Friday, November 21, 2008

National Security Alert #2___The Epistemology of Ecolo-Techno-Political-Economic Morality…

“We have not adopted another possible feature of banking by which you have capital, subscribed capital, which you can lend out… It is perplexing to some people at first that that should not be necessary. In the first days of banking great stress was laid on the possession of capital but we have learned as time goes on that that is of insignificant importance. You need the capital if you are not in a closed system and have to meet liabilities for credit outside your system, but in a closed system you can reach your conclusion simply by offsetting the deposits of some members against the overdrafts of others… As there is no liability to pay outside the system it requires no risk therefore requires no capital.” John Maynard Keynes

“The scientifically grounded universal soul sees a moral path to our future ideal states…” me

New Hope for Financial Economics: Interview with Bill Janeway, by Chris Whalen

“Noesis”___The science of the exact sciences of the mind, world and universe, first clearly advanced by Plato, some 2400 years ago, is the most important explication of thought, ever, yet the most mis-interpreted of ideas, about it, ever put forward by the global community. Understanding, thoroughly, any epistemology of morality must first start here, and give a new and clear meaning to this most fundamental area of scientific thought, as it is the basis of all modern thinking, and no one has properly understood Plato’s simplicity of clear thought. Not Aristotle, not Descartes nor Leibniz, not Kant nor Hegel, and not even my favorite Charles Sanders Peirce, though he came close, with his architectonic system, expanded from Kant’s architectonic reasoning, which were both instinctively founded in Plato’s `Archetypes of Forms’…

Why is it, a simple line diagram, A, D, C, E, B, representing the `forms’ of thought, has confused the world so? AD equates to `Eikasia’(The lowest stage of knowing___images), DC equates to `Pistis’(objects of sense and opinion, plus the senses and sentiments, and less a priority of thought than `Dianoia and `Noesis’), CE equates to `Dianoia’(mind, thoughts, reason, imagination and understanding, yet knowledge of a kind, falling short of the highest knowledge, `Noesis’), and EB equates to `Noesis’(pure thought___the highest type of knowledge and wisdom beyond mathematical knowledge, and attainable only by those who understand the nature of the `Forms’ of knowledge). Now, it seems everyone’s confusion comes from what `Form’ or `forms’ actually meant to Plato, as the hundreds of philosophers, physicists and other scientists writing, or having written about the `Form/forms’, have entirely missed its complex simplicity. Some have come close, such as Kant and Peirce, and even more recent writers like W.W. Tait, yet all missed what Plato truly meant by the `Forms’, and how some, such as Husserl and Jung got it so wrong is beyond me, but I intend to set the record straight, and your own reasoning will see I’m steering you correctly.

Now, think about the above for a while, and see what is really being thought about___and you will notice it consists of four major ways(Forms) of thinking, plus a deeper combination of these four ways, which multiplies to quite a high number of thought (Forms), yet realizable to us all. To make it simpler, let’s assign Plato’s other meanings to the four `Forms’, 1.Images, 2.Emotions, 3.Reason, and 4.Logic/Logos. Watch what happens when we think primarily from any one of these four positions___Often, even in our own minds, any one way of thought can be incompatible with any one of the other ways of thinking. Everyone, if they be honest, has experienced this and tried resolving it by themselves, and more often than not, just left the idea un-resolved___I have and you have. It’s just the way the mind works, but Plato was trying to show these problems are resolvable by temporarily transcending the lower orders of our own mind’s states, to the state of pure thought, or the universal manifold of clear thought, of all thought concepts, systems and `Forms’ of, and not just to a higher conceptualization, but what is the true universal continuum of pure knowing abilities, the space we manipulate thoughts from, from which many come, as intuitions, metaphors and abductions, or retroductions, as per Godel and Peirce. This could also be considered the “architectonic without an architecture”, or pure forms of unbounded thought, as was described by Kant(thing in itself), Hegel(his idea of `the notion’, and its relationship to his rational historical evolution, and their deeper related inner space ideas), Peirce(abduction, and his inter-relational algebras’ deeper reasoning ideas about the continuum of knowing, major mathematicians are so familiar with.), Whitehead(his 9 categorial necessities of quantum motion), Wittgenstein(That of which we can not state, we must not speak…), Godel(Math can not prove the truth of itself, within its own math), Tarski(Statements in English, can not be proved within English), Gerry Garcia(Those who talk, don’t know. Those who know, don’t talk, most likely from the East), and Dylan(…ya want the truth, I’ll tell ya the truth, there ain’t no truth), who extensively studied Kant(little wonder…).

