Friday, September 18, 2009

The Inverse Conflexivity of Mind, Common Sense & Lucid Visions of Nature, Humanity & Materialism___Ontology of…

The above title is obviously copied from my last graphic… The ontology of humanism and materialism is a subject argued about since the dawn of organizing, and organized society. Ontology is the "metaphysical science or study of being," as per the online etymology dictionary; I am here extending it to the total actions of being, to include nature, and being’s materialism, yet it must be discussed metaphysically, until I may be able to later show a scientific method to better explain this subject, which I full well realize is very dear to many hearts. I simply think we can contribute much more to constructive dialogue and pragmatic action, if we can bring the metaphysical understanding more toward the real scientific understanding. This will in no way destroy the metaphysical ground of true heartfelt being, as there are many, many questions science can never answer; but there are also far too many dilemmas of social organizations left floundering in totally un-necessary arguments, by not scientizing that which should be scientized; and what should not be scientized, and can not be scientized, should be left to the metaphysical realm.

How do I know what should be scientized? It’s not a question of me knowing what should and should not be scientized; It’s a simple matter of that which can be scientized, will be scientized, and there’s not a soul on earth who can stop it; or anyone who should stop it.(If these areas turn dangerous, I leave it to the courts and laws to deal with.) As no-one can stop the inevitable, just as no one can stop evolution from being true, or DNA/RNA from being true and beneficial to humanity. The arguments we all witness in the public forums over these issues, and those over humanism and materialism, are completely un-necessary if one simply realizes, each side of these issues is simply ‘reacting’ instead of acting with one’s own common sense and intelligence. To make this simpler to explain, let me use the political spectrum of left and right issues. The humanist left reacts for their own desires, yet in truthfully looking at these actions, is actually reacting against what they perceive as their liberties being reduced, so react they do. The right is just as guilty as the left at ‘reacting’ against the left, in fear of their liberties being reduced, so react they do. Neither side of any of these humanist/materialist or leftist/rightist issues is acting in their own best interest__No-one on either side of any of the contemporary issues offers a truly workable solution to either side’s desires__Not the other’s or their own.

The only solution is to see these differences with a new vision and perception of inverse conflexivity, which requires lucid vision and perception of self-awareness, by being other-aware__Also. The easiest way to accomplish this is to completely invert the picture/image/movie within one’s mind, to thoroughly see it in its opposite light. You’d be surprised what this can accomplish. Let me just give you an example. I once asked at a conference when greed was mentioned; I asked, “What is greed?” Of course most thought it a ridiculous question, but I pressed the issue thus; “Truly and deeply think about this__What is greed? What really causes greed?” Finally, after considerable questions and debate, they started taking me seriously, and began to contemplate it, as they’d taken it for-granted, all their lives. They thought they knew what it meant__but realized they truly did not know what caused greed, thus couldn’t truly know what it was. This came as quite a shock to the entire group, after the conversations finally got moving. So, what is greed, and what does cause greed?

This is where the inversity of conflexivity comes in. By turning mental images/mentalities up-side-down, and looking at them anew, one is able to see an entirely new thought process within their own imaging/thinking processes. Just try this; take the issue you think and care the most about, and reverse your views completely about the same issue. It’s actually the same as taking the other person’s view, you hold opposite views of, and making them your own. When one does this, it allows one to climb directly into another’s mind, without even having them present; then you can actually see what’s missing of their thought system, as reflected in your thought system, by direct and total comparison. And if one is honest enough to realize the missing pieces in another’s thinking, through this thought inversion, then one must realize the same may be missing in their own thinking, as deep conflexive inversions are usually symmetrical, even of opposing views, images, concepts and perceptions. If you don’t think so__Just try it__and be honest about it…

Not to leave you in the dark about what causes greed, and what it truly is; here’s my experience of it, as I was once a businessman, who’s very being was being taken over by greed; until it repulsed me enough to close my business, and return to a normal job, working for the man. Greed is induced by several combinations of factors; the major being childhood pride and vanity induced by self, parents and friends, but when one has more money and opportunities than others, and showing off comes natural, the main culprit is adrenaline feeding these weak childhood passions, into habits of worse habits feeding on each other. Once pride and vanity begin swelling, fed by adrenaline, the greed junkie is born, never to stop__unless repulsed as I early was(businessman at 21 yrs. of age), yet I still suffer the disease of showing off, as I am still an adrenaline junkie with a damaged ego__Once a junkie, always a junkie. Mine is no longer greed, it’s just being a show-off junkie, but I was once a severely damaged greed, vanity, show-off and pride junkie of pure adrenaline and out-of-control ego…

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