Monday, October 27, 2008

Media's Missing Intelligent Economists...

In answer as to why the major media stations lack meaningful intelligent economists...

Yes, I used to wonder about the same problem___No highly intelligent economists on the news. Think about it, the reason is simple___Ratings of short sound bites pays the stations more___Economic ideas take time to present. The only place you'll find them at all is Fareed Sakaria at 1:00 pm on Sunday, yet he thinks he's too smart to allow economic intelligence to surface, even when he has them on, although I did see a good piece with the leader of China___Fareed didn't dare take over his conversation. He actually had time to say something___Most interesting points were, capitalization of markets from the bottom up, as Obama has suggested, and that he reads Marcus Aurelius, over and over, at least a 100 times. The show was still too short to delve deep into real world economics. I've already written to all the news-medias with suggestions of major economists and economic ideas to present. The best I've achieved is to get Lou Dobbs to re-book the major economist/historian/journalist, Behar, about the China in Africa exploitation expose. He did it within days of my asking him to. Fareed seems to be to egoistic to pay attention to anyone he doesn't think viable, and he's way off the mark, as pertains to his total knowledge of real world economics.

It's really a political/ideological/belief system problem___Most believe far too trivially about the real world, instead of knowing something about the real world. To me, believers un-knowingly victemize themselves and others into false beliefs, thus the logic needed to truly understand the world, suffers, though I do see the "airplane" of thought slowly landing, the further we advance into this global financial madness, as it really is a belief system problem of "White Global Corporate Tax Haven and Free Trade Market Racism"___i.e., The Rich against the Poor, as always___Wall St. draining Main St. All the problem's in the "Predator Virtual State Tax Havens' Fictitious Wealth Creation", to the tune of $596 Trillion of derivatives securitizations, actually "Embezzling" the $50 Trillion of real global economies' wealth, through market and trade transactions, right in front of everyone's eyes, yet most do not "SEE". This is the main reason I like and back Obama(also backs tax haven and currency reforms), as he has clearly mentioned taking care of "Main Street First" and "Wall St. Last" except in absolute emergency conditions, as we've recently witnessed. Myself, I'd have fixed the "Law System First", since throwing "Good Money" after "Bad Law" is futile___As the "Borg" used to say, on Startrek, "Resistance is futile..." I've written about this often...

Anyway, until the political/economic climate deteriates still further, Resistance to good ideas is paramount, and Action is yet futile, but I'm still trying, and not giving up, as no-one will know the exact moment the resistance level can be breached...

Just a side note on logic, as I recently realized a deeper vision into its functioning; Logic requires "sufficient intelligence" and "efficient analytical judgment" to produce true epistemological knowledge. This is severely lacking in most humans on planet Earth. All I'm stating is the proper and sufficient collection of info, into one's memory conceptualizations, then carefully parsing such ecleticism of information into completely true analyized judgments and knowledge. Most take in far too little information to process anything into any meaningful knowledge systems, thus end only in beliefs/ideologies/dogmas, i.e., mysticisms/metaphysics. Eclecticism(many world views of information) processing solves this problem. Peirce, Veblen and Montegue taught us this, if we study history, most a hundred years ago, yet the colleges easily forget, when entrepreneurial professors want to sell and teach their own new "Tripe Books."

Have faith in the truth eventually being uncovered, as this economic disaster brings us closer to the ground, of true and total reasoning... It's going to be a painful ride, but humanity seems to learn nothing useful, except through such pain, if you catch what I mean... Let's just hope the pain is limited to the emotional, intellectual faculties, and not war...

BTW, I'd love to have you write these shows with your suggestions. Maybe with more doing it, we may get some action. And, next month, the world leaders are going to meet in D.C. to try and hammar out real economic solutions. Too bad most will be with bad corporate/tax haven, banker/economists, yet it may give the media a chance to awake from the "lack of knowledge" sleep...

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