession of capital but we have learned as time goes on that that is of insignificant importance. You need the capital if you are not in a closed system and have to meet liabilities for credit outside your system, but in a closed system you can reach your conclusion simply by offsetting the deposits of some members against the overdrafts of others… As there is no liability to pay outside the system it requires no risk therefore requires no capital.” John Maynard Keynes
“The scientifically grounded universal soul sees a moral path to our future ideal states…” me
New Hope for Financial Economics: Interview with Bill Janeway, by Chris Whalen
“Noesis”___The science of the exact sciences of the mind, world and universe, first clearly advanced by Plato, some 2400 years ago, is the most important explication of thought, ever, yet the most mis-interpreted of ideas, about it, ever put forward by the global community. Understanding, thoroughly, any epistemology of morality must first start here, and give a new and clear meaning to this most fundamental area of scientific thought, as it is the basis of all modern thinking, and no one has properly understood Plato’s simplicity of clear thought. Not Aristotle, not Descartes nor Leibniz, not Kant nor Hegel, and not even my favorite Charles Sanders Peirce, though he came close, with his architectonic system, expanded from Kant’s architectonic reasoning, which were both instinctively founded in Plato’s `Archetypes of Forms’…
Why is it, a simple line diagram, A, D, C, E, B, representing the `forms’ of thought, has confused the world so? AD equates to `Eikasia’(The lowest stage of knowing___images), DC equates to `Pistis’(objects of sense and opinion, plus the senses and sentiments, and less a priority of thought than `Dianoia and `Noesis’), CE equates to `Dianoia’(mind, thoughts, reason, imagination and understanding, yet knowledge of a kind, falling short of the highest knowledge, `Noesis’), and EB equates to `Noesis’(pure thought___the highest type of knowledge and wisdom beyond mathematical knowledge, and attainable only by those who understand the nature of the `Forms’ of knowledge). Now, it seems everyone’s confusion comes from what `Form’ or `forms’ actually meant to Plato, as the hundreds of philosophers, physicists and other scientists writing, or having written about the `Form/forms’, have entirely missed its complex simplicity. Some have come close, such as Kant and Peirce, and even more recent writers like W.W. Tait, yet all missed what Plato truly meant by the `Forms’, and how some, such as Husserl and Jung got it so wrong is beyond me, but I intend to set the record straight, and your own reasoning will see I’m steering you correctly.
Now, think about the above for a while, and see what is really being thought about___and you will notice it consists of four major ways(Forms) of thinking, plus a deeper combination of these four ways, which multiplies to quite a high number of thought (Forms), yet realizable to us all. To make it simpler, let’s assign Plato’s other meanings to the four `Forms’, 1.Images, 2.Emotions, 3.Reason, and 4.Logic/Logos. Watch what happens when we think primarily from any one of these four positions___Often, even in our own minds, any one way of thought can be incompatible with any one of the other ways of thinking. Everyone, if they be honest, has experienced this and tried resolving it by themselves, and more often than not, just left the idea un-resolved___I have and you have. It’s just the way the mind works, but Plato was trying to show these problems are resolvable by temporarily transcending the lower orders of our own mind’s states, to the state of pure thought, or the universal manifold of clear thought, of all thought concepts, systems and `Forms’ of, and not just to a higher conceptualization, but what is the true universal continuum of pure knowing abilities, the space we manipulate thoughts from, from which many come, as intuitions, metaphors and abductions, or retroductions, as per Godel and Peirce. This could also be considered the “architectonic without an architecture”, or pure forms of unbounded thought, as was described by Kant(thing in itself), Hegel(his idea of `the notion’, and its relationship to his rational historical evolution, and their deeper related inner space ideas), Peirce(abduction, and his inter-relational algebras’ deeper reasoning ideas about the continuum of knowing, major mathematicians are so familiar with.), Whitehead(his 9 categorial necessities of quantum motion), Wittgenstein(That of which we can not state, we must not speak…), Godel(Math can not prove the truth of itself, within its own math), Tarski(Statements in English, can not be proved within English), Gerry Garcia(Those who talk, don’t know. Those who know, don’t talk, most likely from the East), and Dylan(…ya want the truth, I’ll tell ya the truth, there ain’t no truth), who extensively studied Kant(little wonder…).
What are we to morally think of the above? If my intellect is in collisional dis-agreement with my moral soul, am I to choose or resolve? If my reason is in collision with my logic, am I to choose or resolve? If any of my emotions are in conflict with my reasoning, logic or images, am I to choose or resolve? And, how does one resolve over having to choose the lesser of two evils, or the better of two goods? Plato gave the simplest, yet truest answer ever offered___”The best order of things”___True scientific ground___The good. There is no more profound and fundamental a solution to all the minds possible ways of thinking. It pre-exists our minds, in the perfect order of the cosmological universe, and nature’s perfect natural order of species, long before the evil fallacies of man, dug his way into Earth’s crust. “The universal best order of things” not only solves all the higher order thinking problems, it also solves all lower order thinking problems, and unites them, just by realizing such problems as compassion and empathy, may cause headaches to mathmatize now, but can easily be seen as `responsibility to act’, which conveniently converts to ‘the numerical best order of things’, through its natural ethical correspondence of the true, good and beautiful, when using simple magnitudes math, and model comparisons___the grounding copula, and high-cupola of universal understanding. When you take a thorough look at all emotional and lower order moral problems, they can all be correspondingly boosted, i.e., higher compared to our higher mind’s understandings, as a simple numerical best orders of things. Just look at any problem you may see, and ask, “Can the best order of things be applied?”, and you’ll quickly see it can, once you finally understand Plato’s `Forms’ are no more than temporarily transcending the many `forms’ of lower order thinking. Higher order `Forms’, continuums, manifolds, frames, super-concepts of concepts, inner and outer spaces, and their connectors/copulas can resolve all the doubts and conflicts of lower and higher order thought.
Still, what are the `Forms’ Plato, so long ago, unintentionally confused the world with? Kant accidentally gave this answer, when he was talking about lines in one’s imagination, without even realizing it. Just think about his thought experiment, two lines in inner space, the mind, and now start manipulating them in open inner space, and ask, what’s that space between the lines, I am actually manipulating? That’s your `Form/forms’ of pure thought, your own mind is moving, i.e., you are actually moving the photons of inner space to move those lines, or set up any mental experiment, say a steel basketball, in an empty auditorium of say 1000 seats. Now, mentally pick up the steel ball and pass it from corner to corner, and to all corner seats, then pass it to all the other seats, bounce or levitate it in the air, and simply ask, “How am I doing this?” You see, the only way imagination works is to manipulate the copula of the continuum, and the only scientific copula existing in imagination, that allows the merging of wave/particles, or the morphing of concepts, metaphors and wave/particles, is photons, the only wave/particle allowed by the laws of physics to totally and permanently super-position, or clone, as Einstein first stated. Electrons can not fill this bill, as this is against the laws of physics, so it’s photons we are manipulating, photons of the inner-space-continuum/manifold, or the pure `Form/forms’ of thought___Plato’s mystery exposed…
The New Epistemological Morality of Economic Decisions…
Moving on to a larger view of morality that is, at this very moment, affecting all our lives, and will for some time to come, “Where does morality fit into the major economic puzzle?” If you’ve noticed, economics is called `Political Economy’, and the reason is sensible economists have always known economics is at base political, i.e., emotional desires, thus the moral aspect. No matter what economists may fundamentally know, and try to institute, it is the political realities of human desires which will rule the day, and all of history. Years past, these issues were settled by wars and plunder, but as we became more civilized, moral/immoral/a-moral politics became more involved in the year to year decisions of peoples and governments, as Machiavelli clearly showed, yet still quite inter-dispersed with the occasional wars, until the major wars of the last century, and now, there’s only the policing wars, and a few rogue wars, such as Iraq. My point is that, for the first time in history major human, moral and political decisions played the major role in WW I and WW II finances and policies, teaching some of the world’s economists more about economics, than ever before in history, as is well recorded in many books, and government records, and none better than Robert Skidelski’s 3rd volume about John Maynard Keynes. This one volume is where you could see Plato’s `Forms’ of thought being applied, at near the highest level possible, by the minds of the world’s wisest. You can be introduced to three of the highest `Forms of Thought’ man ever dreamed, in Hjalmar Schacht, John Maynard Keynes, and Harry Dexter White, and much of it with the founding help of Thorstein Veblen and Irving Fisher, the first a student of Charles Sanders Peirce, and the second a student of Josiah Willard Gibbs, the inventors of 2nd order logic, inter-relational algebras and pragmatism; and vector math and mechanics, along with modern statistical mechanics. To say the least, it was a period of genius, by more than a few…
This is the era where economists learned the moral desires of the populace would be the most controlling aspect of actual economics, the economists could not overcome. No matter the great systems put forward, the exchange trade barter clearing system of Schacht, which most countries had to use during the war, or the other two competing systems of White and Keynes, the people’s wishes of organized labor played the deciding hand, even in Hitler’s Germany. So, not as many think, `economists run the world’, no they don’t. They’d like to, but the people’s desires trump all the knowledge of the economists, academics and intellectual elites, by the shear demands of organized and un-organized labor’s real hand of power, and corporations brute financial desires. You can’t starve the populace or the corporations, by either bad or good policy, and you often can’t put good policy in place, if labor, corporate and political elites can’t understand such ideas as “Labor Wage Banks” to store their stocks of wages, through taxes, when societies inflation rates soar, even though they will be returned in times of recession and deflation to re-inflate the economy back to more normal states. Keynes found this out during the war, when he wanted to do just this, and labor shot down the idea cold, thus forcing England to Semi-Schachtian barter, wage and price controls, with its attending major international capital controls. The U.S. was also forced to similar methods of war finance, due to one nation, Germany, having the upper hand, and if we and others hadn’t copied, as it was the highest efficiency war finance system, we’d have been on the losing financial end, and possibly losing the war effort, outright. On the other hand, Keynes moral bancor’ international exchange clearing banking system would have worked with the same valor, for all the people of England, and most of the greater world, although it was never tried due to labor’s and many commercial interests’ ignorance of the “Labor Wage Taxing and Banking” system proposal, and it’s entire banking and international exchange clearing mechanisms. So, higher morality, at the largest stages of thought, was trumped by labor’s and commercialism’s lesser moral positions, of “money in hand” and “no trust” of a government sponsored “Labor Wage Bank” to later repay, nor the major system’s mechanics reform feared by the commercial interests to relieve national debts, when in fact, it would have greatly benefited, not only England, but the greater world at large___What a loss___What a shame…
Can the world now awake, and institute a newly updated scientific version of Plato/Keynes/Davidson IMCU(international money clearing unit) system…?
And now we arrive at the present moral epistemological stage, of a world held in checkmate by the personal desires of a many competing interest groups, for the future safety and sovereignty of all the nations, perched on the cliff of global depression, unless we make the correct moral decisions, of the highest and `best order of things’, and take the actionable intelligence the dire situation requires. We must draw from the mental states of temporary transcendence, over our petty ideologies, beliefs and fears, to reach that higher truth state, offered by understanding the “Forms of Thought” of which Plato, long ago laid the groundwork. What shall we choose? The most for the few? The most for the middle? Or, the most for all, the middle way, of “the best order of all things?” I’ll easily choose Plato’s, Veblen’s, Keynes’s and Davidson’s higher `Forms’ of clear thought, but that doesn’t mean we can educate the lower order thinkers, to the higher order thinker’s “Forms of Thought” necessary, to achieve the success required. This is nothing but a moral question of the highest order, of our very survival as a nation, and the greater world at large, yet can we mathmatize the world of economics into simple enough idea presentations, to the lower order thinker’s acceptance, or will we fail to do the simple, and wade into the needless complexities, of special interest arguments, and no intelligent action? This is the real question…
The Scientific `Forms’ of Present, Probable and Possible Evolution, to The Sovereignty and Autonomy of Scientific Exchange Clearing, Banking and Trade Systems, to Provide for A Safe Future For All Earth’s Citizens…
`Noesis’ has had a long journey, sometimes on top of world thinking, but all too often lost in the deep woods of incorrect thinking. If we are going to truly think about solving the world’s massive moral financial problems, we are going to have to scientifically, epistemologically investigate, and plum the depth’s of Plato’s `Forms’, and realize he was talking about nothing but the actual, probable and possible absolute truths, just as Aristotle stated, “Forms are the absolute truth.” It is only in these `Forms of Absolutely True Thought of Systems Evolution’ we have any chance of a path, and survival, out of the mess we’ve created. We have simply ignored the scientific, for the un-scientific organization of moral and crude money and trade systems, far too long. It’s time for change from this un-scientific method, to the purely and absolute truth of the absolutely moral scientific method.