What are we to morally think of the above? If my intellect is in collisional dis-agreement with my moral soul, am I to choose or resolve? If my reason is in collision with my logic, am I to choose or resolve? If any of my emotions are in conflict with my reasoning, logic or images, am I to choose or resolve? And, how does one resolve over having to choose the lesser of two evils, or the better of two goods? Plato gave the simplest, yet truest answer ever offered___”The best order of things”___True scientific ground___The good. There is no more profound and fundamental a solution to all the minds possible ways of thinking. It pre-exists our minds, in the perfect order of the cosmological universe, and nature’s perfect natural order of species, long before the evil fallacies of man, dug his way into Earth’s crust. “The universal best order of things” not only solves all the higher order thinking problems, it also solves all lower order thinking problems, and unites them, just by realizing such problems as compassion and empathy, may cause headaches to mathmatize now, but can easily be seen as `responsibility to act’, which conveniently converts to ‘the numerical best order of things’, through its natural ethical correspondence of the true, good and beautiful, when using simple magnitudes math, and model comparisons___the grounding copula, and high-cupola of universal understanding. When you take a thorough look at all emotional and lower order moral problems, they can all be correspondingly boosted, i.e., higher compared to our higher mind’s understandings, as a simple numerical best orders of things. Just look at any problem you may see, and ask, “Can the best order of things be applied?”, and you’ll quickly see it can, once you finally understand Plato’s `Forms’ are no more than temporarily transcending the many `forms’ of lower order thinking. Higher order `Forms’, continuums, manifolds, frames, super-concepts of concepts, inner and outer spaces, and their connectors/copulas can resolve all the doubts and conflicts of lower and higher order thought.

Still, what are the `Forms’ Plato, so long ago, unintentionally confused the world with? Kant accidentally gave this answer, when he was talking about lines in one’s imagination, without even realizing it. Just think about his thought experiment, two lines in inner space, the mind, and now start manipulating them in open inner space, and ask, what’s that space between the lines, I am actually manipulating? That’s your `Form/forms’ of pure thought, your own mind is moving, i.e., you are actually moving the photons of inner space to move those lines, or set up any mental experiment, say a steel basketball, in an empty auditorium of say 1000 seats. Now, mentally pick up the steel ball and pass it from corner to corner, and to all corner seats, then pass it to all the other seats, bounce or levitate it in the air, and simply ask, “How am I doing this?” You see, the only way imagination works is to manipulate the copula of the continuum, and the only scientific copula existing in imagination, that allows the merging of wave/particles, or the morphing of concepts, metaphors and wave/particles, is photons, the only wave/particle allowed by the laws of physics to totally and permanently super-position, or clone, as Einstein first stated. Electrons can not fill this bill, as this is against the laws of physics, so it’s photons we are manipulating, photons of the inner-space-continuum/manifold, or the pure `Form/forms’ of thought___Plato’s mystery exposed…

The New Epistemological Morality of Economic Decisions…

Moving on to a larger view of morality that is, at this very moment, affecting all our lives, and will for some time to come, “Where does morality fit into the major economic puzzle?” If you’ve noticed, economics is called `Political Economy’, and the reason is sensible economists have always known economics is at base political, i.e., emotional desires, thus the moral aspect. No matter what economists may fundamentally know, and try to institute, it is the political realities of human desires which will rule the day, and all of history. Years past, these issues were settled by wars and plunder, but as we became more civilized, moral/immoral/a-moral politics became more involved in the year to year decisions of peoples and governments, as Machiavelli clearly showed, yet still quite inter-dispersed with the occasional wars, until the major wars of the last century, and now, there’s only the policing wars, and a few rogue wars, such as Iraq. My point is that, for the first time in history major human, moral and political decisions played the major role in WW I and WW II finances and policies, teaching some of the world’s economists more about economics, than ever before in history, as is well recorded in many books, and government records, and none better than Robert Skidelski’s 3rd volume about John Maynard Keynes. This one volume is where you could see Plato’s `Forms’ of thought being applied, at near the highest level possible, by the minds of the world’s wisest. You can be introduced to three of the highest `Forms of Thought’ man ever dreamed, in Hjalmar Schacht, John Maynard Keynes, and Harry Dexter White, and much of it with the founding help of Thorstein Veblen and Irving Fisher, the first a student of Charles Sanders Peirce, and the second a student of Josiah Willard Gibbs, the inventors of 2nd order logic, inter-relational algebras and pragmatism; and vector math and mechanics, along with modern statistical mechanics. To say the least, it was a period of genius, by more than a few…

