Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Logic Fallacy__Imagination --> Logic…

Since being taught “The Prisoner’s Dilemma” of the logic fallacy, by my grandfather, at age 4, I’ve always noticed almost all others’ logic fallacy crop up in their reasoning processes. This is the fundamental scientific method of all reasoning processes, which must be most thoroughly understood, before one can successfully do any science, logic, math or proper theorizing of these most fundamental thought processes. It’s the most easily conflated area of thoughts crossing up between our basic ego-thoughts, imagined thoughts, imagination thinking, theory and hypotheses thinking, and the logical imagination being fully background independent__by the necessity of theory’s ability to think fully openly__yet to convert the fully open infinite thought processes, to finite results…

The above constitutes the interpretation process of all minds’ ability to find sound scientific conclusions to all possible models, theories and imaginings. We all know there are many theories proposed by science and metaphysics, for the mechanics, beginnings or non-beginnings of our Universe__But, what constitutes the heart of the ‘Interpretation Dilemma…?’ Imo, it’s knowing the differences between the capacities of thought to ground itself in that which is dependent on the finite, or background dependence__and in that which is non-dependent on the finite, or background independence__also stated as that ‘Ol’ Demon of Infinity__The Ultimate Non-Definable__The Absolute Universal…’

The Infinite is non-definable due to the fact that no matter how it’s added to, subtracted from, multiplied by, divided by or into itself__It’s always defined as Infinity. We can’t even take ratios of infinity, and achieve any other meaning than Infinity__But, we can compare infinity and ratios of finiteness, to infinity__And, herein lies the trick in our converting imagination to scientific logics, which must be grounded in finiteness__not to create confusion and conflations of the fundamental facts. I think it’s just because most have never looked deep enough into the fundamental mechanics of imagination’s necessary infinite functions, and logic’s necessary finite functions, that the logic fallacy arises…

We all may know that imagination truly requires the background independence of infinite function__but, have you truly considered what this entails…? The background independence of infinite thinking/reasoning is never a process of infinite regress__It’s always an induction process of infinite progress, toward the ultimate un-definable__But, at the same time is that ultimate limit of thought’s ability to think reasonably at all__Yet, entails the only true singularity of its self-existence, as the only possible true oneness, in the entire Universe__As going the other direction into finiteness, explodes into the infinite regress, of infinitesimal finitenesses, approaching infinity again, in the opposite direction of moving toward infinity. So, in truth, either direction the mind of thought travels, it ends up at infinity__Or the absolutely un-definable oneness of that ‘Ol’ Demon Singularity of Infinity…’

The difference of the above being, that science can only be determined from traveling the direction toward the finite infinitesimals, even if they still happen to explode into an infinite number of infinitesimals__When we divide any fundamental finite object to its smallest possible parts, as per this formula__X/X=1+IEE(isomorphic extension and entanglement), we end at the infinite infinitesimals of all the inter-weaving wave fields. This formula is just an extension of Einstein’s E=MC^2, which fully interpreted of potential mass, and kinetic energy, to total kinetic energy, can really be expressed as E=EC^2__Where all the stored potential mass of any matter object considered is fully decayed, to it’s most fundamental field waves, at the speed of light, or final decay limit. In other words, a titanium sized baseball, theoretically sped to the speed of light, would radiate all it’s potential mass energy to pure decay dispersed kinetic energy, at the true c speed of light, as no more than near zero mass photons, due to the fact that the field energy could no longer travel fast enough in group velocities, to hold the titanium ball together, at true c(no possible way for c to maintain its group em forces at true c…)

So, what we end with is the fact that neither the infinite nor the finite, offers a true ultimate finite testable experimental ground__for science to stand on. What we are really left with is a Ratio-Logic between the infinite number of finite infinitesimals to the total number infinity is capable of existing as__and the possible mechanics of maintaining the symmetry of the known laws of physics, to allow a proper functioning Universe__Which we absolutely know exists, by the fact if:__Ya kick a big rock, barefoot, and you get a very sore ToE. So, do we truly have any scientific method possible, of grounding a scientific logic in the finite background dependence, or must it be grounded in the infinite background independence…?

And, when we look for these answers, we are back at the ultimate problem of deciding what is the line we may draw between imagination and logic__as this is really our only possible true ground of reality__Since both ends of the model reality spectrum, end up at the infinite un-definable un-decidability. This is where we must realize the difference between what science classifies as science, and what science classifies as metaphysics. All science must be factually measurable, thus is known to be limited to the purely finite world of h Planck points plus, and true c and group c__Scientific measurement has no such animals as –h and true +c. This is the only method science defines sound finiteness, against the metaphysical infinite and sub-infinitesimal non-sense. If these limits are not respected, we have no science__We have only non-sensible metaphysics. So science is really nothing but definition of measurement__Pure and simple__The Measurable…

It’s just that where the measurable is between the finite and the infinite, most have never considered the scientific possibilities of a sound Ratio-Logic existing, to define the differences between imagination, and its many models and theories, and the truest finite model possible__as relates to the ‘Finite Oneness of Infinity…” Since, it’s really impossible to establish ground for the finite at the infinitesimal infinities level of, due to combinatorial explosions of field waves, as we go toward the smaller, which be necessary of becoming infinite__Then, the only door open to absolute ground is “The Finite Oneness of Infinity…” Now, this may at first sound contradictory, but it’s certainly not__as when one realizes all finities explode to infinities, at infinitesimal limits__the only option left, to achieve true scientific ground is “The Absolute Oneness of Infinity…” But, this should never be confused or conflated with how we do finite science__It’s sole purpose is to give solid grounding to where infinite imagination splits from the true and sound finite Ratio-Logic…

The Finiteness of True and Sound Scientific Measure, Is and Must Always Be__Our Fundamental Scientific Ground, Even Though We Must Thoroughly Explore Theoretical Infinite Imagination to Arrive At The Ultimate Truth__Which Is The Scientific Method of Hypothesis, Theory or Abduction…

Though There Be Thousands of Theories and Models__There Be Only One Absolutely True One__The Absolutely Necessary FS of Infinity__Because All Finiteness Decays Into The Absolute Fundamental Infinity Cycles, of The Great Circles Of The Eternal Infinite Universe…

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