Above, and in the past posts on this blog, plus the posts on MacroMouse, I’ve listed several alternative and scientific `Forms’ of evolutionary money systems, from Plato’s own(bottom of post), to Benjamin Franklin’s, Hjalmar Schacht’s, John Maynard Keynes’s, Harry Dexter White’s, Jane D’Arista’s, Paul Davidson’s and even my own. I’ve also mentioned Egypt’s tally-board system, and several computerizable facsimile systems, and the matching law systems, needed for implementation. The choice is ours, to stay stuck in the mud, and end in the `Mad Max’ world of collapse, chaos and global WW III, or take the path of enlightenment offered, by myself and others___What choice…?
If need be, and to make this information the simplest possible, we can go to any one of the systems mentioned, or a combination of, as they are all scientific `Forms’ of sovereign autonomous systems, but I’ll first talk about the three already known paths___Schachtianism, Keynesianism and Whiteianism, which are clearly laid out in Robert Skidelski’s 3rd volume of J.M.Keynes, along with Paul Davidson’s newest book on J.M. Keynes. The present world of derivatives’ excess system debt costs may force us to a temporary Schachtianism, so first if this be the course of present evolution, we can go to his war-time finance and barter-trade system of closed foreign exchanges, multi-lateral trade agreements, and strict capital, wage, price and market controls. This is the least favorable system, but we scientifically already know it works, as it’s the system most of the world resorted to, to finance and barter WW II to its conclusion___Care must be taken to use `Slow Sliding Time Scale Change Laws’, for this system as well as any other, as more damage can be done with too fast a change, than slow.
The second least favorable system is Whiteianism, which all the economic and government historians have written most about, as it’s the system we actually had in place, from 1946 to 1973, and we also know this system worked, and worked much better than Schachtianism, or the present fiasco, yet leaders mistakenly threw it away, in favor of de-regulated untrammeled free-trade, and we’ve all seen where that has put us. So, Whiteianism is far better than the present state of free-trade over-debted-extension and total collapse, yet not the most scientific system, or even close to the many other scientific money systems, available to us.
The most favored presently well-know system is the scientific autonomously sovereign ideas’ combinations of Plato’s, Keynes’s and Davidson’s updated international exchange clearing and banking system, that will actually pay down the national debts of all nations, while reviving them through massive jobs expansions, to rebuild markets from the bottom up, as the top-down is dead. In this system, the governments of the world must all now act as `Market Makers’ and install these newest `Forms’ of law, but very carefully, through a system of `Slow Sliding Time Scale Change Laws’, as mentioned above. This will best protect what’s left of the existing markets during the necessary transition stage. And, realize this is not a system to benefit any one country over another, as it only properly functions with the participation policy of “all for one, and one for all”, big and small alike.
Now, do we choose one of these three `Forms of Systems’, or do we choose one of a dozen other possibilities? Egypt lasted almost 5,000 years, by some guesstimates, with a system of `Tally-board economics’ similar to that used in the farming communities or certain piece-meal factories, until she finally went to fiat money systems and the over-extension and collapse of too free-a-free trade, so here’s another system we actually and scientifically absolutely know works. It is crude, but can be computerized to perform all the functions of the present Heinz #57 capitalisms and socialisms/communisms of the entire world, and can be made into many different forms of `Super-Capitalism’, as can any one or combination of the systems mentioned___It’s just some are better ordered than others, and it’s `the best numerical order of things‘, we’re looking for, as that’s the absolutely scientific. Any of you can figure these scientific systems out, to the points of clarity of understanding necessary, just by realizing it’s all and only a numerical progression of evolutions___That’s 1, 2, 3, etc., etc… Just use your mind to it’s given potential, and you’ll know all this scientific stuff. It doesn’t take a genius…
Finally, the moral question___Which is better…? The Plato/Keynes/Davidson scientific international exchange clearing and banking system is the best presently well-know system, but my system of `Internal Exchange Clearing’, can scientifically bail this system out, if the moral hazard issue rears its ugly head, while this system is in use, and moral hazard is nothing more than the special interests’ opposition to `the best numerical order of things’, though they know not their opposition to `the best’___the good. But why would they?___you may ask… Well, that’s the natural human moral nature, no other human being or economist can control. The special interest desires are powerful enough to over-rule most any science we may devise, and that’s why I have developed `Internal Exchange Clearing’ which can thwart the human desires equation of special interests, with a scientifically engineered jobs and wages system of absolute infallibility. Now, of course many of you would dispute this fact, but you must not yet fully understand the logic of Plato’s line of `Form’. No-where on that line will you find the `Form’ Plato was referring to___It’s the absolutely scientifically true present, probable and possible evolutions of the universal all___That is the only place absolute truth exists___The temporarily transcended `Forms of Pure Universal Systems Thoughts’…
“The world’s future rests in the hands of sufficient and efficient necessity of scientifically grounded moral actionable intelligence.” me
Please read all this blog’s past posts, and links, to fully understand the above…
Just to give you an example of Plato’s `Archetype Form of Thought___The Scientifically True Middle Way’, some 2400 years old:
"The citizen of the ideal state will require a currency for the purpose of every day expenses; This is practically indispensable for workers of all kinds and for such purposes as the payment of wages to wage earners. To meet these requirements, the citizen will possess a currency which will pass for value among themselves, but will not be accepted outside their own boundaries. But a stock of some currency common to the Hellenic world generally i.e., of international currency, will at all times be kept by the state for military expenditures or official missions abroad such as embassies and for any other necessary purposes of state. If a private citizen has occasion to go abroad, he will make his application to the government and go; and upon his return if he has any foreign currency left over in his possession, he will hand it over to the state receiving in exchange the equivalent in local currency." Plato
“The scientifically grounded universal soul sees a moral path to our future ideal states…” me
New Hope for Financial Economics: Interview with Bill Janeway, by Chris Whalen
“Noesis”___The science of the exact sciences of the mind, world and universe, first clearly advanced by Plato, some 2400 years ago, is the most important explication of thought, ever, yet the most mis-interpreted of ideas, about it, ever put forward by the global community. Understanding, thoroughly, any epistemology of morality must first start here, and give a new and clear meaning to this most fundamental area of scientific thought, as it is the basis of all modern thinking, and no one has properly understood Plato’s simplicity of clear thought. Not Aristotle, not Descartes nor Leibniz, not Kant nor Hegel, and not even my favorite Charles Sanders Peirce, though he came close, with his architectonic system, expanded from Kant’s architectonic reasoning, which were both instinctively founded in Plato’s `Archetypes of Forms’…
Why is it, a simple line diagram, A, D, C, E, B, representing the `forms’ of thought, has confused the world so? AD equates to `Eikasia’(The lowest stage of knowing___images), DC equates to `Pistis’(objects of sense and opinion, plus the senses and sentiments, and less a priority of thought than `Dianoia and `Noesis’), CE equates to `Dianoia’(mind, thoughts, reason, imagination and understanding, yet knowledge of a kind, falling short of the highest knowledge, `Noesis’), and EB equates to `Noesis’(pure thought___the highest type of knowledge and wisdom beyond mathematical knowledge, and attainable only by those who understand the nature of the `Forms’ of knowledge). Now, it seems everyone’s confusion comes from what `Form’ or `forms’ actually meant to Plato, as the hundreds of philosophers, physicists and other scientists writing, or having written about the `Form/forms’, have entirely missed its complex simplicity. Some have come close, such as Kant and Peirce, and even more recent writers like W.W. Tait, yet all missed what Plato truly meant by the `Forms’, and how some, such as Husserl and Jung got it so wrong is beyond me, but I intend to set the record straight, and your own reasoning will see I’m steering you correctly.
Now, think about the above for a while, and see what is really being thought about___and you will notice it consists of four major ways(Forms) of thinking, plus a deeper combination of these four ways, which multiplies to quite a high number of thought (Forms), yet realizable to us all. To make it simpler, let’s assign Plato’s other meanings to the four `Forms’, 1.Images, 2.Emotions, 3.Reason, and 4.Logic/Logos. Watch what happens when we think primarily from any one of these four positions___Often, even in our own minds, any one way of thought can be incompatible with any one of the other ways of thinking. Everyone, if they be honest, has experienced this and tried resolving it by themselves, and more often than not, just left the idea un-resolved___I have and you have. It’s just the way the mind works, but Plato was trying to show these problems are resolvable by temporarily transcending the lower orders of our own mind’s states, to the state of pure thought, or the universal manifold of clear thought, of all thought concepts, systems and `Forms’ of, and not just to a higher conceptualization, but what is the true universal continuum of pure knowing abilities, the space we manipulate thoughts from, from which many come, as intuitions, metaphors and abductions, or retroductions, as per Godel and Peirce. This could also be considered the “architectonic without an architecture”, or pure forms of unbounded thought, as was described by Kant(thing in itself), Hegel(his idea of `the notion’, and its relationship to his rational historical evolution, and their deeper related inner space ideas), Peirce(abduction, and his inter-relational algebras’ deeper reasoning ideas about the continuum of knowing, major mathematicians are so familiar with.), Whitehead(his 9 categorial necessities of quantum motion), Wittgenstein(That of which we can not state, we must not speak…), Godel(Math can not prove the truth of itself, within its own math), Tarski(Statements in English, can not be proved within English), Gerry Garcia(Those who talk, don’t know. Those who know, don’t talk, most likely from the East), and Dylan(…ya want the truth, I’ll tell ya the truth, there ain’t no truth), who extensively studied Kant(little wonder…).
What are we to morally think of the above? If my intellect is in collisional dis-agreement with my moral soul, am I to choose or resolve? If my reason is in collision with my logic, am I to choose or resolve? If any of my emotions are in conflict with my reasoning, logic or images, am I to choose or resolve? And, how does one resolve over having to choose the lesser of two evils, or the better of two goods? Plato gave the simplest, yet truest answer ever offered___”The best order of things”___True scientific ground___The good. There is no more profound and fundamental a solution to all the minds possible ways of thinking. It pre-exists our minds, in the perfect order of the cosmological universe, and nature’s perfect natural order of species, long before the evil fallacies of man, dug his way into Earth’s crust. “The universal best order of things” not only solves all the higher order thinking problems, it also solves all lower order thinking problems, and unites them, just by realizing such problems as compassion and empathy, may cause headaches to mathmatize now, but can easily be seen as `responsibility to act’, which conveniently converts to ‘the numerical best order of things’, through its natural ethical correspondence of the true, good and beautiful, when using simple magnitudes math, and model comparisons___the grounding copula, and high-cupola of universal understanding. When you take a thorough look at all emotional and lower order moral problems, they can all be correspondingly boosted, i.e., higher compared to our higher mind’s understandings, as a simple numerical best orders of things. Just look at any problem you may see, and ask, “Can the best order of things be applied?”, and you’ll quickly see it can, once you finally understand Plato’s `Forms’ are no more than temporarily transcending the many `forms’ of lower order thinking. Higher order `Forms’, continuums, manifolds, frames, super-concepts of concepts, inner and outer spaces, and their connectors/copulas can resolve all the doubts and conflicts of lower and higher order thought.
