Yes, I used to wonder about the same problem___No highly intelligent economists on the news. Think about it, the reason is simple___Ratings of short sound bites pays the stations more___Economic ideas take time to present. The only place you'll find them at all is Fareed Sakaria at 1:00 pm on Sunday, yet he thinks he's too smart to allow economic intelligence to surface, even when he has them on, although I did see a good piece with the leader of China___Fareed didn't dare take over his conversation. He actually had time to say something___Most interesting points were, capitalization of markets from the bottom up, as Obama has suggested, and that he reads Marcus Aurelius, over and over, at least a 100 times. The show was still too short to delve deep into real world economics. I've already written to all the news-medias with suggestions of major economists and economic ideas to present. The best I've achieved is to get Lou Dobbs to re-book the major economist/historian/journalist, Behar, about the China in Africa exploitation expose. He did it within days of my asking him to. Fareed seems to be to egoistic to pay attention to anyone he doesn't think viable, and he's way off the mark, as pertains to his total knowledge of real world economics.
It's really a political/ideological/belief system problem___Most believe far too trivially about the real world, instead of knowing something about the real world. To me, believers un-knowingly victemize themselves and others into false beliefs, thus the logic needed to truly understand the world, suffers, though I do see the "airplane" of thought slowly landing, the further we advance into this global financial madness, as it really is a belief system problem of "White Global Corporate Tax Haven and Free Trade Market Racism"___i.e., The Rich against the Poor, as always___Wall St. draining Main St. All the problem's in the "Predator Virtual State Tax Havens' Fictitious Wealth Creation", to the tune of $596 Trillion of derivatives securitizations, actually "Embezzling" the $50 Trillion of real global economies' wealth, through market and trade transactions, right in front of everyone's eyes, yet most do not "SEE". This is the main reason I like and back Obama(also backs tax haven and currency reforms), as he has clearly mentioned taking care of "Main Street First" and "Wall St. Last" except in absolute emergency conditions, as we've recently witnessed. Myself, I'd have fixed the "Law System First", since throwing "Good Money" after "Bad Law" is futile___As the "Borg" used to say, on Startrek, "Resistance is futile..." I've written about this often...
Anyway, until the political/economic climate deteriates still further, Resistance to good ideas is paramount, and Action is yet futile, but I'm still trying, and not giving up, as no-one will know the exact moment the resistance level can be breached...
Just a side note on logic, as I recently realized a deeper vision into its functioning; Logic requires "sufficient intelligence" and "efficient analytical judgment" to produce true epistemological knowledge. This is severely lacking in most humans on planet Earth. All I'm stating is the proper and sufficient collection of info, into one's memory conceptualizations, then carefully parsing such ecleticism of information into completely true analyized judgments and knowledge. Most take in far too little information to process anything into any meaningful knowledge systems, thus end only in beliefs/ideologies/dogmas, i.e., mysticisms/metaphysics. Eclecticism(many world views of information) processing solves this problem. Peirce, Veblen and Montegue taught us this, if we study history, most a hundred years ago, yet the colleges easily forget, when entrepreneurial professors want to sell and teach their own new "Tripe Books."
Have faith in the truth eventually being uncovered, as this economic disaster brings us closer to the ground, of true and total reasoning... It's going to be a painful ride, but humanity seems to learn nothing useful, except through such pain, if you catch what I mean... Let's just hope the pain is limited to the emotional, intellectual faculties, and not war...
BTW, I'd love to have you write these shows with your suggestions. Maybe with more doing it, we may get some action. And, next month, the world leaders are going to meet in D.C. to try and hammar out real economic solutions. Too bad most will be with bad corporate/tax haven, banker/economists, yet it may give the media a chance to awake from the "lack of knowledge" sleep...
“The American Mind” blog is an active research site anyone can use to find the deepest ideas of global change, now taking place. It includes more personal ideas of major macro-economics, cutting edge philosophical ideas, new mathematical and scientific ideas, published over the last few years. The links and articles are up-to-date, often serious articles culled from the web and my own materials, of the most important and pertinent ideas to global economic change, from all eras of history...
Monday, October 27, 2008
Media's Missing Intelligent Economists...
In answer as to why the major media stations lack meaningful intelligent economists...
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Entire Global Market Law System Is Broken___Throwing Good Money After Bad Law Makes No Sense…!