This is the era where economists learned the moral desires of the populace would be the most controlling aspect of actual economics, the economists could not overcome. No matter the great systems put forward, the exchange trade barter clearing system of Schacht, which most countries had to use during the war, or the other two competing systems of White and Keynes, the people’s wishes of organized labor played the deciding hand, even in Hitler’s Germany. So, not as many think, `economists run the world’, no they don’t. They’d like to, but the people’s desires trump all the knowledge of the economists, academics and intellectual elites, by the shear demands of organized and un-organized labor’s real hand of power, and corporations brute financial desires. You can’t starve the populace or the corporations, by either bad or good policy, and you often can’t put good policy in place, if labor, corporate and political elites can’t understand such ideas as “Labor Wage Banks” to store their stocks of wages, through taxes, when societies inflation rates soar, even though they will be returned in times of recession and deflation to re-inflate the economy back to more normal states. Keynes found this out during the war, when he wanted to do just this, and labor shot down the idea cold, thus forcing England to Semi-Schachtian barter, wage and price controls, with its attending major international capital controls. The U.S. was also forced to similar methods of war finance, due to one nation, Germany, having the upper hand, and if we and others hadn’t copied, as it was the highest efficiency war finance system, we’d have been on the losing financial end, and possibly losing the war effort, outright. On the other hand, Keynes moral bancor’ international exchange clearing banking system would have worked with the same valor, for all the people of England, and most of the greater world, although it was never tried due to labor’s and many commercial interests’ ignorance of the “Labor Wage Taxing and Banking” system proposal, and it’s entire banking and international exchange clearing mechanisms. So, higher morality, at the largest stages of thought, was trumped by labor’s and commercialism’s lesser moral positions, of “money in hand” and “no trust” of a government sponsored “Labor Wage Bank” to later repay, nor the major system’s mechanics reform feared by the commercial interests to relieve national debts, when in fact, it would have greatly benefited, not only England, but the greater world at large___What a loss___What a shame…

Can the world now awake, and institute a newly updated scientific version of Plato/Keynes/Davidson IMCU(international money clearing unit) system…?

And now we arrive at the present moral epistemological stage, of a world held in checkmate by the personal desires of a many competing interest groups, for the future safety and sovereignty of all the nations, perched on the cliff of global depression, unless we make the correct moral decisions, of the highest and `best order of things’, and take the actionable intelligence the dire situation requires. We must draw from the mental states of temporary transcendence, over our petty ideologies, beliefs and fears, to reach that higher truth state, offered by understanding the “Forms of Thought” of which Plato, long ago laid the groundwork. What shall we choose? The most for the few? The most for the middle? Or, the most for all, the middle way, of “the best order of all things?” I’ll easily choose Plato’s, Veblen’s, Keynes’s and Davidson’s higher `Forms’ of clear thought, but that doesn’t mean we can educate the lower order thinkers, to the higher order thinker’s “Forms of Thought” necessary, to achieve the success required. This is nothing but a moral question of the highest order, of our very survival as a nation, and the greater world at large, yet can we mathmatize the world of economics into simple enough idea presentations, to the lower order thinker’s acceptance, or will we fail to do the simple, and wade into the needless complexities, of special interest arguments, and no intelligent action? This is the real question…

The Scientific `Forms’ of Present, Probable and Possible Evolution, to The Sovereignty and Autonomy of Scientific Exchange Clearing, Banking and Trade Systems, to Provide for A Safe Future For All Earth’s Citizens…

`Noesis’ has had a long journey, sometimes on top of world thinking, but all too often lost in the deep woods of incorrect thinking. If we are going to truly think about solving the world’s massive moral financial problems, we are going to have to scientifically, epistemologically investigate, and plum the depth’s of Plato’s `Forms’, and realize he was talking about nothing but the actual, probable and possible absolute truths, just as Aristotle stated, “Forms are the absolute truth.” It is only in these `Forms of Absolutely True Thought of Systems Evolution’ we have any chance of a path, and survival, out of the mess we’ve created. We have simply ignored the scientific, for the un-scientific organization of moral and crude money and trade systems, far too long. It’s time for change from this un-scientific method, to the purely and absolute truth of the absolutely moral scientific method.

Above, and in the past posts on this blog, plus the posts on MacroMouse, I’ve listed several alternative and scientific `Forms’ of evolutionary money systems, from Plato’s own(bottom of post), to Benjamin Franklin’s, Hjalmar Schacht’s, John Maynard Keynes’s, Harry Dexter White’s, Jane D’Arista’s, Paul Davidson’s and even my own. I’ve also mentioned Egypt’s tally-board system, and several computerizable facsimile systems, and the matching law systems, needed for implementation. The choice is ours, to stay stuck in the mud, and end in the `Mad Max’ world of collapse, chaos and global WW III, or take the path of enlightenment offered, by myself and others___What choice…?