Still, what are the `Forms’ Plato, so long ago, unintentionally confused the world with? Kant accidentally gave this answer, when he was talking about lines in one’s imagination, without even realizing it. Just think about his thought experiment, two lines in inner space, the mind, and now start manipulating them in open inner space, and ask, what’s that space between the lines, I am actually manipulating? That’s your `Form/forms’ of pure thought, your own mind is moving, i.e., you are actually moving the photons of inner space to move those lines, or set up any mental experiment, say a steel basketball, in an empty auditorium of say 1000 seats. Now, mentally pick up the steel ball and pass it from corner to corner, and to all corner seats, then pass it to all the other seats, bounce or levitate it in the air, and simply ask, “How am I doing this?” You see, the only way imagination works is to manipulate the copula of the continuum, and the only scientific copula existing in imagination, that allows the merging of wave/particles, or the morphing of concepts, metaphors and wave/particles, is photons, the only wave/particle allowed by the laws of physics to totally and permanently super-position, or clone, as Einstein first stated. Electrons can not fill this bill, as this is against the laws of physics, so it’s photons we are manipulating, photons of the inner-space-continuum/manifold, or the pure `Form/forms’ of thought___Plato’s mystery exposed…
The New Epistemological Morality of Economic Decisions…
Moving on to a larger view of morality that is, at this very moment, affecting all our lives, and will for some time to come, “Where does morality fit into the major economic puzzle?” If you’ve noticed, economics is called `Political Economy’, and the reason is sensible economists have always known economics is at base political, i.e., emotional desires, thus the moral aspect. No matter what economists may fundamentally know, and try to institute, it is the political realities of human desires which will rule the day, and all of history. Years past, these issues were settled by wars and plunder, but as we became more civilized, moral/immoral/a-moral politics became more involved in the year to year decisions of peoples and governments, as Machiavelli clearly showed, yet still quite inter-dispersed with the occasional wars, until the major wars of the last century, and now, there’s only the policing wars, and a few rogue wars, such as Iraq. My point is that, for the first time in history major human, moral and political decisions played the major role in WW I and WW II finances and policies, teaching some of the world’s economists more about economics, than ever before in history, as is well recorded in many books, and government records, and none better than Robert Skidelski’s 3rd volume about John Maynard Keynes. This one volume is where you could see Plato’s `Forms’ of thought being applied, at near the highest level possible, by the minds of the world’s wisest. You can be introduced to three of the highest `Forms of Thought’ man ever dreamed, in Hjalmar Schacht, John Maynard Keynes, and Harry Dexter White, and much of it with the founding help of Thorstein Veblen and Irving Fisher, the first a student of Charles Sanders Peirce, and the second a student of Josiah Willard Gibbs, the inventors of 2nd order logic, inter-relational algebras and pragmatism; and vector math and mechanics, along with modern statistical mechanics. To say the least, it was a period of genius, by more than a few…
This is the era where economists learned the moral desires of the populace would be the most controlling aspect of actual economics, the economists could not overcome. No matter the great systems put forward, the exchange trade barter clearing system of Schacht, which most countries had to use during the war, or the other two competing systems of White and Keynes, the people’s wishes of organized labor played the deciding hand, even in Hitler’s Germany. So, not as many think, `economists run the world’, no they don’t. They’d like to, but the people’s desires trump all the knowledge of the economists, academics and intellectual elites, by the shear demands of organized and un-organized labor’s real hand of power, and corporations brute financial desires. You can’t starve the populace or the corporations, by either bad or good policy, and you often can’t put good policy in place, if labor, corporate and political elites can’t understand such ideas as “Labor Wage Banks” to store their stocks of wages, through taxes, when societies inflation rates soar, even though they will be returned in times of recession and deflation to re-inflate the economy back to more normal states. Keynes found this out during the war, when he wanted to do just this, and labor shot down the idea cold, thus forcing England to Semi-Schachtian barter, wage and price controls, with its attending major international capital controls. The U.S. was also forced to similar methods of war finance, due to one nation, Germany, having the upper hand, and if we and others hadn’t copied, as it was the highest efficiency war finance system, we’d have been on the losing financial end, and possibly losing the war effort, outright. On the other hand, Keynes moral bancor’ international exchange clearing banking system would have worked with the same valor, for all the people of England, and most of the greater world, although it was never tried due to labor’s and many commercial interests’ ignorance of the “Labor Wage Taxing and Banking” system proposal, and it’s entire banking and international exchange clearing mechanisms. So, higher morality, at the largest stages of thought, was trumped by labor’s and commercialism’s lesser moral positions, of “money in hand” and “no trust” of a government sponsored “Labor Wage Bank” to later repay, nor the major system’s mechanics reform feared by the commercial interests to relieve national debts, when in fact, it would have greatly benefited, not only England, but the greater world at large___What a loss___What a shame…
Can the world now awake, and institute a newly updated scientific version of Plato/Keynes/Davidson IMCU(international money clearing unit) system…?
And now we arrive at the present moral epistemological stage, of a world held in checkmate by the personal desires of a many competing interest groups, for the future safety and sovereignty of all the nations, perched on the cliff of global depression, unless we make the correct moral decisions, of the highest and `best order of things’, and take the actionable intelligence the dire situation requires. We must draw from the mental states of temporary transcendence, over our petty ideologies, beliefs and fears, to reach that higher truth state, offered by understanding the “Forms of Thought” of which Plato, long ago laid the groundwork. What shall we choose? The most for the few? The most for the middle? Or, the most for all, the middle way, of “the best order of all things?” I’ll easily choose Plato’s, Veblen’s, Keynes’s and Davidson’s higher `Forms’ of clear thought, but that doesn’t mean we can educate the lower order thinkers, to the higher order thinker’s “Forms of Thought” necessary, to achieve the success required. This is nothing but a moral question of the highest order, of our very survival as a nation, and the greater world at large, yet can we mathmatize the world of economics into simple enough idea presentations, to the lower order thinker’s acceptance, or will we fail to do the simple, and wade into the needless complexities, of special interest arguments, and no intelligent action? This is the real question…
The Scientific `Forms’ of Present, Probable and Possible Evolution, to The Sovereignty and Autonomy of Scientific Exchange Clearing, Banking and Trade Systems, to Provide for A Safe Future For All Earth’s Citizens…
`Noesis’ has had a long journey, sometimes on top of world thinking, but all too often lost in the deep woods of incorrect thinking. If we are going to truly think about solving the world’s massive moral financial problems, we are going to have to scientifically, epistemologically investigate, and plum the depth’s of Plato’s `Forms’, and realize he was talking about nothing but the actual, probable and possible absolute truths, just as Aristotle stated, “Forms are the absolute truth.” It is only in these `Forms of Absolutely True Thought of Systems Evolution’ we have any chance of a path, and survival, out of the mess we’ve created. We have simply ignored the scientific, for the un-scientific organization of moral and crude money and trade systems, far too long. It’s time for change from this un-scientific method, to the purely and absolute truth of the absolutely moral scientific method.
Above, and in the past posts on this blog, plus the posts on MacroMouse, I’ve listed several alternative and scientific `Forms’ of evolutionary money systems, from Plato’s own(bottom of post), to Benjamin Franklin’s, Hjalmar Schacht’s, John Maynard Keynes’s, Harry Dexter White’s, Jane D’Arista’s, Paul Davidson’s and even my own. I’ve also mentioned Egypt’s tally-board system, and several computerizable facsimile systems, and the matching law systems, needed for implementation. The choice is ours, to stay stuck in the mud, and end in the `Mad Max’ world of collapse, chaos and global WW III, or take the path of enlightenment offered, by myself and others___What choice…?
If need be, and to make this information the simplest possible, we can go to any one of the systems mentioned, or a combination of, as they are all scientific `Forms’ of sovereign autonomous systems, but I’ll first talk about the three already known paths___Schachtianism, Keynesianism and Whiteianism, which are clearly laid out in Robert Skidelski’s 3rd volume of J.M.Keynes, along with Paul Davidson’s newest book on J.M. Keynes. The present world of derivatives’ excess system debt costs may force us to a temporary Schachtianism, so first if this be the course of present evolution, we can go to his war-time finance and barter-trade system of closed foreign exchanges, multi-lateral trade agreements, and strict capital, wage, price and market controls. This is the least favorable system, but we scientifically already know it works, as it’s the system most of the world resorted to, to finance and barter WW II to its conclusion___Care must be taken to use `Slow Sliding Time Scale Change Laws’, for this system as well as any other, as more damage can be done with too fast a change, than slow.
The second least favorable system is Whiteianism, which all the economic and government historians have written most about, as it’s the system we actually had in place, from 1946 to 1973, and we also know this system worked, and worked much better than Schachtianism, or the present fiasco, yet leaders mistakenly threw it away, in favor of de-regulated untrammeled free-trade, and we’ve all seen where that has put us. So, Whiteianism is far better than the present state of free-trade over-debted-extension and total collapse, yet not the most scientific system, or even close to the many other scientific money systems, available to us.
The most favored presently well-know system is the scientific autonomously sovereign ideas’ combinations of Plato’s, Keynes’s and Davidson’s updated international exchange clearing and banking system, that will actually pay down the national debts of all nations, while reviving them through massive jobs expansions, to rebuild markets from the bottom up, as the top-down is dead. In this system, the governments of the world must all now act as `Market Makers’ and install these newest `Forms’ of law, but very carefully, through a system of `Slow Sliding Time Scale Change Laws’, as mentioned above. This will best protect what’s left of the existing markets during the necessary transition stage. And, realize this is not a system to benefit any one country over another, as it only properly functions with the participation policy of “all for one, and one for all”, big and small alike.
Now, do we choose one of these three `Forms of Systems’, or do we choose one of a dozen other possibilities? Egypt lasted almost 5,000 years, by some guesstimates, with a system of `Tally-board economics’ similar to that used in the farming communities or certain piece-meal factories, until she finally went to fiat money systems and the over-extension and collapse of too free-a-free trade, so here’s another system we actually and scientifically absolutely know works. It is crude, but can be computerized to perform all the functions of the present Heinz #57 capitalisms and socialisms/communisms of the entire world, and can be made into many different forms of `Super-Capitalism’, as can any one or combination of the systems mentioned___It’s just some are better ordered than others, and it’s `the best numerical order of things‘, we’re looking for, as that’s the absolutely scientific. Any of you can figure these scientific systems out, to the points of clarity of understanding necessary, just by realizing it’s all and only a numerical progression of evolutions___That’s 1, 2, 3, etc., etc… Just use your mind to it’s given potential, and you’ll know all this scientific stuff. It doesn’t take a genius…
Finally, the moral question___Which is better…? The Plato/Keynes/Davidson scientific international exchange clearing and banking system is the best presently well-know system, but my system of `Internal Exchange Clearing’, can scientifically bail this system out, if the moral hazard issue rears its ugly head, while this system is in use, and moral hazard is nothing more than the special interests’ opposition to `the best numerical order of things’, though they know not their opposition to `the best’___the good. But why would they?___you may ask… Well, that’s the natural human moral nature, no other human being or economist can control. The special interest desires are powerful enough to over-rule most any science we may devise, and that’s why I have developed `Internal Exchange Clearing’ which can thwart the human desires equation of special interests, with a scientifically engineered jobs and wages system of absolute infallibility. Now, of course many of you would dispute this fact, but you must not yet fully understand the logic of Plato’s line of `Form’. No-where on that line will you find the `Form’ Plato was referring to___It’s the absolutely scientifically true present, probable and possible evolutions of the universal all___That is the only place absolute truth exists___The temporarily transcended `Forms of Pure Universal Systems Thoughts’…
“The world’s future rests in the hands of sufficient and efficient necessity of scientifically grounded moral actionable intelligence.” me
Please read all this blog’s past posts, and links, to fully understand the above…
Just to give you an example of Plato’s `Archetype Form of Thought___The Scientifically True Middle Way’, some 2400 years old:
"The citizen of the ideal state will require a currency for the purpose of every day expenses; This is practically indispensable for workers of all kinds and for such purposes as the payment of wages to wage earners. To meet these requirements, the citizen will possess a currency which will pass for value among themselves, but will not be accepted outside their own boundaries. But a stock of some currency common to the Hellenic world generally i.e., of international currency, will at all times be kept by the state for military expenditures or official missions abroad such as embassies and for any other necessary purposes of state. If a private citizen has occasion to go abroad, he will make his application to the government and go; and upon his return if he has any foreign currency left over in his possession, he will hand it over to the state receiving in exchange the equivalent in local currency." Plato
Sunday, November 16, 2008
National Security Alert #1___The Epistemology of Economics…
The US Economy Must Go To Defcon 1, by Fabius Maximus and Link
"Reforming The World's International Money", by Paul Davidson
The Entire Global Market Law System Is Broken___Throwing Good Money After Bad Law Makes No Sense…!