"Derivatives' Debt Gobbles Gov. Credit..."
“Triage needed___Band-aids offered…”
"The house of fundamental monetary truths shows the monetary system's spiritual hand of greed controls all life through money. Furthermore, the world is a gambling casino of greed designed and sanctioned by God. Money is the mind of the spirit. The bankers are the dealers. Government is the laws and we are the hands playing the cards of greed. This my friends must change!!!
"Without a full understanding of the functioning of forward markets, all discussion of exchange rate policy must remain seriously deficient." Egon Sohmen
"The general public live in blissful ignorance of the whole subject of finance and of the manner in which the wealth of money lenders is augmented at the public expense by the manipulation of currency and credit." U.
"Overvaluation and undervaluation of currencies is one of the most intricate, most actual, and practically most important chapters of economic science." U.
"We need a fixed value monetary system. At the present time, we have none. Under floating exchanges, America is simply a powerful ship on an ocean, with no rudder. Old gold, silver, and other known standards will no longer work. They will not work due to the massive increases in communication's speed, the varied endowments of nations' natural resources, and encrypted international speculative opportunities. Therefore, we need a new system. "INTERNAL EXCHANGE CLEARING" is such a system. It is an entirely new fixed value enhancing - [production standard] - monetary system, to benefit all humankind."
All nations must rise to their transcended higher natures of rational realizations, and they must now step into the positions of complete “Market Maker” roles, and design the new market laws necessary, to save the world from complete legal-economic destruction. We can no longer fiddle while Rome burns. This is serious, for the very survival of our species. If we continue to not recognize the true failure of “Pseudo-Free Markets”, and fail to recognize the new roles governments now must play, we will pay a severe price. The last forty years evolution of market, trade, finance and politics have put all nations’ local law and market systems, in extreme conflict with the international contract-law and market systems, to the point where the local systems’ efficiency and viability, has been destroyed by the extreme inefficient “system costs” of the international “Shadow Banking” system, suppressing and eliminating this local viability. Simply said, we have two dynamic law systems in absolute collision___the local and the international___so, we now require major monetary system law reform___FAST and FIRST…!
Where is the fundamental origin of the “Shadow Banking Derivatives” crisis? Is it really in the sub-prime mortgages? No…! The fundamental origin is in the entire foreign exchange, market and trade system, starting in the Nixon administration. The diversion of exchange rate laws, and G.A.T.T. laws, is the origin of all risk market problems___derivatives are mainly risk insurance markets, to protect against exchange rate variances___they existed then as forward markets and contracts, etc. If nations and market players had then been on their toes, they would have foreseen future market problems, with such a flawed, radically, imbalancing law structures’ future collisions potentials, as they had been warned by Paul Einzig, in 1968, when he testified before America’s Senate___They didn’t listen then, no more than they listened to William Spaulding, after WW I, leading us needlessly into `29. Until everyone sees this true fundamental origin of our present problems, to be located in the entire global market law structures, we are just spinning our wheels on ice, trying to throw good money after bad law, to solve a financial problem, which is in FACT, a Law Problem.
Niccolo Machiavelli and John Law would be “real proud” of us right now, but neither are any hero, for us to look up to. At this moment, we should be looking to the true “master minds” of history, instead. My suggestions are Plato’s currency, market and banking system, Benjamin Franklin’s currency, market and banking system, Alexander Hamilton’s currency, market and banking system, J.M. Keynes’ currency, market and banking system, Paul Einzig’s currency, market and banking system, Paul Davidson’s currency, market and banking system, Jane D’Arista’s currency, market and banking system, and even mine. We are in a true currency, market and banking crisis, fully interpreted as the global international financial architecture, which includes all foreign exchanges, markets, trade and political systems of LAW… “All problems are law problems”. No amount of finance thrown at markets will change this absolute fundamental fact of reality. When we have money problems, we have nothing but fundamental Law Problems. So, how long do you suppose it’ll take the nations of the world to awake to the facts of true knowledge? I know one thing, we had soon awake, or we’re all dead. Just as Aristotle stated, “When a nation loses control of its currency, it matters not what the law is”. We are an entire world that has long ago lost control of its currencies, and we can only regain control with new and proper currency, market and trade Laws___Immediately implemented.
