Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Master Vision of Universal Wisdom…

There exists a Universal wisdom knower, of all human minds__he wants to meet you, as he’s a major part of your own mind, you may not have yet realized… This same idea can be expressed through the science of modal wisdom__or the science of future logic, thought to its ultimate limits__and everyone possesses this natural ability. It’s nothing but your childhood mind, of deep critical imagination…

If you don’t yet believe the above paragraph, just let me set up one possible model of mind, that’s really been brewing over the last century or so... Consider the mind as an infinite sided mirror, rotating one vision of reality after another before your perception analyzer__continuously all your life. Further consider this to be a close analogy to what quantum mechanics proposed early in the last century__that of a world of all possible worlds, and that one of them is the real world. Also consider the most recent discoveries about mirror neurons in monkies, having the ability to copy behavior of what’s seen of others. Now, consider this infinite sided mirror to have the ability to mirror every action of ever citizen, plant and animal on planet Earth, without acception…

Such a perception analyzer would be a considerably powerful computer, if the individual possessed the power of interpretation and directional use over this bio-computer. Well, man actually does have such capacity through his choice of free-will__But, just what does free-will entail? Is it thinking about the past, present or future? Is it thinking about the possibilities, probabilities and necessities of life, or something else? Really, if you think about it, both the last two sentences’ contents just about covers what the mind is capable of, at all times__We/I constantly think about all past, present and future visions, through the many possibilities, probabilities and necessities, but also the deeper thoughts of the alternatives of each. By the alternatives, I simply mean the internal thought processes of all past, present and future states of thought, of both sentences’ contents, i.e., if we be thinking about ourselves or others in any past, present or future state of contemplation, we also can envision their internal state of vision, as to the deeper states of all states possible. This is really quite an amazing computer, sitting atop our shoulders…

By thinking about this deep enough, one realizes the entire mechanics represents a background independent processing machine. It’s hindered by nothing in its infinite capacities, accept its own reason and logic circuits, to separate the infinite imagination and emotions, from the finite rational and logical circuits__and when viewed thoroughly enough, by its even deeper innate mathematical logical circuits__of ratioed thoughts__as ratioed thoughts are the final arbiter of all logic and emotion circuits. So, when one truly views this amazing lil’ ol’ machine, one is struck by the question__Is it alive, or just the simple mechanical processing machine described above…? Are we animate, or truly inanimate…? Can we know, what we think we know, about knowing at all…? Do we know, or just convince ourselves we know, by viewing the asymmetry of the infinite mirror processor in action…? Can we possibly know at the speed of light__even if light is considerably slowed in and by our gray matter…? It’s still much faster and more complex than we could ever hope to realize its full potential__Isn’t it…?

Thinking it over, in general, what can we understand about this lil’ ol’ mechanical ball of mush, on our shoulders…? It seems the closer we try and get to the parts actions and particulars of these functions, the less is truly possible of knowing__Yet, the closer we try and get to the whole’s actions and particulars of its functions, the more we can truly gleen and know about its overall mechanics. Historically, looking back over all its individual functions, we/I simply see humanity as a bunch of insects, poking around in the mold of planet Earth, never accomplishing much accept to recycle everything, including ourselves/themselves__Yet, when looked at as a whole, there seems to appear a pattern to all this seeming madness. Historically, we no longer feed Christians to the lions, though many would still like to. We no longer accept the brutalities of old, as accepted forms of action. We no longer slaughter at will, any time we feel the urge… So, historically, life has changed and evolved, to a more civil form of life__and I’d say we’d have to accept this as a ‘moral achievement’ of human historical evolution. So, the history of the species actually does have a ‘Goal’, from all the historical evidence, to improve its moral condition__no matter what’s been academically stated falsely about morality__It’s real, by the evidence of ‘all’ history…

This evidence counters much of philosophical history, and actually gives a true ‘Purpose’ to life, that many have been, and are arguing against__But the evidence is overwhelmingly clear. The ‘Goal’ of humanity seems to be moral enhancement__So, even if the dynamic being be viewed as a simple processing machine(in its least state of action), it still has a moral/ethical/esthetic objective, and or ‘Goal’, of achievement__as ‘all’ history is mightily evidence to. This is the reason, I’ve stated so much about Charles Sanders Peirce, as he’s actually the only person I know who created an entire school of scientific thought dedicated to the study of future human action, based on ‘Esthetics’__The Science of Goals…

Without studying the Scientific Goals of Humanity, we have nothing but ‘a theory of re-cycling insects…’ Goals are what separate us as a different species, from all the other species__Moral Goals__The Truly Asymmetric Liberties of Humanity…

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