Essay On Paper Currency___Proposing A New Method For Fixing Its Value, by Benjamin Franklin
Franklin D. Roosevelt___First Inaugural Address
Were it not for Charles Sanders Peirce, and his student Thorstein Veblen, our sciences and knowledge systems would lack clarity. No other person, and student, built system’s knowledge and understanding to such thorough and accurate meanings, yet the modern world seems confused, confounded and less than systematic___Why…? No matter what subject area we choose, there are always oppositions and variations to our ways of stating and knowing our subject matter. Years past, I’d realized there were drastic problems with relaying and understanding information and knowledge, between differently interested parties. It especially shows in such subject areas as, “The one and the many”, “The whole and the parts”, “Breadth and depth”, and subjective and objective. Back in the `70’s, I first heard it well expressed by the `Rock and Roll’ group, `Savoy Brown’, by the lyric, “Outside looking in. Inside looking out”. I then asked the question, “What one word or concept of, or least combination of words/concept of, could represent clearly, every thought possible, on earth?” I only discovered a possible answer just last week.
First, why has it always been so important to me, to maintain this quest all these years…? In a word___Clarity___of meaning. Though Peirce and Veblen accomplished much, they didn’t foresee the explosions of complexities of meanings, the modern world would conjure up. My purpose is to show how `a conceptual contract mechanics’ can simplify and unify what Peirce/Veblen once unified___anew. Let’s start off with `truth and anti-truth’, where an epistemology of the truth contract, can be compared to the epistemological philosophical fallacy of the anti-truth contract. I am here using `contract’ to distinguish something real, of the absolute world.(I’ll get to the epistemology of the absolute later). Since I’ve used contract in both instances, of truth and anti-truth, then I do accept a reality within both, but the first is the reality of usefulness to all, and the second is the reality of existence, lacking extreme utility and usefulness to all. Now, why do we have such a world, of usefulness and near uselessness, when compared to the all? Entertainment? Possibly. But the deeper reasoning is just simply a complex evolution, of a world of learning minds, and the timings of…
Eclectic Universal, Conceptual, Statistical, Contract Mechanics___A Method of How to Unify and Compress Information and Knowledge, Into Wisdom…
This is #1 in a series of posts, to attempt an entirely new method of explicating the complexities of world economic and monetary thought, in a most clear voice, grounded in “Mother Wit” and “Common Sense”, as honors the memories of Charles Sanders Peirce and Thorstein Veblen. Oh, it’s very true, there are many other voices of truth and wisdom whom I am relying upon, such as Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Josiah Gibbs, Harry Dexter White, John Maynard Keynes, and Paul Davidson, etc., etc., but Peirce and Veblen represent the clearest voices of eclectic universalism, grounded solidly in “Mother Wit” and sound “Common Sense”, as my base... You may wonder what Josiah Gibbs is doing in an economic post, but American economist Irving Fisher was one of his Doctoral students, thus the link of wise men inter-connecting American thought...
To start; All frames of reference of absolute truth, in the real world, are contractual facts, or contractual obligations and outcomes of people’s fundamental ideas of___There exists no other single word frame/concept possible, that covers such a large territory of statistics, ideas and mechanics of___as contracts. We, as a people, absolutely require such an architectonic framework, to even begin to understand the dynamic complexities of this modern world. This is exactly what Peirce was saying in the first quote of this post. Without such a basic fundamental reference, of eclectic universal conceptualism, the mind wanders to far a field of any semblance of knowledge and understanding, as the basic wit and common sense demands the universal concept, first, for any further understanding to function clearly and properly. Truth has been, more often, lost to this very fact, of the improper framing of ideas to fundamental sense, mentioned, known and communicated, than any other reason, a people and nation have ever lost its senses to. I can not stress the importance of proper architectonic understanding and mechanics enough, to explain the reasons for our known truths, evolving to the anti-truths of our own destruction, and the proper way to return America to her good senses, because believe me, she’s lost her reasonable senses, to the anti-truths, of modern nonsense, and I think you all know it...
Contract mechanics is a simple way of replacing the economic complex, with a well known and easily understood word___Contract___and its workings idea__Mechanics. It appeals to the basic wit and common senses of all strata of our society, and elicits easy interpretations and meanings, especially when we start explaining its mechanics from the ground up, by starting with the fact___the dollar bill, or any coin, is a fundamental contract, for anyone’s purchases, guaranteed anywhere in America and the world. There is no place or idea on Earth, contract and contract mechanics can not be applied, by simply relating the concept discussed, i.e., even to all other social, and even spiritual contracts, and the related mechanics of them all. You want or need simplicity of complexity, then think contract mechanics of any and all ideas, on Earth, and you’ll quickly realize, I’ve told you a new, yet so obvious a truth, it seems impossible it’s not been mentioned before___It’s really quite magic at unifying and compressing information and knowledge into more basic understandings of truth and wisdom. Conceptual contract mechanics___Even I could have never dreamed it so possible of simplifying complexity, especially economic complexity.
Of course, I’ve only mentioned it’s first stage of possibilities of explaining a needlessly over-complex world, and now, from the simplest of concepts to the most complex of economic profundities, I’ll demonstrate the simplicity of which the “Shadow Banking System’s” derivatives markets can be understood by all, through this new idea of its “Contract Mechanics”. Derivatives lends itself to contract mechanics the easiest, since all derivatives are actual contracts, traded between contracting parties, but the underlying contract mechanics of these contracts also involves the constitutional contracts of all nations involved. First, we should recognize the fact, that our constitution is the national contract of all America’s contracts, yet derivatives contracts not only operate within the constitutional contract, but also outside it, in the international corporate contract area of law, and non-law areas, except the trust between corporations, and the contracts traded between them, from most all nations on Earth. But realize, it’s still nothing but simple contract mechanics, at its base, and in actual practice, no different than you having credit card leverage(contract leverage) against your home mortgage(another contract) and yourself may be up against your finance(contract) limit, as are many corporations now, with their excess toxic debt derivatives contracts, as many went to bad debt with the global market downturn. So, the entire derivatives contract system is very similar to you, or your neighbor, not being able to meet your excess contract obligations, to your or his creditors/bankers/corporations, or other such market holders of contract obligations. It’s all contract privileges and obligations, and the trading mechanics of. The real problem is, the real underlying trading value of all these toxic derivatives contracts is approximately $50 trillion, and the total contract value of all the world’s economies is about $50+ trillion, while the total market transactions of derivatives turnover was last recorded at some $596 trillion. So, that’s actually about an equal obligation of a partial % of toxic and good contracts, against the privileged contracts of all the world’s citizens___A big problem, and I’ll deal with the actual, in depth, mechanics later…
At this point, I’d ask; “How much can the world’s aggregate balance of payments contracts actually finance, while trying to support this massive amount of derivatives, and other personal and corporate contract debt defaults? What is the limit of our presently evolving contract debt collisions, no matter what financing route we may take? Can we financially survive this tsunami of global depressions, or will we be forced to monetize the national debt contracts, or at the least, some of them, if not all? And, if we must monetize the national debt contracts, of say many nations, whose monetization system shall we use___Schacht’s, Keynes’ or Davidson’s?” These are the $64 thousand dollar questions…?
to be continued...
"Reforming The World's International Money", by Paul Davidson
The Entire Global Market Law System Is Broken___Throwing Good Money After Bad Law Makes No Sense…!
Essay On Paper Currency___Proposing A New Method For Fixing Its Value, by Benjamin Franklin
Franklin D. Roosevelt___First Inaugural Address
“By an architectonic I understand the art of constructing systems. As systemic unity is what first raises ordinary knowledge to the rank of science, that is, makes a system out of a mere aggregate of knowledge, architectonic is the doctrine of the scientific in our knowledge, and necessarily forms part of the doctrine of method.
... By a system I understand the unity of the manifold modes of knowledge under one idea. This idea is a concept provided by reason – of the form of the whole – in so far as the concept determines a priori not only the scope of its manifold content, but also the positions which the parts occupy relatively to one another. The scientific concept of reason contains, therefore, the end and the form of that whole which is congruent with this requirement. The unity of the end to which all the parts relate and the idea of which they all stand in relation to one another, makes it possible for us to determine from our knowledge of the other parts whether any part be missing, and to prevent any arbitrary addition, or in respect to its completeness any indeterminateness that does not conform to the limits which are thus determined a priori. The whole is thus an organised unity (articulatio), and not an aggregate (coacervatio). It may grow from within (per appositionem). It is thus like an animal body, the growth of which is not by addition of a new member, but by the rendering of each member, without change of proportion, stronger and more effective for its purposes.” Charles Sanders Peirce
“Veblen does not mince words: the peaceable type of person with a sense of goodwill toward fellow humans is regarded in highly competitive, Western societies as “good-for-nothing.”On the other hand, “the competitive individual can best achieve his ends if he combines the barbarian’s energy, initiative, self-seeking and disingenuousness with the savage’s lack of loyalty of clannishness.” The peaceable traits that are absolutely essential to the preservation of the family
and society “are disserviceable to the individual” whereas the predatory habits that help the modern barbarian compete simultaneously destroy the very fabric of society.” Thorstein Veblen
“Veblen believes that Western Civilization is fundamentally peaceable as well as barbaric, and that this dualism will never be resolved completely. postmodernists, modernists and positivists cannot digest Veblen’s . . . efforts from the previous fin de siécle to posit a dualism of human nature or homo duplex. Hence, there arise among modernists efforts to obfuscate barbarism in modern cultures, and among postmodernists efforts to deny the very existence of culture, much less “good” versus “bad” culture. Much is at stake here.” Thorstein Veblen
Were it not for Charles Sanders Peirce, and his student Thorstein Veblen, our sciences and knowledge systems would lack clarity. No other person, and student, built system’s knowledge and understanding to such thorough and accurate meanings, yet the modern world seems confused, confounded and less than systematic___Why…? No matter what subject area we choose, there are always oppositions and variations to our ways of stating and knowing our subject matter. Years past, I’d realized there were drastic problems with relaying and understanding information and knowledge, between differently interested parties. It especially shows in such subject areas as, “The one and the many”, “The whole and the parts”, “Breadth and depth”, and subjective and objective. Back in the `70’s, I first heard it well expressed by the `Rock and Roll’ group, `Savoy Brown’, by the lyric, “Outside looking in. Inside looking out”. I then asked the question, “What one word or concept of, or least combination of words/concept of, could represent clearly, every thought possible, on earth?” I only discovered a possible answer just last week.
First, why has it always been so important to me, to maintain this quest all these years…? In a word___Clarity___of meaning. Though Peirce and Veblen accomplished much, they didn’t foresee the explosions of complexities of meanings, the modern world would conjure up. My purpose is to show how `a conceptual contract mechanics’ can simplify and unify what Peirce/Veblen once unified___anew. Let’s start off with `truth and anti-truth’, where an epistemology of the truth contract, can be compared to the epistemological philosophical fallacy of the anti-truth contract. I am here using `contract’ to distinguish something real, of the absolute world.(I’ll get to the epistemology of the absolute later). Since I’ve used contract in both instances, of truth and anti-truth, then I do accept a reality within both, but the first is the reality of usefulness to all, and the second is the reality of existence, lacking extreme utility and usefulness to all. Now, why do we have such a world, of usefulness and near uselessness, when compared to the all? Entertainment? Possibly. But the deeper reasoning is just simply a complex evolution, of a world of learning minds, and the timings of…
Eclectic Universal, Conceptual, Statistical, Contract Mechanics___A Method of How to Unify and Compress Information and Knowledge, Into Wisdom…
This is #1 in a series of posts, to attempt an entirely new method of explicating the complexities of world economic and monetary thought, in a most clear voice, grounded in “Mother Wit” and “Common Sense”, as honors the memories of Charles Sanders Peirce and Thorstein Veblen. Oh, it’s very true, there are many other voices of truth and wisdom whom I am relying upon, such as Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Josiah Gibbs, Harry Dexter White, John Maynard Keynes, and Paul Davidson, etc., etc., but Peirce and Veblen represent the clearest voices of eclectic universalism, grounded solidly in “Mother Wit” and sound “Common Sense”, as my base... You may wonder what Josiah Gibbs is doing in an economic post, but American economist Irving Fisher was one of his Doctoral students, thus the link of wise men inter-connecting American thought...