Over the past months, I’ve posted articles related to all the above in this blog: For full details, I’d suggest reading from the first post back in May, to this one. You can skip the four posts about biology and physics, unless interested. Most of the details are included to what I have above written. If you wish more information, check out my other blog at: which I’ve been publishing for over five years, or my newest book notes at:
Anyone interested in more information, please e-mail me at:
“Triage needed___Band-aids offered…”
"The house of fundamental monetary truths shows the monetary system's spiritual hand of greed controls all life through money. Furthermore, the world is a gambling casino of greed designed and sanctioned by God. Money is the mind of the spirit. The bankers are the dealers. Government is the laws and we are the hands playing the cards of greed. This my friends must change!!!
"Without a full understanding of the functioning of forward markets, all discussion of exchange rate policy must remain seriously deficient." Egon Sohmen
"The general public live in blissful ignorance of the whole subject of finance and of the manner in which the wealth of money lenders is augmented at the public expense by the manipulation of currency and credit." U.
"Overvaluation and undervaluation of currencies is one of the most intricate, most actual, and practically most important chapters of economic science." U.
"We need a fixed value monetary system. At the present time, we have none. Under floating exchanges, America is simply a powerful ship on an ocean, with no rudder. Old gold, silver, and other known standards will no longer work. They will not work due to the massive increases in communication's speed, the varied endowments of nations' natural resources, and encrypted international speculative opportunities. Therefore, we need a new system. "INTERNAL EXCHANGE CLEARING" is such a system. It is an entirely new fixed value enhancing - [production standard] - monetary system, to benefit all humankind."
All nations must rise to their transcended higher natures of rational realizations, and they must now step into the positions of complete “Market Maker” roles, and design the new market laws necessary, to save the world from complete legal-economic destruction. We can no longer fiddle while Rome burns. This is serious, for the very survival of our species. If we continue to not recognize the true failure of “Pseudo-Free Markets”, and fail to recognize the new roles governments now must play, we will pay a severe price. The last forty years evolution of market, trade, finance and politics have put all nations’ local law and market systems, in extreme conflict with the international contract-law and market systems, to the point where the local systems’ efficiency and viability, has been destroyed by the extreme inefficient “system costs” of the international “Shadow Banking” system, suppressing and eliminating this local viability. Simply said, we have two dynamic law systems in absolute collision___the local and the international___so, we now require major monetary system law reform___FAST and FIRST…!
Where is the fundamental origin of the “Shadow Banking Derivatives” crisis? Is it really in the sub-prime mortgages? No…! The fundamental origin is in the entire foreign exchange, market and trade system, starting in the Nixon administration. The diversion of exchange rate laws, and G.A.T.T. laws, is the origin of all risk market problems___derivatives are mainly risk insurance markets, to protect against exchange rate variances___they existed then as forward markets and contracts, etc. If nations and market players had then been on their toes, they would have foreseen future market problems, with such a flawed, radically, imbalancing law structures’ future collisions potentials, as they had been warned by Paul Einzig, in 1968, when he testified before America’s Senate___They didn’t listen then, no more than they listened to William Spaulding, after WW I, leading us needlessly into `29. Until everyone sees this true fundamental origin of our present problems, to be located in the entire global market law structures, we are just spinning our wheels on ice, trying to throw good money after bad law, to solve a financial problem, which is in FACT, a Law Problem.
Niccolo Machiavelli and John Law would be “real proud” of us right now, but neither are any hero, for us to look up to. At this moment, we should be looking to the true “master minds” of history, instead. My suggestions are Plato’s currency, market and banking system, Benjamin Franklin’s currency, market and banking system, Alexander Hamilton’s currency, market and banking system, J.M. Keynes’ currency, market and banking system, Paul Einzig’s currency, market and banking system, Paul Davidson’s currency, market and banking system, Jane D’Arista’s currency, market and banking system, and even mine. We are in a true currency, market and banking crisis, fully interpreted as the global international financial architecture, which includes all foreign exchanges, markets, trade and political systems of LAW… “All problems are law problems”. No amount of finance thrown at markets will change this absolute fundamental fact of reality. When we have money problems, we have nothing but fundamental Law Problems. So, how long do you suppose it’ll take the nations of the world to awake to the facts of true knowledge? I know one thing, we had soon awake, or we’re all dead. Just as Aristotle stated, “When a nation loses control of its currency, it matters not what the law is”. We are an entire world that has long ago lost control of its currencies, and we can only regain control with new and proper currency, market and trade Laws___Immediately implemented.