If need be, and to make this information the simplest possible, we can go to any one of the systems mentioned, or a combination of, as they are all scientific `Forms’ of sovereign autonomous systems, but I’ll first talk about the three already known paths___Schachtianism, Keynesianism and Whiteianism, which are clearly laid out in Robert Skidelski’s 3rd volume of J.M.Keynes, along with Paul Davidson’s newest book on J.M. Keynes. The present world of derivatives’ excess system debt costs may force us to a temporary Schachtianism, so first if this be the course of present evolution, we can go to his war-time finance and barter-trade system of closed foreign exchanges, multi-lateral trade agreements, and strict capital, wage, price and market controls. This is the least favorable system, but we scientifically already know it works, as it’s the system most of the world resorted to, to finance and barter WW II to its conclusion___Care must be taken to use `Slow Sliding Time Scale Change Laws’, for this system as well as any other, as more damage can be done with too fast a change, than slow.

The second least favorable system is Whiteianism, which all the economic and government historians have written most about, as it’s the system we actually had in place, from 1946 to 1973, and we also know this system worked, and worked much better than Schachtianism, or the present fiasco, yet leaders mistakenly threw it away, in favor of de-regulated untrammeled free-trade, and we’ve all seen where that has put us. So, Whiteianism is far better than the present state of free-trade over-debted-extension and total collapse, yet not the most scientific system, or even close to the many other scientific money systems, available to us.

The most favored presently well-know system is the scientific autonomously sovereign ideas’ combinations of Plato’s, Keynes’s and Davidson’s updated international exchange clearing and banking system, that will actually pay down the national debts of all nations, while reviving them through massive jobs expansions, to rebuild markets from the bottom up, as the top-down is dead. In this system, the governments of the world must all now act as `Market Makers’ and install these newest `Forms’ of law, but very carefully, through a system of `Slow Sliding Time Scale Change Laws’, as mentioned above. This will best protect what’s left of the existing markets during the necessary transition stage. And, realize this is not a system to benefit any one country over another, as it only properly functions with the participation policy of “all for one, and one for all”, big and small alike.

Now, do we choose one of these three `Forms of Systems’, or do we choose one of a dozen other possibilities? Egypt lasted almost 5,000 years, by some guesstimates, with a system of `Tally-board economics’ similar to that used in the farming communities or certain piece-meal factories, until she finally went to fiat money systems and the over-extension and collapse of too free-a-free trade, so here’s another system we actually and scientifically absolutely know works. It is crude, but can be computerized to perform all the functions of the present Heinz #57 capitalisms and socialisms/communisms of the entire world, and can be made into many different forms of `Super-Capitalism’, as can any one or combination of the systems mentioned___It’s just some are better ordered than others, and it’s `the best numerical order of things‘, we’re looking for, as that’s the absolutely scientific. Any of you can figure these scientific systems out, to the points of clarity of understanding necessary, just by realizing it’s all and only a numerical progression of evolutions___That’s 1, 2, 3, etc., etc… Just use your mind to it’s given potential, and you’ll know all this scientific stuff. It doesn’t take a genius…

Finally, the moral question___Which is better…? The Plato/Keynes/Davidson scientific international exchange clearing and banking system is the best presently well-know system, but my system of `Internal Exchange Clearing’, can scientifically bail this system out, if the moral hazard issue rears its ugly head, while this system is in use, and moral hazard is nothing more than the special interests’ opposition to `the best numerical order of things’, though they know not their opposition to `the best’___the good. But why would they?___you may ask… Well, that’s the natural human moral nature, no other human being or economist can control. The special interest desires are powerful enough to over-rule most any science we may devise, and that’s why I have developed `Internal Exchange Clearing’ which can thwart the human desires equation of special interests, with a scientifically engineered jobs and wages system of absolute infallibility. Now, of course many of you would dispute this fact, but you must not yet fully understand the logic of Plato’s line of `Form’. No-where on that line will you find the `Form’ Plato was referring to___It’s the absolutely scientifically true present, probable and possible evolutions of the universal all___That is the only place absolute truth exists___The temporarily transcended `Forms of Pure Universal Systems Thoughts’…

“The world’s future rests in the hands of sufficient and efficient necessity of scientifically grounded moral actionable intelligence.” me

Please read all this blog’s past posts, and links, to fully understand the above…

Just to give you an example of Plato’s `Archetype Form of Thought___The Scientifically True Middle Way’, some 2400 years old:

"The citizen of the ideal state will require a currency for the purpose of every day expenses; This is practically indispensable for workers of all kinds and for such purposes as the payment of wages to wage earners. To meet these requirements, the citizen will possess a currency which will pass for value among themselves, but will not be accepted outside their own boundaries. But a stock of some currency common to the Hellenic world generally i.e., of international currency, will at all times be kept by the state for military expenditures or official missions abroad such as embassies and for any other necessary purposes of state. If a private citizen has occasion to go abroad, he will make his application to the government and go; and upon his return if he has any foreign currency left over in his possession, he will hand it over to the state receiving in exchange the equivalent in local currency." Plato

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