To start; All frames of reference of absolute truth, in the real world, are contractual facts, or contractual obligations and outcomes of people’s fundamental ideas of___There exists no other single word frame/concept possible, that covers such a large territory of statistics, ideas and mechanics of___as contracts. We, as a people, absolutely require such an architectonic framework, to even begin to understand the dynamic complexities of this modern world. This is exactly what Peirce was saying in the first quote of this post. Without such a basic fundamental reference, of eclectic universal conceptualism, the mind wanders to far a field of any semblance of knowledge and understanding, as the basic wit and common sense demands the universal concept, first, for any further understanding to function clearly and properly. Truth has been, more often, lost to this very fact, of the improper framing of ideas to fundamental sense, mentioned, known and communicated, than any other reason, a people and nation have ever lost its senses to. I can not stress the importance of proper architectonic understanding and mechanics enough, to explain the reasons for our known truths, evolving to the anti-truths of our own destruction, and the proper way to return America to her good senses, because believe me, she’s lost her reasonable senses, to the anti-truths, of modern nonsense, and I think you all know it...
Contract mechanics is a simple way of replacing the economic complex, with a well known and easily understood word___Contract___and its workings idea__Mechanics. It appeals to the basic wit and common senses of all strata of our society, and elicits easy interpretations and meanings, especially when we start explaining its mechanics from the ground up, by starting with the fact___the dollar bill, or any coin, is a fundamental contract, for anyone’s purchases, guaranteed anywhere in America and the world. There is no place or idea on Earth, contract and contract mechanics can not be applied, by simply relating the concept discussed, i.e., even to all other social, and even spiritual contracts, and the related mechanics of them all. You want or need simplicity of complexity, then think contract mechanics of any and all ideas, on Earth, and you’ll quickly realize, I’ve told you a new, yet so obvious a truth, it seems impossible it’s not been mentioned before___It’s really quite magic at unifying and compressing information and knowledge into more basic understandings of truth and wisdom. Conceptual contract mechanics___Even I could have never dreamed it so possible of simplifying complexity, especially economic complexity.
Of course, I’ve only mentioned it’s first stage of possibilities of explaining a needlessly over-complex world, and now, from the simplest of concepts to the most complex of economic profundities, I’ll demonstrate the simplicity of which the “Shadow Banking System’s” derivatives markets can be understood by all, through this new idea of its “Contract Mechanics”. Derivatives lends itself to contract mechanics the easiest, since all derivatives are actual contracts, traded between contracting parties, but the underlying contract mechanics of these contracts also involves the constitutional contracts of all nations involved. First, we should recognize the fact, that our constitution is the national contract of all America’s contracts, yet derivatives contracts not only operate within the constitutional contract, but also outside it, in the international corporate contract area of law, and non-law areas, except the trust between corporations, and the contracts traded between them, from most all nations on Earth. But realize, it’s still nothing but simple contract mechanics, at its base, and in actual practice, no different than you having credit card leverage(contract leverage) against your home mortgage(another contract) and yourself may be up against your finance(contract) limit, as are many corporations now, with their excess toxic debt derivatives contracts, as many went to bad debt with the global market downturn. So, the entire derivatives contract system is very similar to you, or your neighbor, not being able to meet your excess contract obligations, to your or his creditors/bankers/corporations, or other such market holders of contract obligations. It’s all contract privileges and obligations, and the trading mechanics of. The real problem is, the real underlying trading value of all these toxic derivatives contracts is approximately $50 trillion, and the total contract value of all the world’s economies is about $50+ trillion, while the total market transactions of derivatives turnover was last recorded at some $596 trillion. So, that’s actually about an equal obligation of a partial % of toxic and good contracts, against the privileged contracts of all the world’s citizens___A big problem, and I’ll deal with the actual, in depth, mechanics later…
At this point, I’d ask; “How much can the world’s aggregate balance of payments contracts actually finance, while trying to support this massive amount of derivatives, and other personal and corporate contract debt defaults? What is the limit of our presently evolving contract debt collisions, no matter what financing route we may take? Can we financially survive this tsunami of global depressions, or will we be forced to monetize the national debt contracts, or at the least, some of them, if not all? And, if we must monetize the national debt contracts, of say many nations, whose monetization system shall we use___Schacht’s, Keynes’ or Davidson’s?” These are the $64 thousand dollar questions…?
to be continued...
Monday, November 3, 2008
Eclectic Universal Conceptualism...
A Note...
Yeah, I wrote a reply earlier, but my machine crashed, so here's something of what I had to say. Sarkar's ideas are generally in line with many new western thinkers, such as Herman Daly and Hazel Henderson, two I've already mentioned to you. This link: http://www.proutist-universal.org/ would actually be better to see how he thinks, as it covers more of the social-economic-political points of views. What struck me was the bottom-up approach, as it relates to Obama's ideas. Also his ideas about other top-down and bottom-up failures, i.e., socialism, communalism, communism, bad forms of capitalism. He's also much in line with Gandhi's thinking. My interpretation is probably different than your's or most, since I've studied so much of this already, but I'd like to point out my central observation, which is; "A New Form of Responsibile Co-operative Capitalism". We've already tried all forms to the right and left. It's about time we tried the middle path___Co-operation to find the essential truths of government and markets, instead of settling for "A concensus of the half-blind". I was just impressed that India had such a philosopher of note, with the pragmatic middle ideas, which blend with the directions I think/know the world must go. It's also in line with a new series of documentary on Link TV, The Planet. They laid out four possible directions of Earth, for the future; 1.Star Trek, where we build "Pig-Sty-Scrapers" to house 90 billion inhabitants, through the expansion of present synthetic technology. 2.Mad Max, where the world ends in terror, wars and total collapse. 3.Eco-Topia, where we start to co-operate through becoming more responsible, to build a sensible and proper world. 4.Big-Government/Big-Brother, what I would call totalitarian egalitarianism. Most don't realize 3. and 4. are the same, as any true utopias must have organized control, yet there's a big difference whether such control is voluntary co-operation or not. As I see it, Sarkar's ideas of individual sovereignty and autonomy, achieved through responsible co-operation, offer our best chance, as this is exactly what I've written about lately. Many have preached inter-dependency, but I see the sovereign autonomous route as much more desirable. It's just a matter of transcending the contradictions of the squash/mush-room, sitting atop all our shoulders. This is where eclectic universal conceptualism comes in, i.e., study to achieve the transcended truth, of all ideas...
You know, the only reason I looked up "Eclectic Universalism" was, it was running through my mind, when I awoke Saturday morning. I said, "Well there's a new combination of words, let me see where this leads". Since finding Sarkar and others about eclectic universalism, I had a new vision. The best way is to just state it, and this isn't being sexist. It's just men have been the dominators of societies, and still are in many nations, whereas women have only in recent history attained power and vote. Here it is; "The great man sees the same great man, in all men". Now, at first glance, this may seem contradictory, but it's actually not, even if one wants to take the extreme example of Hitler, as another great man stated; "The worst of society works the public good." Mandeville, I think. Anyway, just think how much the modern world learns from such monsters as Hitler, or even Bush/Cheney. At the highest transcendence levels of vision, all minds meet in absolute non-contradiction___It's our belief systems, attached to our ideas, that prejudice our views. Now, this isn't to say that Hitler wasn't a true monster, which he was, but when transcended to the total eclectic universal view, the world owns all its own monsters, which are often created by un-intended consequences of society's earlier actions. In the case of Hitler, it would be the "Versailles Treaty", where England and the Rest of Europe starved Germany to the brink of death, after WWI___What'd they expect to get___Mickey Mouse?
I've drifted off my point here, but if we could all see "other" as "great-self-self" we'd have far less trouble understanding how to transcend ourselves, to arrive at the ultimate truth necessity. Just take the Republicans and Democrats___One argues for absolute top-down government-economics-social conditions, and the other argues for bottom-up government-economics-social conditions___When both are always simultaneously required___The middle responsible co-operative position. It matters not if the argument is taken back to Paganism/Science; Paganism/Christianity; Christianity/Science, or any opposing contradictions one chooses___The differences are simply generated by the prejudiced belief systems/ideologies, overly attached to the same humans' higher natures of sameness, and sound analytical truths. You know, something the world seems to not know, is the fact that the exact analytical sciences have only "ONE" truth fact answer, for each case investigated___Beliefs must be dropped off, to achieve any exactness, in the true sciences. This doesn't mean one must give up any personal beliefs. It just means that in order to achieve exact scientific truth, a co-operation and responsibility to hard fact is required. This just simply requires temporarily transcending one's personal feelings, beliefs, meta-mind to achieve one side of the higher nature's mind. The higher nature of the natural feeling, responsible, co-operating mind is still in tact to assure all is guided to the "greater good for all" concerned...
What I mean is, most think there are such ideals as true open-ended utopias, ya know, like perfection? Few realize that true perfect liberty is an agreed to, reduced freedom, for the benefit of all concerned___Ya know, like if we all had a radical utopian freedom, we'd all have the liscencious right to do what we pleased, and the law be damned. I mentioned "any true utopias must have organized control" the way I did, to clearify the diffs between open-radical-utopian ideals, that are truly impossible, as verses sensible utopias, of the best possible of worlds, under sensible yet better functioning legal systems, through much higher evolved law systems, and true social justice, than what we presently have. This would be far better organizations of global monetary/law/political and distribution systems, of far less exploitation, subordination and dominance, than now exists. And as to the system I'm relating to, I do not mean one of less freedoms/liberties, we now possess, but one of more, yet most don't realize different organizations of laws/contracts, even more laws in certain areas, while reducing useless laws in other areas, can produce more and better liberty/freedom systems. It's just hard to explain to someone, how you are going to add/change/reduce laws, yet increase freedoms/liberties, yet it's possible. Justice, true global justice, is very hard for most to see, as we've all been brainwashed into the present systems of injustice, yet better freedoms/liberties are achievable, through better organiztions of the very existing systems of contract justice. Remember, even the dollar bill is a contract, and the U.S. Constitution is the "Contract of All Contracts", yet this social contract does not hinder us to change sub-contracts of the major contract, when we realize it's only our false beliefs/ideologies, over-attached to it, now preventing the advancement of better contracts. The real problem enters in the international trade of contracts, where more law would actually create much more freedom, for the local contracts___the money contracts, that benefit the social contract. I could ramble on forever, but I'd have to draw it out for you, to totally understand what I really mean. It's just more international government control over too free a corporate contracts, gives us more local freedom/liberty, automatically. It's just nations have always resisted this concept, because their local allegiance mind tells them, it's more restrictive, when it's truly not. Kinda a paradox, but it's not___It's just a matter of interpretation of understanding the total control/market function of international contracts, as they relate to local social justice contracts, and the expansion of these local justice contracts, as really, they(the local social contracts' freedoms/liberties) expand, by simply reducing the corporate international open-outlaw-contract control, over the entire world's local contracts, by actually increasing government/democracy contract control over them. This can be more easily stated, but I seem to be spinning in circles, trying to explain the simplicity of this complexity, but the truth is that a reduction of nefarious corporate international contract freedoms, is automatically an increase of personal, social contract, and national liberties. The way George Monbiot put it was, "Local democracy is impossible, without international democracy." I guess that's best. We presently have a too free a corporate outlaw international contract system, organized through the corrupt WTO free-trade contract system, related tax havens, and all other foreign exchange near-lawless-contracts, presently controlled by the outlaw corporations' inter-trusts, oppressing the local/national contracts' liberties___This must change. Hope that's clear enough. Let me know if it's not...