Over the past months, I’ve posted articles related to all the above in this blog: For full details, I’d suggest reading from the first post back in May, to this one. You can skip the four posts about biology and physics, unless interested. Most of the details are included to what I have above written. If you wish more information, check out my other blog at: which I’ve been publishing for over five years, or my newest book notes at:
Anyone interested in more information, please e-mail me at:
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Is The World Mature Enough To Handle “Free Money Print” Governments…?
“I’m fully aware of history’s inflations, deflations and hyper-inflations, and all other dynamic market mechanics. I am absolutely, logically analytical… If you don’t think free money prints are viable and required, please read on…”
Egypt, Greece and Rome experienced many models of money, credit and political organizations, through their long histories. Can we learn something new from them…? First, I am a super-macro-economist. I state this to simply distinguish between average macro-economists, who deal with existing academic knowledge systems, and my unique anthropological-macro-economic models, of possible futures, you have not yet heard of. I accept the validity of most economists publishing on Nouriel Roubini’s site, and most of all respect Paul Davidson’s posts, and the extended posts on his site, and the books he has written. Paul’s ideas, if enacted two years ago, may have saved the world from the dire conditions, we now find ourselves in, but due to the evolution of markets into a condition where the “Shadow Banking System Wolf” is fast eating the “Real Banking System Sheep”, new ideas are required.
Globally, the international economic-law system/systems of markets, trade and finance are devouring the local economic-law systems of most all nations, and shortly all nations can not escape the calamity in process. As mentioned by many, ships are sitting in ports, unable to finance loading or unloading. Trucking companies are on the verge of bankruptcy. Rail lines are having trouble obtaining load/unloading financing. China has canceled orders with Australia for steel. Oil tanker traffic is being reduced by the global credit freeze, and on and on it goes, as many have published about already. In short, the system is collapsing___faster than most of the world realizes, and the governments’ plans of this weekend are too wrong, too little, too late___to save the system, without drastic new “Law Ideas”. We can’t keep throwing good money after bad. We must enact new system responsibility laws “FAST” to save the system, or many will starve, freeze and die!
Temporarily, we will shortly have to close the international financial markets and all foreign exchange and book/computer exchanges of, to emplace the required new capital law system controls. The real trade markets must remain open. Financing must be Immediately insured by all governments wishing to receive their required trade goods. An international clearing house must be Immediately set up, just for necessary goods, and winding down of existing, “in process”, real trade contracts, deemed necessary by banks, corporations and governments, where possible finance is allotted. From now on, this will be emergency financing first, for survival purposes, as many markets will further constrict rather rapidly, from here on out, until the new local and international law architectures are emplaced, and enough new hyper-financing is forthcoming…
ALL governments should Now act as “market makers”, and eventually will need to, Insure and re-capitalize all the viable banks left standing, and close those severely impaired. The longer they wait, the more it will cost___better to pay less now, than more later. America should Immediately freeze all real goods prices from rising, yet allow all real goods prices to move down, while wages and profits are allowed to move up. This does not include the stock and commodity markets, as they must be left free to find their own pricing levels. Other nations will eventually have to do the same. Everything, and all markets, can be returned to normal after the time needed to formulate and emplace the new law structures I will put forward. These temporary acts are only required for the time needed to educate and emplace the new regulatory legal architectures. This will take time as, most likely, it will be America leading this new effort, just as it was with Bretton Woods in the `40’s. All nations will eventually have to sign on, and eventually will, when they see the drastic conditions hitting their own nations, as many already have. All will see shortly…
Now, to make these new ideas as short and concise as possible, I’ll use a transposed model of Egypt on America and the modern world. How did Egypt last almost 5,000 years? Let’s assume she used “Tally-board Capitalism”. What is it? Nothing other than set prices, as wages and profits rise. How did they finance such dynamics? Just as Greece and Rome did___Plunder of satellite areas and empires. But, we are civilized, so how can we transpose Egypt’s credit and financial system on America, and the world, also, without the stupidity of domination and war? The dynamic mechanics of Egypt’s credit and financing through plunder, can be comparatively transposed into the modern world through a higher understanding of our own credit, banking and printing press dynamics, which most, if not everybody, has not yet considered. The reason you will listen to me is the fact that “Derivatives’ Casino Capitalism” can never again be set up on the old plan, due to the fact, far too many people have learned how to be “Wolves” devouring “Sheep”, with global computer driven trades___Nor would we ever want to set up such an ill-fated, over-leveraged, gambling casino again___At least not any sane-minded people...