To me, the easiest way to understand interdependence is as a social contract concept. I'd just ask the question; "Is the interdependence of global socialist/communist acting, corporate contract dominance/exploitation of local contracts desirable, or is a more sovereign democratic action of local contracts' liberties/freedoms expansion more desirable?" When it comes to the sovereignty/interdependence of persons to persons, in personal relationships, I think that may be one of choice. Myself, I'd always choose sovereignty and independence, i.e., the higher degree of individual freedoms/liberties, as long as they aren't injurious to others, yet others may choose the sefety and soveriegnty of a close interdependent relationship___Still, Choice. At the national/international level, contracts must be re-written in both directions___some decreasing interdependence, where it's actually oppressive/exploitative, and some increasing interdependence, where it's beneficial, if the nation happens to be small and weak. It's kinda like animals and humans, it depends on our Darwinian strenghts/weakeness, which position we choose___sovereignty or interdependence___Again, Choice. Many anchored positions often seem to get one into interpretation troubles, with others, even though we must quite often anchor our positions, even when interpretations wrong them___just the way it is. Clarifications are only reached through successful communications, and grounding our selves in natural "mother wit and common sense". A rock-group I used to listen to stated it this way; "Successful communication, can take you very far". I forget who...
Most are also un-aware there are two dynamically different ethical systems___Manichean and Nicomachean. Manichean is the ethics of the emotions, and Nicomachean is the ethics of reason. Aristotle is the most famous for the Nicomachean ethics, which was actually named after his son, Nicomachus. Manichean ethics was created by the Christian church and philosopers of, some 500 years later, and is as Nietzsche described it; "Morality is one's prejudices, learned by age 18".
I mentioned it because I wasn't aware if you were aware of the fact, about two entirely different systematic ethical systems, functioning in most societies, at once, as well as all the general normally evolved ones, and their related moral systems. I wasn't aware of it myself, until about a month ago, but then again, I haven't studied ethical systems for years, though I knew they both existed, I didn't know one was from Greek philosophy, while the other was from Christian philosophy. I'll take the Greek philosophy one :-)
Hope I haven't run on too much,
Good luck
"Good Luck"___The only thing I think I still believe in, but mine's had a long run of not winning the lottery :-)
I'll have all the above better worded later___When it's new, it comes hard...
Yeah, I wrote a reply earlier, but my machine crashed, so here's something of what I had to say. Sarkar's ideas are generally in line with many new western thinkers, such as Herman Daly and Hazel Henderson, two I've already mentioned to you. This link: http://www.proutist-universal.org/ would actually be better to see how he thinks, as it covers more of the social-economic-political points of views. What struck me was the bottom-up approach, as it relates to Obama's ideas. Also his ideas about other top-down and bottom-up failures, i.e., socialism, communalism, communism, bad forms of capitalism. He's also much in line with Gandhi's thinking. My interpretation is probably different than your's or most, since I've studied so much of this already, but I'd like to point out my central observation, which is; "A New Form of Responsibile Co-operative Capitalism". We've already tried all forms to the right and left. It's about time we tried the middle path___Co-operation to find the essential truths of government and markets, instead of settling for "A concensus of the half-blind". I was just impressed that India had such a philosopher of note, with the pragmatic middle ideas, which blend with the directions I think/know the world must go. It's also in line with a new series of documentary on Link TV, The Planet. They laid out four possible directions of Earth, for the future; 1.Star Trek, where we build "Pig-Sty-Scrapers" to house 90 billion inhabitants, through the expansion of present synthetic technology. 2.Mad Max, where the world ends in terror, wars and total collapse. 3.Eco-Topia, where we start to co-operate through becoming more responsible, to build a sensible and proper world. 4.Big-Government/Big-Brother, what I would call totalitarian egalitarianism. Most don't realize 3. and 4. are the same, as any true utopias must have organized control, yet there's a big difference whether such control is voluntary co-operation or not. As I see it, Sarkar's ideas of individual sovereignty and autonomy, achieved through responsible co-operation, offer our best chance, as this is exactly what I've written about lately. Many have preached inter-dependency, but I see the sovereign autonomous route as much more desirable. It's just a matter of transcending the contradictions of the squash/mush-room, sitting atop all our shoulders. This is where eclectic universal conceptualism comes in, i.e., study to achieve the transcended truth, of all ideas...
You know, the only reason I looked up "Eclectic Universalism" was, it was running through my mind, when I awoke Saturday morning. I said, "Well there's a new combination of words, let me see where this leads". Since finding Sarkar and others about eclectic universalism, I had a new vision. The best way is to just state it, and this isn't being sexist. It's just men have been the dominators of societies, and still are in many nations, whereas women have only in recent history attained power and vote. Here it is; "The great man sees the same great man, in all men". Now, at first glance, this may seem contradictory, but it's actually not, even if one wants to take the extreme example of Hitler, as another great man stated; "The worst of society works the public good." Mandeville, I think. Anyway, just think how much the modern world learns from such monsters as Hitler, or even Bush/Cheney. At the highest transcendence levels of vision, all minds meet in absolute non-contradiction___It's our belief systems, attached to our ideas, that prejudice our views. Now, this isn't to say that Hitler wasn't a true monster, which he was, but when transcended to the total eclectic universal view, the world owns all its own monsters, which are often created by un-intended consequences of society's earlier actions. In the case of Hitler, it would be the "Versailles Treaty", where England and the Rest of Europe starved Germany to the brink of death, after WWI___What'd they expect to get___Mickey Mouse?
I've drifted off my point here, but if we could all see "other" as "great-self-self" we'd have far less trouble understanding how to transcend ourselves, to arrive at the ultimate truth necessity. Just take the Republicans and Democrats___One argues for absolute top-down government-economics-social conditions, and the other argues for bottom-up government-economics-social conditions___When both are always simultaneously required___The middle responsible co-operative position. It matters not if the argument is taken back to Paganism/Science; Paganism/Christianity; Christianity/Science, or any opposing contradictions one chooses___The differences are simply generated by the prejudiced belief systems/ideologies, overly attached to the same humans' higher natures of sameness, and sound analytical truths. You know, something the world seems to not know, is the fact that the exact analytical sciences have only "ONE" truth fact answer, for each case investigated___Beliefs must be dropped off, to achieve any exactness, in the true sciences. This doesn't mean one must give up any personal beliefs. It just means that in order to achieve exact scientific truth, a co-operation and responsibility to hard fact is required. This just simply requires temporarily transcending one's personal feelings, beliefs, meta-mind to achieve one side of the higher nature's mind. The higher nature of the natural feeling, responsible, co-operating mind is still in tact to assure all is guided to the "greater good for all" concerned...
What I mean is, most think there are such ideals as true open-ended utopias, ya know, like perfection? Few realize that true perfect liberty is an agreed to, reduced freedom, for the benefit of all concerned___Ya know, like if we all had a radical utopian freedom, we'd all have the liscencious right to do what we pleased, and the law be damned. I mentioned "any true utopias must have organized control" the way I did, to clearify the diffs between open-radical-utopian ideals, that are truly impossible, as verses sensible utopias, of the best possible of worlds, under sensible yet better functioning legal systems, through much higher evolved law systems, and true social justice, than what we presently have. This would be far better organizations of global monetary/law/political and distribution systems, of far less exploitation, subordination and dominance, than now exists. And as to the system I'm relating to, I do not mean one of less freedoms/liberties, we now possess, but one of more, yet most don't realize different organizations of laws/contracts, even more laws in certain areas, while reducing useless laws in other areas, can produce more and better liberty/freedom systems. It's just hard to explain to someone, how you are going to add/change/reduce laws, yet increase freedoms/liberties, yet it's possible. Justice, true global justice, is very hard for most to see, as we've all been brainwashed into the present systems of injustice, yet better freedoms/liberties are achievable, through better organiztions of the very existing systems of contract justice. Remember, even the dollar bill is a contract, and the U.S. Constitution is the "Contract of All Contracts", yet this social contract does not hinder us to change sub-contracts of the major contract, when we realize it's only our false beliefs/ideologies, over-attached to it, now preventing the advancement of better contracts. The real problem enters in the international trade of contracts, where more law would actually create much more freedom, for the local contracts___the money contracts, that benefit the social contract. I could ramble on forever, but I'd have to draw it out for you, to totally understand what I really mean. It's just more international government control over too free a corporate contracts, gives us more local freedom/liberty, automatically. It's just nations have always resisted this concept, because their local allegiance mind tells them, it's more restrictive, when it's truly not. Kinda a paradox, but it's not___It's just a matter of interpretation of understanding the total control/market function of international contracts, as they relate to local social justice contracts, and the expansion of these local justice contracts, as really, they(the local social contracts' freedoms/liberties) expand, by simply reducing the corporate international open-outlaw-contract control, over the entire world's local contracts, by actually increasing government/democracy contract control over them. This can be more easily stated, but I seem to be spinning in circles, trying to explain the simplicity of this complexity, but the truth is that a reduction of nefarious corporate international contract freedoms, is automatically an increase of personal, social contract, and national liberties. The way George Monbiot put it was, "Local democracy is impossible, without international democracy." I guess that's best. We presently have a too free a corporate outlaw international contract system, organized through the corrupt WTO free-trade contract system, related tax havens, and all other foreign exchange near-lawless-contracts, presently controlled by the outlaw corporations' inter-trusts, oppressing the local/national contracts' liberties___This must change. Hope that's clear enough. Let me know if it's not...
To me, the easiest way to understand interdependence is as a social contract concept. I'd just ask the question; "Is the interdependence of global socialist/communist acting, corporate contract dominance/exploitation of local contracts desirable, or is a more sovereign democratic action of local contracts' liberties/freedoms expansion more desirable?" When it comes to the sovereignty/interdependence of persons to persons, in personal relationships, I think that may be one of choice. Myself, I'd always choose sovereignty and independence, i.e., the higher degree of individual freedoms/liberties, as long as they aren't injurious to others, yet others may choose the sefety and soveriegnty of a close interdependent relationship___Still, Choice. At the national/international level, contracts must be re-written in both directions___some decreasing interdependence, where it's actually oppressive/exploitative, and some increasing interdependence, where it's beneficial, if the nation happens to be small and weak. It's kinda like animals and humans, it depends on our Darwinian strenghts/weakeness, which position we choose___sovereignty or interdependence___Again, Choice. Many anchored positions often seem to get one into interpretation troubles, with others, even though we must quite often anchor our positions, even when interpretations wrong them___just the way it is. Clarifications are only reached through successful communications, and grounding our selves in natural "mother wit and common sense". A rock-group I used to listen to stated it this way; "Successful communication, can take you very far". I forget who...
Most are also un-aware there are two dynamically different ethical systems___Manichean and Nicomachean. Manichean is the ethics of the emotions, and Nicomachean is the ethics of reason. Aristotle is the most famous for the Nicomachean ethics, which was actually named after his son, Nicomachus. Manichean ethics was created by the Christian church and philosopers of, some 500 years later, and is as Nietzsche described it; "Morality is one's prejudices, learned by age 18".
I mentioned it because I wasn't aware if you were aware of the fact, about two entirely different systematic ethical systems, functioning in most societies, at once, as well as all the general normally evolved ones, and their related moral systems. I wasn't aware of it myself, until about a month ago, but then again, I haven't studied ethical systems for years, though I knew they both existed, I didn't know one was from Greek philosophy, while the other was from Christian philosophy. I'll take the Greek philosophy one :-)
Hope I haven't run on too much,
Good luck
"Good Luck"___The only thing I think I still believe in, but mine's had a long run of not winning the lottery :-)
I'll have all the above better worded later___When it's new, it comes hard...
Monday, October 27, 2008
Media's Missing Intelligent Economists...
In answer as to why the major media stations lack meaningful intelligent economists...
Yes, I used to wonder about the same problem___No highly intelligent economists on the news. Think about it, the reason is simple___Ratings of short sound bites pays the stations more___Economic ideas take time to present. The only place you'll find them at all is Fareed Sakaria at 1:00 pm on Sunday, yet he thinks he's too smart to allow economic intelligence to surface, even when he has them on, although I did see a good piece with the leader of China___Fareed didn't dare take over his conversation. He actually had time to say something___Most interesting points were, capitalization of markets from the bottom up, as Obama has suggested, and that he reads Marcus Aurelius, over and over, at least a 100 times. The show was still too short to delve deep into real world economics. I've already written to all the news-medias with suggestions of major economists and economic ideas to present. The best I've achieved is to get Lou Dobbs to re-book the major economist/historian/journalist, Behar, about the China in Africa exploitation expose. He did it within days of my asking him to. Fareed seems to be to egoistic to pay attention to anyone he doesn't think viable, and he's way off the mark, as pertains to his total knowledge of real world economics.
It's really a political/ideological/belief system problem___Most believe far too trivially about the real world, instead of knowing something about the real world. To me, believers un-knowingly victemize themselves and others into false beliefs, thus the logic needed to truly understand the world, suffers, though I do see the "airplane" of thought slowly landing, the further we advance into this global financial madness, as it really is a belief system problem of "White Global Corporate Tax Haven and Free Trade Market Racism"___i.e., The Rich against the Poor, as always___Wall St. draining Main St. All the problem's in the "Predator Virtual State Tax Havens' Fictitious Wealth Creation", to the tune of $596 Trillion of derivatives securitizations, actually "Embezzling" the $50 Trillion of real global economies' wealth, through market and trade transactions, right in front of everyone's eyes, yet most do not "SEE". This is the main reason I like and back Obama(also backs tax haven and currency reforms), as he has clearly mentioned taking care of "Main Street First" and "Wall St. Last" except in absolute emergency conditions, as we've recently witnessed. Myself, I'd have fixed the "Law System First", since throwing "Good Money" after "Bad Law" is futile___As the "Borg" used to say, on Startrek, "Resistance is futile..." I've written about this often...
Anyway, until the political/economic climate deteriates still further, Resistance to good ideas is paramount, and Action is yet futile, but I'm still trying, and not giving up, as no-one will know the exact moment the resistance level can be breached...
Just a side note on logic, as I recently realized a deeper vision into its functioning; Logic requires "sufficient intelligence" and "efficient analytical judgment" to produce true epistemological knowledge. This is severely lacking in most humans on planet Earth. All I'm stating is the proper and sufficient collection of info, into one's memory conceptualizations, then carefully parsing such ecleticism of information into completely true analyized judgments and knowledge. Most take in far too little information to process anything into any meaningful knowledge systems, thus end only in beliefs/ideologies/dogmas, i.e., mysticisms/metaphysics. Eclecticism(many world views of information) processing solves this problem. Peirce, Veblen and Montegue taught us this, if we study history, most a hundred years ago, yet the colleges easily forget, when entrepreneurial professors want to sell and teach their own new "Tripe Books."
Have faith in the truth eventually being uncovered, as this economic disaster brings us closer to the ground, of true and total reasoning... It's going to be a painful ride, but humanity seems to learn nothing useful, except through such pain, if you catch what I mean... Let's just hope the pain is limited to the emotional, intellectual faculties, and not war...
BTW, I'd love to have you write these shows with your suggestions. Maybe with more doing it, we may get some action. And, next month, the world leaders are going to meet in D.C. to try and hammar out real economic solutions. Too bad most will be with bad corporate/tax haven, banker/economists, yet it may give the media a chance to awake from the "lack of knowledge" sleep...
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Entire Global Market Law System Is Broken___Throwing Good Money After Bad Law Makes No Sense…!
"Derivatives' Debt Gobbles Gov. Credit..."
“Triage needed___Band-aids offered…”
"The house of fundamental monetary truths shows the monetary system's spiritual hand of greed controls all life through money. Furthermore, the world is a gambling casino of greed designed and sanctioned by God. Money is the mind of the spirit. The bankers are the dealers. Government is the laws and we are the hands playing the cards of greed. This my friends must change!!!
"Without a full understanding of the functioning of forward markets, all discussion of exchange rate policy must remain seriously deficient." Egon Sohmen
"The general public live in blissful ignorance of the whole subject of finance and of the manner in which the wealth of money lenders is augmented at the public expense by the manipulation of currency and credit." U.
"Overvaluation and undervaluation of currencies is one of the most intricate, most actual, and practically most important chapters of economic science." U.
"We need a fixed value monetary system. At the present time, we have none. Under floating exchanges, America is simply a powerful ship on an ocean, with no rudder. Old gold, silver, and other known standards will no longer work. They will not work due to the massive increases in communication's speed, the varied endowments of nations' natural resources, and encrypted international speculative opportunities. Therefore, we need a new system. "INTERNAL EXCHANGE CLEARING" is such a system. It is an entirely new fixed value enhancing - [production standard] - monetary system, to benefit all humankind."
All nations must rise to their transcended higher natures of rational realizations, and they must now step into the positions of complete “Market Maker” roles, and design the new market laws necessary, to save the world from complete legal-economic destruction. We can no longer fiddle while Rome burns. This is serious, for the very survival of our species. If we continue to not recognize the true failure of “Pseudo-Free Markets”, and fail to recognize the new roles governments now must play, we will pay a severe price. The last forty years evolution of market, trade, finance and politics have put all nations’ local law and market systems, in extreme conflict with the international contract-law and market systems, to the point where the local systems’ efficiency and viability, has been destroyed by the extreme inefficient “system costs” of the international “Shadow Banking” system, suppressing and eliminating this local viability. Simply said, we have two dynamic law systems in absolute collision___the local and the international___so, we now require major monetary system law reform___FAST and FIRST…!
Where is the fundamental origin of the “Shadow Banking Derivatives” crisis? Is it really in the sub-prime mortgages? No…! The fundamental origin is in the entire foreign exchange, market and trade system, starting in the Nixon administration. The diversion of exchange rate laws, and G.A.T.T. laws, is the origin of all risk market problems___derivatives are mainly risk insurance markets, to protect against exchange rate variances___they existed then as forward markets and contracts, etc. If nations and market players had then been on their toes, they would have foreseen future market problems, with such a flawed, radically, imbalancing law structures’ future collisions potentials, as they had been warned by Paul Einzig, in 1968, when he testified before America’s Senate___They didn’t listen then, no more than they listened to William Spaulding, after WW I, leading us needlessly into `29. Until everyone sees this true fundamental origin of our present problems, to be located in the entire global market law structures, we are just spinning our wheels on ice, trying to throw good money after bad law, to solve a financial problem, which is in FACT, a Law Problem.
Niccolo Machiavelli and John Law would be “real proud” of us right now, but neither are any hero, for us to look up to. At this moment, we should be looking to the true “master minds” of history, instead. My suggestions are Plato’s currency, market and banking system, Benjamin Franklin’s currency, market and banking system, Alexander Hamilton’s currency, market and banking system, J.M. Keynes’ currency, market and banking system, Paul Einzig’s currency, market and banking system, Paul Davidson’s currency, market and banking system, Jane D’Arista’s currency, market and banking system, and even mine. We are in a true currency, market and banking crisis, fully interpreted as the global international financial architecture, which includes all foreign exchanges, markets, trade and political systems of LAW… “All problems are law problems”. No amount of finance thrown at markets will change this absolute fundamental fact of reality. When we have money problems, we have nothing but fundamental Law Problems. So, how long do you suppose it’ll take the nations of the world to awake to the facts of true knowledge? I know one thing, we had soon awake, or we’re all dead. Just as Aristotle stated, “When a nation loses control of its currency, it matters not what the law is”. We are an entire world that has long ago lost control of its currencies, and we can only regain control with new and proper currency, market and trade Laws___Immediately implemented.
Over the past months, I’ve posted articles related to all the above in this blog: http://theawakeningoftheamericamind.blogspot.com/ For full details, I’d suggest reading from the first post back in May, to this one. You can skip the four posts about biology and physics, unless interested. Most of the details are included to what I have above written. If you wish more information, check out my other blog at: http://macromouse.blogspot.com which I’ve been publishing for over five years, or my newest book notes at: http://kondratyev.blogspot.com/
Anyone interested in more information, please e-mail me at: mailto:lloyd.gillespie@gmail.com
“Triage needed___Band-aids offered…”
"The house of fundamental monetary truths shows the monetary system's spiritual hand of greed controls all life through money. Furthermore, the world is a gambling casino of greed designed and sanctioned by God. Money is the mind of the spirit. The bankers are the dealers. Government is the laws and we are the hands playing the cards of greed. This my friends must change!!!
"Without a full understanding of the functioning of forward markets, all discussion of exchange rate policy must remain seriously deficient." Egon Sohmen
"The general public live in blissful ignorance of the whole subject of finance and of the manner in which the wealth of money lenders is augmented at the public expense by the manipulation of currency and credit." U.
"Overvaluation and undervaluation of currencies is one of the most intricate, most actual, and practically most important chapters of economic science." U.
"We need a fixed value monetary system. At the present time, we have none. Under floating exchanges, America is simply a powerful ship on an ocean, with no rudder. Old gold, silver, and other known standards will no longer work. They will not work due to the massive increases in communication's speed, the varied endowments of nations' natural resources, and encrypted international speculative opportunities. Therefore, we need a new system. "INTERNAL EXCHANGE CLEARING" is such a system. It is an entirely new fixed value enhancing - [production standard] - monetary system, to benefit all humankind."
All nations must rise to their transcended higher natures of rational realizations, and they must now step into the positions of complete “Market Maker” roles, and design the new market laws necessary, to save the world from complete legal-economic destruction. We can no longer fiddle while Rome burns. This is serious, for the very survival of our species. If we continue to not recognize the true failure of “Pseudo-Free Markets”, and fail to recognize the new roles governments now must play, we will pay a severe price. The last forty years evolution of market, trade, finance and politics have put all nations’ local law and market systems, in extreme conflict with the international contract-law and market systems, to the point where the local systems’ efficiency and viability, has been destroyed by the extreme inefficient “system costs” of the international “Shadow Banking” system, suppressing and eliminating this local viability. Simply said, we have two dynamic law systems in absolute collision___the local and the international___so, we now require major monetary system law reform___FAST and FIRST…!
Where is the fundamental origin of the “Shadow Banking Derivatives” crisis? Is it really in the sub-prime mortgages? No…! The fundamental origin is in the entire foreign exchange, market and trade system, starting in the Nixon administration. The diversion of exchange rate laws, and G.A.T.T. laws, is the origin of all risk market problems___derivatives are mainly risk insurance markets, to protect against exchange rate variances___they existed then as forward markets and contracts, etc. If nations and market players had then been on their toes, they would have foreseen future market problems, with such a flawed, radically, imbalancing law structures’ future collisions potentials, as they had been warned by Paul Einzig, in 1968, when he testified before America’s Senate___They didn’t listen then, no more than they listened to William Spaulding, after WW I, leading us needlessly into `29. Until everyone sees this true fundamental origin of our present problems, to be located in the entire global market law structures, we are just spinning our wheels on ice, trying to throw good money after bad law, to solve a financial problem, which is in FACT, a Law Problem.
Niccolo Machiavelli and John Law would be “real proud” of us right now, but neither are any hero, for us to look up to. At this moment, we should be looking to the true “master minds” of history, instead. My suggestions are Plato’s currency, market and banking system, Benjamin Franklin’s currency, market and banking system, Alexander Hamilton’s currency, market and banking system, J.M. Keynes’ currency, market and banking system, Paul Einzig’s currency, market and banking system, Paul Davidson’s currency, market and banking system, Jane D’Arista’s currency, market and banking system, and even mine. We are in a true currency, market and banking crisis, fully interpreted as the global international financial architecture, which includes all foreign exchanges, markets, trade and political systems of LAW… “All problems are law problems”. No amount of finance thrown at markets will change this absolute fundamental fact of reality. When we have money problems, we have nothing but fundamental Law Problems. So, how long do you suppose it’ll take the nations of the world to awake to the facts of true knowledge? I know one thing, we had soon awake, or we’re all dead. Just as Aristotle stated, “When a nation loses control of its currency, it matters not what the law is”. We are an entire world that has long ago lost control of its currencies, and we can only regain control with new and proper currency, market and trade Laws___Immediately implemented.
Over the past months, I’ve posted articles related to all the above in this blog: http://theawakeningoftheamericamind.blogspot.com/ For full details, I’d suggest reading from the first post back in May, to this one. You can skip the four posts about biology and physics, unless interested. Most of the details are included to what I have above written. If you wish more information, check out my other blog at: http://macromouse.blogspot.com which I’ve been publishing for over five years, or my newest book notes at: http://kondratyev.blogspot.com/
Anyone interested in more information, please e-mail me at: mailto:lloyd.gillespie@gmail.com
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Is The World Mature Enough To Handle “Free Money Print” Governments…?