All we need to use “Crude Printing” to replace Egypt’s “Tally-board Capitalism”, is a proper inflation/deflation controlling law system architecture, based on the efficient necessity, imperative of responsibility, yet fully grounded in real “New Law”. This simply requires our full understanding of the fractional reserve banking system’s expansion to “Triple Entry Banking”, “Internal Exchange Clearing” and its related “Private/Public Enterprise 20% P.X. System” of new “Marshall’s Units of Production” standard laws, to control inflation/deflation internally, no matter how much pressure is put on our currency, by foreign nations. This system is either feasible multilaterally or unilaterally/autonomously, which fully respects the sovereignty of America, and all nations concerned. No matter what other nations attempt to price our currency at, we maintain our own internal and external values, and export and import as needed, after law system implementation, by being able to export real goods to receive other nations’ currencies, when currency is devalued by others, with no effect on our prices; and buy other nations’ currencies with exports, when our currency is revalued by others, with our print ability to export, no matter where the external value may be set, yet this system does not set in play the currency competition witnessed in the `30’s, due to the fact of its superior functioning, where all nations will be more than willing to adopt such an extremely efficient operating a system, to enhance their own nation’s superior health and survival. The “New Law System” must be written with “Dynamic Sliding Time Scale Laws”, of change, that benefit not only America, but all other nations of the entire world. Paul Davidson’s ICMU works very close to this system, is better known, and can also be implemented along with my system, yet my system can be used better in the dire emergency conditions we now find our condition. Time is of the essence…
A better, yet not fully complete article of my, Plato’s, Benjamin Franklin’s, and Paul Davidson’s systems is available at this link:
Articles and ideas I’ve been posting over the last five years are available at this link:
Hope to see you soon, in the new world…
...and I also meant to have the gov. "market maker", also perform all the refinancing backing for the banks, market and citizens of lost homes... Big price-tag___but better to pay less now, than much more later...
Better get used to using the printing press___It's about time to figure a law system to use it responsibly, yet thoroughly, i.e., prices down while wages and profits increase___It Is Possible... A New Model of Global Credit Productivity...
Even possible autonomously, if necessary...
Egypt, Greece and Rome experienced many models of money, credit and political organizations, through their long histories. Can we learn something new from them…? First, I am a super-macro-economist. I state this to simply distinguish between average macro-economists, who deal with existing academic knowledge systems, and my unique anthropological-macro-economic models, of possible futures, you have not yet heard of. I accept the validity of most economists publishing on Nouriel Roubini’s site, and most of all respect Paul Davidson’s posts, and the extended posts on his site, and the books he has written. Paul’s ideas, if enacted two years ago, may have saved the world from the dire conditions, we now find ourselves in, but due to the evolution of markets into a condition where the “Shadow Banking System Wolf” is fast eating the “Real Banking System Sheep”, new ideas are required.
Globally, the international economic-law system/systems of markets, trade and finance are devouring the local economic-law systems of most all nations, and shortly all nations can not escape the calamity in process. As mentioned by many, ships are sitting in ports, unable to finance loading or unloading. Trucking companies are on the verge of bankruptcy. Rail lines are having trouble obtaining load/unloading financing. China has canceled orders with Australia for steel. Oil tanker traffic is being reduced by the global credit freeze, and on and on it goes, as many have published about already. In short, the system is collapsing___faster than most of the world realizes, and the governments’ plans of this weekend are too wrong, too little, too late___to save the system, without drastic new “Law Ideas”. We can’t keep throwing good money after bad. We must enact new system responsibility laws “FAST” to save the system, or many will starve, freeze and die!
Temporarily, we will shortly have to close the international financial markets and all foreign exchange and book/computer exchanges of, to emplace the required new capital law system controls. The real trade markets must remain open. Financing must be Immediately insured by all governments wishing to receive their required trade goods. An international clearing house must be Immediately set up, just for necessary goods, and winding down of existing, “in process”, real trade contracts, deemed necessary by banks, corporations and governments, where possible finance is allotted. From now on, this will be emergency financing first, for survival purposes, as many markets will further constrict rather rapidly, from here on out, until the new local and international law architectures are emplaced, and enough new hyper-financing is forthcoming…
ALL governments should Now act as “market makers”, and eventually will need to, Insure and re-capitalize all the viable banks left standing, and close those severely impaired. The longer they wait, the more it will cost___better to pay less now, than more later. America should Immediately freeze all real goods prices from rising, yet allow all real goods prices to move down, while wages and profits are allowed to move up. This does not include the stock and commodity markets, as they must be left free to find their own pricing levels. Other nations will eventually have to do the same. Everything, and all markets, can be returned to normal after the time needed to formulate and emplace the new law structures I will put forward. These temporary acts are only required for the time needed to educate and emplace the new regulatory legal architectures. This will take time as, most likely, it will be America leading this new effort, just as it was with Bretton Woods in the `40’s. All nations will eventually have to sign on, and eventually will, when they see the drastic conditions hitting their own nations, as many already have. All will see shortly…
Now, to make these new ideas as short and concise as possible, I’ll use a transposed model of Egypt on America and the modern world. How did Egypt last almost 5,000 years? Let’s assume she used “Tally-board Capitalism”. What is it? Nothing other than set prices, as wages and profits rise. How did they finance such dynamics? Just as Greece and Rome did___Plunder of satellite areas and empires. But, we are civilized, so how can we transpose Egypt’s credit and financial system on America, and the world, also, without the stupidity of domination and war? The dynamic mechanics of Egypt’s credit and financing through plunder, can be comparatively transposed into the modern world through a higher understanding of our own credit, banking and printing press dynamics, which most, if not everybody, has not yet considered. The reason you will listen to me is the fact that “Derivatives’ Casino Capitalism” can never again be set up on the old plan, due to the fact, far too many people have learned how to be “Wolves” devouring “Sheep”, with global computer driven trades___Nor would we ever want to set up such an ill-fated, over-leveraged, gambling casino again___At least not any sane-minded people...
All we need to use “Crude Printing” to replace Egypt’s “Tally-board Capitalism”, is a proper inflation/deflation controlling law system architecture, based on the efficient necessity, imperative of responsibility, yet fully grounded in real “New Law”. This simply requires our full understanding of the fractional reserve banking system’s expansion to “Triple Entry Banking”, “Internal Exchange Clearing” and its related “Private/Public Enterprise 20% P.X. System” of new “Marshall’s Units of Production” standard laws, to control inflation/deflation internally, no matter how much pressure is put on our currency, by foreign nations. This system is either feasible multilaterally or unilaterally/autonomously, which fully respects the sovereignty of America, and all nations concerned. No matter what other nations attempt to price our currency at, we maintain our own internal and external values, and export and import as needed, after law system implementation, by being able to export real goods to receive other nations’ currencies, when currency is devalued by others, with no effect on our prices; and buy other nations’ currencies with exports, when our currency is revalued by others, with our print ability to export, no matter where the external value may be set, yet this system does not set in play the currency competition witnessed in the `30’s, due to the fact of its superior functioning, where all nations will be more than willing to adopt such an extremely efficient operating a system, to enhance their own nation’s superior health and survival. The “New Law System” must be written with “Dynamic Sliding Time Scale Laws”, of change, that benefit not only America, but all other nations of the entire world. Paul Davidson’s ICMU works very close to this system, is better known, and can also be implemented along with my system, yet my system can be used better in the dire emergency conditions we now find our condition. Time is of the essence…
A better, yet not fully complete article of my, Plato’s, Benjamin Franklin’s, and Paul Davidson’s systems is available at this link:
Articles and ideas I’ve been posting over the last five years are available at this link:
Hope to see you soon, in the new world…
...and I also meant to have the gov. "market maker", also perform all the refinancing backing for the banks, market and citizens of lost homes... Big price-tag___but better to pay less now, than much more later...
Better get used to using the printing press___It's about time to figure a law system to use it responsibly, yet thoroughly, i.e., prices down while wages and profits increase___It Is Possible... A New Model of Global Credit Productivity...
Even possible autonomously, if necessary...