“I’m fully aware of history’s inflations, deflations and hyper-inflations, and all other dynamic market mechanics. I am absolutely, logically analytical… If you don’t think free money prints are viable and required, please read on…”
Egypt, Greece and Rome experienced many models of money, credit and political organizations, through their long histories. Can we learn something new from them…? First, I am a super-macro-economist. I state this to simply distinguish between average macro-economists, who deal with existing academic knowledge systems, and my unique anthropological-macro-economic models, of possible futures, you have not yet heard of. I accept the validity of most economists publishing on Nouriel Roubini’s site, and most of all respect Paul Davidson’s posts, and the extended posts on his site, and the books he has written. Paul’s ideas, if enacted two years ago, may have saved the world from the dire conditions, we now find ourselves in, but due to the evolution of markets into a condition where the “Shadow Banking System Wolf” is fast eating the “Real Banking System Sheep”, new ideas are required.
Globally, the international economic-law system/systems of markets, trade and finance are devouring the local economic-law systems of most all nations, and shortly all nations can not escape the calamity in process. As mentioned by many, ships are sitting in ports, unable to finance loading or unloading. Trucking companies are on the verge of bankruptcy. Rail lines are having trouble obtaining load/unloading financing. China has canceled orders with Australia for steel. Oil tanker traffic is being reduced by the global credit freeze, and on and on it goes, as many have published about already. In short, the system is collapsing___faster than most of the world realizes, and the governments’ plans of this weekend are too wrong, too little, too late___to save the system, without drastic new “Law Ideas”. We can’t keep throwing good money after bad. We must enact new system responsibility laws “FAST” to save the system, or many will starve, freeze and die!
Temporarily, we will shortly have to close the international financial markets and all foreign exchange and book/computer exchanges of, to emplace the required new capital law system controls. The real trade markets must remain open. Financing must be Immediately insured by all governments wishing to receive their required trade goods. An international clearing house must be Immediately set up, just for necessary goods, and winding down of existing, “in process”, real trade contracts, deemed necessary by banks, corporations and governments, where possible finance is allotted. From now on, this will be emergency financing first, for survival purposes, as many markets will further constrict rather rapidly, from here on out, until the new local and international law architectures are emplaced, and enough new hyper-financing is forthcoming…
ALL governments should Now act as “market makers”, and eventually will need to, Insure and re-capitalize all the viable banks left standing, and close those severely impaired. The longer they wait, the more it will cost___better to pay less now, than more later. America should Immediately freeze all real goods prices from rising, yet allow all real goods prices to move down, while wages and profits are allowed to move up. This does not include the stock and commodity markets, as they must be left free to find their own pricing levels. Other nations will eventually have to do the same. Everything, and all markets, can be returned to normal after the time needed to formulate and emplace the new law structures I will put forward. These temporary acts are only required for the time needed to educate and emplace the new regulatory legal architectures. This will take time as, most likely, it will be America leading this new effort, just as it was with Bretton Woods in the `40’s. All nations will eventually have to sign on, and eventually will, when they see the drastic conditions hitting their own nations, as many already have. All will see shortly…
Now, to make these new ideas as short and concise as possible, I’ll use a transposed model of Egypt on America and the modern world. How did Egypt last almost 5,000 years? Let’s assume she used “Tally-board Capitalism”. What is it? Nothing other than set prices, as wages and profits rise. How did they finance such dynamics? Just as Greece and Rome did___Plunder of satellite areas and empires. But, we are civilized, so how can we transpose Egypt’s credit and financial system on America, and the world, also, without the stupidity of domination and war? The dynamic mechanics of Egypt’s credit and financing through plunder, can be comparatively transposed into the modern world through a higher understanding of our own credit, banking and printing press dynamics, which most, if not everybody, has not yet considered. The reason you will listen to me is the fact that “Derivatives’ Casino Capitalism” can never again be set up on the old plan, due to the fact, far too many people have learned how to be “Wolves” devouring “Sheep”, with global computer driven trades___Nor would we ever want to set up such an ill-fated, over-leveraged, gambling casino again___At least not any sane-minded people...
All we need to use “Crude Printing” to replace Egypt’s “Tally-board Capitalism”, is a proper inflation/deflation controlling law system architecture, based on the efficient necessity, imperative of responsibility, yet fully grounded in real “New Law”. This simply requires our full understanding of the fractional reserve banking system’s expansion to “Triple Entry Banking”, “Internal Exchange Clearing” and its related “Private/Public Enterprise 20% P.X. System” of new “Marshall’s Units of Production” standard laws, to control inflation/deflation internally, no matter how much pressure is put on our currency, by foreign nations. This system is either feasible multilaterally or unilaterally/autonomously, which fully respects the sovereignty of America, and all nations concerned. No matter what other nations attempt to price our currency at, we maintain our own internal and external values, and export and import as needed, after law system implementation, by being able to export real goods to receive other nations’ currencies, when currency is devalued by others, with no effect on our prices; and buy other nations’ currencies with exports, when our currency is revalued by others, with our print ability to export, no matter where the external value may be set, yet this system does not set in play the currency competition witnessed in the `30’s, due to the fact of its superior functioning, where all nations will be more than willing to adopt such an extremely efficient operating a system, to enhance their own nation’s superior health and survival. The “New Law System” must be written with “Dynamic Sliding Time Scale Laws”, of change, that benefit not only America, but all other nations of the entire world. Paul Davidson’s ICMU http://econ.bus.utk.edu/faculty/davidson/cambridgepaper.pdf works very close to this system, is better known, and can also be implemented along with my system, yet my system can be used better in the dire emergency conditions we now find our condition. Time is of the essence…
A better, yet not fully complete article of my, Plato’s, Benjamin Franklin’s, and Paul Davidson’s systems is available at this link: http://theawakeningoftheamericamind.blogspot.com/2008/09/lets-take-higher-road.html
Articles and ideas I’ve been posting over the last five years are available at this link: http://macromouse.blogspot.com/
Hope to see you soon, in the new world…
...and I also meant to have the gov. "market maker", also perform all the refinancing backing for the banks, market and citizens of lost homes... Big price-tag___but better to pay less now, than much more later...
Better get used to using the printing press___It's about time to figure a law system to use it responsibly, yet thoroughly, i.e., prices down while wages and profits increase___It Is Possible... A New Model of Global Credit Productivity...
Even possible autonomously, if necessary...
Egypt, Greece and Rome experienced many models of money, credit and political organizations, through their long histories. Can we learn something new from them…? First, I am a super-macro-economist. I state this to simply distinguish between average macro-economists, who deal with existing academic knowledge systems, and my unique anthropological-macro-economic models, of possible futures, you have not yet heard of. I accept the validity of most economists publishing on Nouriel Roubini’s site, and most of all respect Paul Davidson’s posts, and the extended posts on his site, and the books he has written. Paul’s ideas, if enacted two years ago, may have saved the world from the dire conditions, we now find ourselves in, but due to the evolution of markets into a condition where the “Shadow Banking System Wolf” is fast eating the “Real Banking System Sheep”, new ideas are required.
Globally, the international economic-law system/systems of markets, trade and finance are devouring the local economic-law systems of most all nations, and shortly all nations can not escape the calamity in process. As mentioned by many, ships are sitting in ports, unable to finance loading or unloading. Trucking companies are on the verge of bankruptcy. Rail lines are having trouble obtaining load/unloading financing. China has canceled orders with Australia for steel. Oil tanker traffic is being reduced by the global credit freeze, and on and on it goes, as many have published about already. In short, the system is collapsing___faster than most of the world realizes, and the governments’ plans of this weekend are too wrong, too little, too late___to save the system, without drastic new “Law Ideas”. We can’t keep throwing good money after bad. We must enact new system responsibility laws “FAST” to save the system, or many will starve, freeze and die!
Temporarily, we will shortly have to close the international financial markets and all foreign exchange and book/computer exchanges of, to emplace the required new capital law system controls. The real trade markets must remain open. Financing must be Immediately insured by all governments wishing to receive their required trade goods. An international clearing house must be Immediately set up, just for necessary goods, and winding down of existing, “in process”, real trade contracts, deemed necessary by banks, corporations and governments, where possible finance is allotted. From now on, this will be emergency financing first, for survival purposes, as many markets will further constrict rather rapidly, from here on out, until the new local and international law architectures are emplaced, and enough new hyper-financing is forthcoming…
ALL governments should Now act as “market makers”, and eventually will need to, Insure and re-capitalize all the viable banks left standing, and close those severely impaired. The longer they wait, the more it will cost___better to pay less now, than more later. America should Immediately freeze all real goods prices from rising, yet allow all real goods prices to move down, while wages and profits are allowed to move up. This does not include the stock and commodity markets, as they must be left free to find their own pricing levels. Other nations will eventually have to do the same. Everything, and all markets, can be returned to normal after the time needed to formulate and emplace the new law structures I will put forward. These temporary acts are only required for the time needed to educate and emplace the new regulatory legal architectures. This will take time as, most likely, it will be America leading this new effort, just as it was with Bretton Woods in the `40’s. All nations will eventually have to sign on, and eventually will, when they see the drastic conditions hitting their own nations, as many already have. All will see shortly…
Now, to make these new ideas as short and concise as possible, I’ll use a transposed model of Egypt on America and the modern world. How did Egypt last almost 5,000 years? Let’s assume she used “Tally-board Capitalism”. What is it? Nothing other than set prices, as wages and profits rise. How did they finance such dynamics? Just as Greece and Rome did___Plunder of satellite areas and empires. But, we are civilized, so how can we transpose Egypt’s credit and financial system on America, and the world, also, without the stupidity of domination and war? The dynamic mechanics of Egypt’s credit and financing through plunder, can be comparatively transposed into the modern world through a higher understanding of our own credit, banking and printing press dynamics, which most, if not everybody, has not yet considered. The reason you will listen to me is the fact that “Derivatives’ Casino Capitalism” can never again be set up on the old plan, due to the fact, far too many people have learned how to be “Wolves” devouring “Sheep”, with global computer driven trades___Nor would we ever want to set up such an ill-fated, over-leveraged, gambling casino again___At least not any sane-minded people...
All we need to use “Crude Printing” to replace Egypt’s “Tally-board Capitalism”, is a proper inflation/deflation controlling law system architecture, based on the efficient necessity, imperative of responsibility, yet fully grounded in real “New Law”. This simply requires our full understanding of the fractional reserve banking system’s expansion to “Triple Entry Banking”, “Internal Exchange Clearing” and its related “Private/Public Enterprise 20% P.X. System” of new “Marshall’s Units of Production” standard laws, to control inflation/deflation internally, no matter how much pressure is put on our currency, by foreign nations. This system is either feasible multilaterally or unilaterally/autonomously, which fully respects the sovereignty of America, and all nations concerned. No matter what other nations attempt to price our currency at, we maintain our own internal and external values, and export and import as needed, after law system implementation, by being able to export real goods to receive other nations’ currencies, when currency is devalued by others, with no effect on our prices; and buy other nations’ currencies with exports, when our currency is revalued by others, with our print ability to export, no matter where the external value may be set, yet this system does not set in play the currency competition witnessed in the `30’s, due to the fact of its superior functioning, where all nations will be more than willing to adopt such an extremely efficient operating a system, to enhance their own nation’s superior health and survival. The “New Law System” must be written with “Dynamic Sliding Time Scale Laws”, of change, that benefit not only America, but all other nations of the entire world. Paul Davidson’s ICMU http://econ.bus.utk.edu/faculty/davidson/cambridgepaper.pdf works very close to this system, is better known, and can also be implemented along with my system, yet my system can be used better in the dire emergency conditions we now find our condition. Time is of the essence…
A better, yet not fully complete article of my, Plato’s, Benjamin Franklin’s, and Paul Davidson’s systems is available at this link: http://theawakeningoftheamericamind.blogspot.com/2008/09/lets-take-higher-road.html
Articles and ideas I’ve been posting over the last five years are available at this link: http://macromouse.blogspot.com/
Hope to see you soon, in the new world…
...and I also meant to have the gov. "market maker", also perform all the refinancing backing for the banks, market and citizens of lost homes... Big price-tag___but better to pay less now, than much more later...
Better get used to using the printing press___It's about time to figure a law system to use it responsibly, yet thoroughly, i.e., prices down while wages and profits increase___It Is Possible... A New Model of Global Credit Productivity...
Even possible autonomously, if necessary...